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Doctor Who: Season 8

8x06 The Caretaker

I really, reaaally dislike Danny. The actor plays that jelly, tragic warhero boyfriend terribly.
But most of all the relationship between him and Clara is so incredibly made up out of thin air, it feels totally artificial. So much so, that it annoys me seeing them together in scenes. And that's not because both are cringy together.

It's times like this I miss Amy. :(

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So why is it a concern that the monster will appear in two days (or, for that matter, in 20 seconds) when the Doctor would just have to travel to a different time, finish his work, then travel back and catch it? Time travel logic aside, I'm actually starting to really like Danny - I definitely understand the Doctor's prejudice against soldiers, but Danny brilliantly pointed out something that the Doctor has probably never fully accepted himself: that he not only dislikes soldiers because their main purpose is to threaten and destroy, and because they follow orders without question, but also because he wants to be the one to give those orders.

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I love it when the Doctor whistles "Another Brick in the Wall". ;-)

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Shout by AJ

Well, that's 6 episodes with this new Doctor and I still don't like him. And as much as I miss Matt Smith's brilliance, my problem isn't actually Capaldi, it's the Doctor. Yes, Eleventh was crazy, hectic, impulsive, annoying more times than not, extremely secretive, he had the attention span of a toddler... but he also was joyful, always amazed by the tiniest things, and above all, he was caring, and kind. Now? Now he's just a jerk.

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