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Broadchurch 2013

One of the most touching and beautiful shows I've ever watched. It's exciting, mysterious, keeps you on edge till the final episode. Brilliant casting and beautiful filming with some of the best soundtracks create for a perfect show that you should watch!

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This little gem is a must see for everyone who likes great detective dramas with twist and turns that will keep you wondering who did it till the very end. The writing and the cast (especially Tennant and Colman) are absolutely brilliant. And the filming is not only superb but its location and beautiful landscapes are also perfectly chosen to fit the atmosphere of the show. The one and only downside is that it doesn't have more seasons. I'll really miss Broadchurch.

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one of the greatest shows I've ever seen.

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Seasons 2 and 3 are of lower quality for multiple reasons, but season 1 is worth a watch, because it constantly keeps you on your toes and the drama is pretty good.

However, all the twists are basically layers of red herring stacked on top: Each episode basically hypes up a character as a suspect, and then evidence gets demolished it the next episode, so the next suspect could be explored. This does not get repetitive inside an 8-episode season, but if you are conscious about this, you probably won't enjoy the show as much.
Based on the above I wouldn't recommend binging it. Rewatchability is also not great.

Season 1 arguably gets deus-ex-machina'd in the finale, which is a shame and does not add points.

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This show isn’t for everyone, it’s definitely more of a slow burn. Though I still recommend it because there are hints throughout the show that leads you to the culprit, so you can actually figure out early on, if you pay attention carefully, who the killer is. Since I watch a lot of mysteries, its hard for plot twists to shock me too much. But even though I had a hunch who it was i was still thoroughly shocked. I only really watched the first season though, I don’t think the rest of it is worth it. The first season watches like a miniseries though so its fine

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Season one was good but season two and three went way too far into identity politics and really distracted from the plot.

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started out interesting, but the whole thing was too slow for me to enjoy, couldnt finish it

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Shout by Olly

Perfectly cast. Perfectly acted. A slow burner with enough twists and turns to keep you enthralled till the final episode. I can't wait for season 2.

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David Tennant is adorable, even when he's playing a rude character.

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I miss Tennant on Doctor Who, but at the same time I'm thankful it's allowed him to do other projects such as this one.

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Shout by Deleted

im so glad i found "ITV" totally by chance. another stunning show, a delicious marathon for me in 2 days!

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My absolute favorite!
It got me from the first moment, I was thrilled all the time and couldn't stop watching.
It's a really emotional journey, the actors were really authentic and it was shot brilliantly! The location is perfect, it's a real looker.

Also the music is so amazing, I don't know if I would love this show so much without it. Really well done, Ólafur Arnalds!
I still get shivers just by listening to the music.

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Shout by Deleted

Great show! I really enjoyed with this drama.

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You can never go wrong with UK shows. Great story, great cast, great everything.

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Final proof that the uk only has 8 actors

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Painfully boring, generally poor acting. Curiously enough, this comes up as a good alternative to The Killing although I didn't find anything good about it, extremely underwhelming and forgettable. The whole thing is shot in a dozen different scenes, so not much to look at after a couple episodes or so.

Not that a slow-burner is always a bad thing, but this one being 8 episodes long you would think they'd keep a decent pace throught, but nah, almost nothing happens for 7 episodes. There is nothing exciting here, and just like Danny the show doesn't have a pulse. It's so mundane that looking out your window is practically on par with the entertainment. This is my opinion based on S1, and I'm afraid S2 and S3 are even worse so I'm not even going to bother.

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The 1st season is phenomenal :ok_hand_tone1:

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Excellent crime drama of small village

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To get it out of the way up front: I wouldn’t watch series 3. I didn’t find it nearly as good as the first two seasons. But overall this is a show of diminishing returns. The first debut series is one of the strongest investigative dramas I’ve ever seen sporting tremendous performances by Tennant and Coleman. The follow up series is a bit wobbly, but manages to retain enough of the emotional heft that I was satisfied throughout.

The third series would be better off in another show entirely.

But for that first season? I highly recommend Broadchurch.

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Because you love Broadchurch watch also Movie - Her Lovely Bones. If you cried here , tyo* prepare to weep there too.

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So fantastic. Tenant and Walker walk away with the show. And story line is realistic. Highly recommend.

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I cried my eyes out on almost every episode. But I loved every second of it. The casting was brilliant and the performances were excellent. Watch it if you can stomach tough issues. It's truly beautiful and disturbingly realistic.

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Was intrigued due to the premise and that David Tennant was in it. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it is. It's definitely one of those shows where it's slower-paced, especially when compared to other shows of its genre(s) but it's so well written you get really drawn in due to the amazingly written characters and setting, and as such doesn't get boring despite that slower pace. You really start to feel for the characters as the show progresses. Seasons 2 and 3 touch upon some pretty heavy topics, and has great commentary on issues in our very own society, and really highlights some of them really well.

I definitely enjoyed watching this show. Stellar cast and writing. A definite must watch if you already enjoy slower-paced Drama Crime/Mystery shows, and a great watch even if you normally don't like slower-paced shows, such as myself.

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Honestly loved this show so much. I originally had it spoiled for me, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the show.
Wished Alec and Ellie did end up going to the pub though XD

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Excellent crime drama story with strong character performances

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Great acting and good storylines.

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Just finished 3x08. Perfect show. Perfect cast. Perfect everything. It'll probably stay my favourite show for a very very long time.

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Shout by Deleted

Season 1 was outstanding. Not a high priority to watch more but might at some point.

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Rewatching one of my favourite shows to get prepared for S3. I've been a fan for 3 years and rewatching this brings back so many memories. The actors, the music, the atmosphere, the aesthetics of the show are just perfect. Everything fits perfectly. Definitely worth a watch! Looking forward to S3 in February!

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One of the best shows I've ever seen.

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I cried so hard so the first episode.
Amazing acting, great cinematography and interesting characters. Feels far more real than most shows.

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Worthwhile staying at home binge watching...

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Excellent! Brilliant acting, great script! One of the best shows I've watched!

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A good old-fashioned whodunnit. Great cast and beautifully shot. We'll pretend the second series doesn't exist.

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watchable, but nothing really great

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Season 2 is planned in 2015

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Gran temporada, unos actores en estado de gracia. Una historia apasionante, muy bien llevada y muy bien resuelta.

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This is what 'Top of the Lake' should have been, great show. Loved every second!

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Shout by Deleted

Absolutely brilliant and enthralling. Unequivocally worth watching.

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The "whodunnit" has reached perfection.

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