6.5/10. Not bad or anything, but not much of an episode. The Tina-Jimmy Jr. romance is usually a good story-driver for the show, but something about this one doesn't work for me. Tina does feel a little too stalker-y. Jimmy Jr. feels a little too mean. And the transition from Tina being an obsessed helper to a spurned sabateur to an unexpected savior feels fairly quick without the right kind of connective tissue. Again, it's not unwatchable or anything, but the laughs just aren't really there.

The B-story, with Bob running afoul of a magician who puts a curse on him, is a little better. The "curse" tricks get a little unbelievable, but Bob's fascination and then frustration with the magicians, and Linda and Teddy's scared reactions to the alleged "curse" are amusing. Plus, it ties nicely into Louise's C-story about learning to pickpocket, which is good for a few laughs (like Andy feeling Louise steal the candy out of Ollie's pocket.)

Overall, it's a perfectly fine episode, just one that doesn't really inspire in the middle of a bunch of other really great episodes.

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