Here is the question. Could the writers not decide which ending they wanted to go with or do they really think that people would go along ”all shocked” with every single one of the twists ? Eventually you just wish the credits would come up.

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List interest in the 5 episodes in im afraid

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Well, it started promisingly enough.

By the end, I was only watching just because I had gotten so far.

An almost literal example of the sunken cost fallacy. Get it?

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Very soulless and pointless
I don’t see the mom as the big villain, I would be more pissed about her abandoning me than about her being an Eat the rich crusader, but other than manipulating the girlie to kill the detective’s partner I don’t see the damage.
I could see the potential of the friend group solving crimes but that’s a different premise and that leaves no room for the old man, btw what happened to him?

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