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Dark Angel

Season 2

Baring little resemblance to the first season, Dark Angel reboots itself as more of an X-Files type series in Season 2. Scrapping the Manticore super-soldier plot, the story this season follows genetic mutants that escape the Manticore sublevels during its destruction and a breeding cult that tries to exterminate all of Manticore’s creations in order to insure a coming apocalypse. It’s a hard change in tone for the series, and it ultimately fails. Still, there are a several interesting subplots and episodes that do work. And, the series continues to deliver plenty of intense, high-energy action. The addition of Jensen Ackles and Ashley Scott to the cast also helps to keep the show fresh and exciting. While the change in direction this season frees Dark Angel to explore new territory, it strays too far from the show’s initial concept.

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