Incomprehensible from start to finish. While it's nice to learn some of Vinder's backstory, it isn't written into the story very well, as we're introduced to another character with their own plotline (halfway through the story!). The plot (whatever it is at this point) takes a pause for us to learn a lot of other backstory in the most confusing way possible, on top of adding ANOTHER new mysterious character that the Doctor has a vision of. That's gotten really old really quick.

I don't think we've ever gone from a banger episode right into such a messy episode. This episode left me seriously confused. We are halfway through this season and there's basically no plot progression to speak of. I feel so lost right now.

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And yet another story-line all over the place, when are we going to get an episode that actually makes sense?

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When they were talking about time versus space my brain was like ooooh Dialga versus Palkia.

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I really enjoyed this one, even though extremely confusing and insane. I do hope though that they stop introducing new characters next episode and focus on explaining what the hell is going on.

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I liked what they were trying to do with this episode, I just thought that it wasn't executed very well.

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this was super messy, but bel and vinder? omg i've had them for one episode and if anything were to happen to them, i'd k word all the writers and then myself :weary::ok_hand:

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I've been watching Dr Who since the beginning and have always been a loyal fan. I honestly turned this episode off half way thru, I just can't understand the frantic speech nonsense it sounds like gieberish. :thumbsdown:

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Honestly, the hallucinatory, slightly psychedelic structure of this episode gives the phrase "the trip of a lifetime" a whole new meaning.

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Too many characters. Too many thick accents. Kind of all over the place. Better than last season but not as good as several season a go. Hope they stop putting in more random character & focus.

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I think Bel's introduction to the show is one of the best non-primary character introductions ever

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This season has kind of a Tom Baker or Sylvester McCoy era Doctor feel to the storyline. A little confusing, but I'm much more interested than I was with last season.

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