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Dark: Season 3

3x05 Life and Death

My heart continues to break for Ulrich. Katharina never made it back to save him. And she never made it in time to see Mikkel again. bUT WHY DOES JONAS DIE HERE?

loading replies is happenning!!!!!
This series is just beautifully untangling things little by little!! the same time twisting it more.....

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Wow... three major deaths in one episode. Crazy stuff.

Kudos to the casting department, yet again, with young Peter this time. It’s insane how I can instantly tell who these characters are based on the resemblance alone. Incredible!

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I know the name of this tv show is Dark but it has really got very very serious in this last season.

Some really messed up stuff happens even by Dark standards.

Hoping this ends in a way which makes sense of all the three seasons...

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every episode amazes me more with the casting choices!

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The part when there is the mother who makes violence on her daughter broke me in pieces

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I was in tears when Jones was shot!! #LoveAcrossMultiverse

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What drew me into this world back in the first season, then again in the second, and has been a little bit lacking from the third until this point is the exceptional character work the series is able to accomplish. The cyclical reflexivity lends itself remarkably well to tragedy. Can't believe Dark didn't catch on more.

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What the actual fuck is going on. I don’t understand shit.

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Anyone else confused AF?! Cause I sure am. I know who is who, except maybe who Noah is. But as stuff unravels things get more confusing.

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Why there are 4 Marthas?

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Definitely the most painful episode to watch. Lots of death and violence

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Everything is connected.

I can't remember who gave Egon the pendant first but he gave it to Hannah, and Hannah gave it to Helena, and Helena left it at the lake where Jonas found and give it to Martha... damn.

The ghost story Bartosz told Martha and Magnus about the woman who drown in the lake.... was about Katharina, their own mother!! DAMN!

Helena while bludgeoning her adult child - "you're from hell, I made you go away."
(Remember child Helena at the abortion clinic telling Hannah about what her Mum said about abortion... yeah, that's what that was about.)

So much trauma, so much heartbreak!!!

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:crazy_face:Ohhhhhh German Word for poop. Just when I thought this story couldn’t get any crazier, there ya go..

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I'm basically fast forwarding through this season.. Much talk less action.

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Shout by Giova8

[/Spoiler] Damn why they had to kill that character nooo I dont like how this is turning anymore. If a Happy Ending was needed was that

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