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Bridgerton: Season 1

1x06 Swish

so we're okay with daphne essentially raping simon? ok then .

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This episode should have a big disclaimer at the beginning.
The problem is not what she does, but the fact that it's never acknowledged for what that is and we never have a moment to see how he feels about it. The show takes so many liberties with respect to historical reality, that it has no excuses, regarding the absence of Simon's point of view here.

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«The ones we love have the power to inflict the greatest scars. For what thing is more fragile than the human heart?
Desperate times may call for desperate measures, but I would wager many will think her actions beyond the pale. [...] can the ends ever justify such wretched means?».

«Coloro che amiamo sono quelli che ci infliggono le ferite più profonde. Vi è infatti qualcosa di più fragile del cuore umano?
[...] Può mai il fine giustificare un così deprecabile mezzo?»

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should use a trigger warning at times like this.

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Poor Penelope. She honestly deserves better from her mother yes, her sisters, sure but Marina, definitely!
What Daphne did is so so so wrong. Simon made it clear from the start that he couldn't have children and yes, he should've been more up front of the 'couldn't' but he assumed Daphne knew how babies where made and that is an honest mistake on his part. He shouldn't have assumed, he should've had that conversation with her but he didn't mean to 'trick' her into anything and Daphne did. She tricked him good. Conversation could've been key in this entire situation. The way Daphne went about it makes me think very little of her and I used to be fond of that naive girl.

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Eloise needs to provide both Penelope and Daphne with some feminist books. In a historical context they are both victims of a patriarchy that never taught them any better, but as fictional characters I'm disgusted by their actions. Disgusted by Penelope for betraying a fellow woman who has no choice but to do what needs to be done in order to survive, and disgusted by Daphne for having absolutely no respect for her husband's wishes so she decides to rape him in order to get what she wants instead of having an honest conversation with him. This episode is definitely a huge disappointment in what could have been a good show.

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Wait, what? She's seriously being the righteous one right now?

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