This is one of my favorite episodes of all time. I love the Halloween episodes for some reason. This one is great because you get to see things through Louise's cynical viewpoint and then finally they get to pull something on her. I love her.

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That Boys 4 Now song is surprisingly catchy.

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Very good episode for Halloween and I absolutely LOVE the musical number at the end!

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I kind of expected that twist but it still was freaking brilliant nonetheless!

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I enjoyed this one quite a bit. I have to admit, the laws of sitcom allowed me to suspect that this whole thing was a ploy by Bob and Linda from the get go, but I still enjoyed the ride. There was a lot of great casual humor to everything (Gene, who's usually not my favorite, was on fire this episode, especially his "you're being a great dad" speech) and Louise being convinced that she couldn't be scared, while actually longing for it, was a great throughline for the story. The lengths the Belchers went to in order to give Louise a great Halloween, and how much she appreciated it, was true to the family love among sweet weirdo goofballs that makes this show great and is at the core of the series.

(Oh, and the Boys 4 Now music video with the Belcher's running commentary (and dancing cribbed from their own real life music video performance) was a treat as a fun parody of the Backstreet Boys doing the same thing and playing it pretty much straight.)

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A predictable but fun plot with some great moments from Gene.

The song at the end felt unnecessary. I'm sure it was well done but I've never much liked the boy band parody trope and the frequency of its appearance in a bunch of different shows isn't earning it any points with me.

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"Mom's bringing the scary and Dad's bringing the hairy."

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For Louise this was like the movie, "The Game," (1997). Well, a teeny bit -- she's the only one not in on it, and it shook her to her core.

Man, I can still feel the end of that movie just thinking about it -- kind'a like seeing Bob pull out that digital camera! (So, no, I didn't see that coming at all.)

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Good one as always. Can't wait for next week's episode.

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