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Dexter's Laboratory

Season 2

This season is even better than the first one. With more iconic nostalgic moments at every possible turn I couldn't help but be teary eyed at every episode I watched. The funny factor definitely didn't diminish one bit at all thanks to great episodes like the robot Parrot one and the Muffin King one. Surprisingly this season has quite a large bunch of nightmare fuel, I'm shocked I didn't have nightmares as a kid after seeing the clown episode or the one where Dexter is a prisoner on an alien world.

I really enjoyed the fact that Dexter's parents got to have more time in the spotlight, especially his Dad who in my opinion is the funniest character in the show, and that there were a lot more moments that showed how Dee Dee & Dexter love and depend on each other. Watching this as an adult was just as great as watching it as a kid, every song you hear is just as catchy as it was 20 years ago and the abundance of adult jokes make re-watching all of these feel like a brand new experience.

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