Two in a row! Dare I hope Chibnall has course corrected back to classic Who stories. Great to see familiar faces and horns. A novel twist. An ominous portend. Spectacular episode. I give this episode a 9 (superb) out of 10

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This was a great episode. Finally.

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Is it wrong that I liked Ruth's Tardis better than the current Doctor's Tardis...

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Finally they got it right! Although the episode was mildly confusion it has to be one of the best so far!!! I mean the return of Jack Harkness is something i wanted for seasons!! I screamed when i saw it happen. Also i'm wondering how it will all go now. Always loved the Judoon, also happy they spoke english this time haha. Cant wait for next week!

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Easily the best episode of Jodie's time as the Doctor, looking forward to seeing where these plot threads lead

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I liked it. How could I not. It had Capt. Jack and the Judoon. The dual Doctor thing was fine... Unless they are trying to say she was before William Hartnell then I may have to fight them.

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Did I really just see Captain Jack Harkness in the year 2020?!?!?!?! I can't believe it! Also, that Judoon Platoon upon the Moon line.... Chefs kiss. Makes me miss Ten.

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If this show continues to be like this I might like it again.

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This show..... Sigh

Ruth's acting is so stiff especially after becoming the doctor (? and it feels really hard to buy she's the doctor, if she is) the companions saying theyre family is so unjustified... Jodie's tenure feels so wasted istg. Jack turning up unexpectedly was really surprising but the way it's written feels like a loss of tension, rather than more excitement

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EASILY the best episode since Jodie became The Doctor.

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Oh, that was amazing!! I don't know how you feel but this episode is the best for a while

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One of the better episodes this season or of any with Jodie Whittaker. Since it’s weird and all Science Fiction. Without trying to preach about an agenda.

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Finally an episode that I loved! It‘s fantastic that Jack is back!!!. And I actually liked the Ruth-Doctor much more than Jodie.

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Not sure why Jodie Whittaker's image on this page is that of Christopher Eccleston .. Anyway this was a fantastic episode.

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JACK FUCKING HARKNESS!!! OH MY GOD, I MISSED HIM SO MUCH! Jack and Thirteen are the iconic chaotic duo we deserve! The cowards in the writers' room didn't let them meet cause they knew those two would be too powerful together. (Also, if they don't let them kiss, I'm suing).
Loved the callbacks to David Tennant's iconic "a Judoon platoon upon the moon" line.
I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of the new incarnation of the Doctor. Nothing against the actress, but she doesn't feel like the Doctor to me. Like, she's too put together? My Doctor is a clown with a single brain cell, so I don't vibe with this sophisticated version. The storyline looks interesting though. Has the Doctor lost her memory or is Ruth!Doctor from an alternate timeline/universe? How does the Timeless Child fit into this? And what was Jack talking about? So many questions. I hope the pay off is worth it.

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More PC bullshit. Could have been great, but the writers are sticking to their political/social trash writing.

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This is starting to go somewhere. I hope the return of Jack is more than just a one time cameo.

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Oh, The Rhyming... Seriously... The Rhyming!

Such a great episode!

Love the surprise appearance of an old face. Hope to see more of jack in the future.

Interesting twist. - The potential for some new cool lore.

Bit of criticism of the season, not the individual episode.

Something I've noticed in this season. Each episode is trying to cram a lot of information into a short run time. There's not 'time' ironically to explore and 'have fun' because there's not enough episodes in the season. It's just all too condensed. In my opinion it needs to be spread out, make more episodes, play with the characters a bit. - The whole cast of this doctor seems to be 'rammed down our throat' if you understand what I mean. We are just supposed to like them all, and I do. But there's no reason why. There's something off, and I just can't put my finger on it apart from the condensed episodes. If you understands what I mean and can shed some further insight into 'what feels off' about this whole season. Let me know. - I'm scratching my head trying to figure it out.

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Amazing episode throughout! Loved seeing Capt. Jack again though I'm a bit disappointed that it wasn't River who showed up (still not losing hope :slight_smile: ). And I wasn't sold on that new doctor, she just doesn't really seem like one. Perhaps she actually isn't since 13 did comment on how doctor never uses weapons which is true, so maybe she's someone else entirely and it will be addressed later on.

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15 episodes into his tenure as showrunner Chris has finally done something interesting.

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Best episode so far, of all the 13th doctor’s era. It was a huge change in this season: past lore, great execution, plot, future implications, character development and of course Jack Harkness!!!!!!
So many theories for Ruth… can’t wait to see how this turns out. Well done, finally

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First Doctor of Color in DW History and one of the Best Episodes of the Jodie Whitaker Era

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Shout by User

Not a bad episode, and I am glad they brought my favorite companion back (especially since the last time we saw him was on the Torchwood TV show) but I do wish they did more with him in this episode.

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The most fun episode of Thirteen's run so far! Even though it has a flimsy conclusion, it's still a ball.

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and I just lost my mind.... JACK HARKNESS! Breathed some life into this season. Jody is starting to grown on me.

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Good episode plz just dont fuck this up för me

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Do not bring back Jack Harkness for a short time! I hope he comes back later cause this episode had a lot of stuff happen but I didn't care about any of it cause they kept teasing us with Jack and all I wanted was scenes with Jack.

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