A bit more like earlier seasons of Doctor Who, but not as emotional as the season finales before that. I do not know, maybe it is just me and I might have sort of outgrown the show, but in this season it seemed to me that the series is trying to get up steam but it never actually really got to this point. The whole series looks to me like a season-long introduction which does not move past the initial stages. I hope we would really get to understand the characters more in the new season to come. I never knew I would say that but I miss Moffat's convoluted and absurd plots.

As for the episode itself, the eponymous battle turned out to be the battle for Graham's soul and his humanity.

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It was a good Episode -Terrible for a Season finale though.

Normally the Season Finale (only counting the modern era here) puts the pieces and hints together.
This one didn't do that. There wasn't a single revelation in it.

Also it is really disapointing not having seen a single old enemy - I still have hope for the special to fix that, but it's only a small hope...

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Was okay, but the Doc’s rambling and constant technobabble hit an all time annoyingly high this episode. Which they’d tone it down a bit and just do not explain every detail.

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Terrible season finale...Actually this whole season was a complete waste of time.

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A good episode but terrible season from start to finish. Just forgettable.

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Very bad episode. Very bad season. I believe Doctor Who will go back to its good old days. These bad episodes will be left behind.

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the only thing I can say after watching this episode: AMAZING! omg!

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The worst finale ever of the worst season ever. Doctor Who turned into a monster of a week mess, starring one woman dressed in a Forever 21 cardigan and three random strangers with zero personalities.

Remember Rose in Doomsday? Remember how Martha saved the Doctor? Remember Donna in Turn Left? Remember The Angels Take Manhattan? Face the Raven? Hell, even Bill becoming a cyberman. Remember all those emotions Doctor Who made us feel? Well, me too. This season there was nothing. Total vacuum. They can all just die for all I care.

I don't mind if the Doctor is a man, woman or a freaking honey badger. Just keep the writing good. Keep it smart. Not this sh*tfest.

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I thought it was one of the better episodes this season. There was action and Tardis interaction (which I like to see). It looped back to pick back up on the episode one villain. Two out of three of the sidekicks had nice relevant storylines. And Robert Baratheon.

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Shout by supersnek
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-11-09T06:14:29Z— updated 2022-03-10T19:21:53Z

Isn't keeping Shaw in stasis forever worse than death? Why are they acting like infinite torture is the better option here?

This whole season has had some weird takes on morality and morals. By far the worse one was the spiders episode though, where The Doctor herself said, aloud for the whole audience to hear, that letting spiders starve to death, scared and unable to move, was better than a quick death. That's like saying you should let a dog die painfully from cancer instead of putting them down because killing a creature, no matter what, is always wrong. Like, where's the nuance? Where's the critical thinking? It's completely absent.

I would have liked Graham not killing Shaw if the alternative wasn't a million times worse. Sure, it's poetic irony for Shaw to be trapped in the prison he created, but since everyone's abandoning the planet, we know there's a very slim chance Shaw will ever be let out. It's not the same thing as a long prison sentence, since there's no chance for repentance and rehabilitation.

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Great episode, but not for a season finale. It’s true it comes full circle with the beginning of the season, but it was a small scale arc. And absolutely unrelated to prior DW lore.
At least throughout the season there was character development for the companions, which shows in this episode. And the new doctor was awesome, every single minute.

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I loved this season and I think Jodie Whittaker is an awesome doctor with awesome companions.

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Jodie Whittaker reminds me of the actress who played Mackenzie in Newsroom, Emily Mortimer. They sound similar, and they have an analogous vibe and look.

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It was a decent episode.. just not season finale episode in my opinion. I just hope the new years special is better.. however by looking at the trailer it looks like is going to be more of the same.

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