[7.7/10] Another good Bob’s Burgers Halloween episode, though not quite the equal of “Full Bars” or “Fort Night.” The main story wasn’t bad, with Linda trying to prove she’s still cool and fun by taking the kids trick-or-treating and pivoting to hunting the supposedly urban legend wolf who’s prowling the town. The story kind of peters out and never gets a good resolution, but it’s nice to see Randy (and Paul F. Thompkins) again in that part of the adventure, and it’s a great excuse for the kids to be their usual hilarious self as a quippy Greek chorus, so it works.

What I really loved here, though, was the B-story. Bob getting loopy and paranoid on his pain pills was very funny, and Teddy, dressed in a nurse’s outfit, chasing after him with a coffee table on his back was even funnier. The two are just so great together, and the werewolf panic, followed by Bob seeing the Fischoeders with an actual wolf was the icing on the cake.

All-in-all, not the strongest episode of Bob’s story-wise, but too many great laughs to care.

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