Boyle is us, we are one with Boyle.

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"Tell my wife that I love her... work ethic." Loved Bill Hader as Captain!

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I wanted more Bill Hader as Captain :(

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Bill Hadar was a little over the top but the show could have used more of him nevertheless.

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Boyle is basically me throughout this series. I ship Jamy (Ake?) so hard.

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Everyone's talking about Bill Hader (who will truly be missed - he was great!) and I'm here just weirdly rooting for Jake and Amy like I haven't rooted for any other TV show couple, ever. Seriously.

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That was a good, fun and funny start.

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amy's "NOOO" when terry taps on the glass kills me every time

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This is maybe the best episode of BNN..ever. ...and Dean Winters new captain was the cherry on the cake!

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Shout by wpafbo79

Wunch and Holt together is just so great!

Yes! More Dean Winters!

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Bill Hader in that uniform!!

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I was all set to enjoy this and then the awful Bill Hader showed up. Who's next, Ricky Gervais?

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