That episode where the Doctor saves his future self and his companion is kidnapped by his future companion.

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its a great episode, but a little bit sad

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I mainly remembered The Fires of Pompeii as "that episode with Peter Capaldi" but jesus christ this is actually legit good. Like one of the best espides in the RTD era good. On every level this show works. From the humor of Caecilius and his family being a "modern" nuclear household transposed to roman times. All the latin jokes, the water gun. Honestly this episode is surprisingly funny. To the rich moral questions about time travel. Just the emotionality of the ending of this episode is jsut amazing. The Doctor and Donna condemning Pompeii together to save the earth, the sheer horror of the destruction. Donna's just save one speech with fucking ripped me through the heart like like a bullet. Catherine Tate is just firing on all cylinders in this one. her intense unshakable compassion is amazing. She doesn't take the Doctor's word for anything,. Her constant pushback and insistence on doing the right thing was fucking brilliant.

God this whole episode is amazing and right after the phenominl Partner's in Crime. i think this series in gonna blow all of new who out of the water.

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Archeologists found evidence only for 1500-2000 deaths. There were 16 hours of smoke and brewing before the actual explosion. So, many people escaped in that time.

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