[7.2/10] This one wasn’t up to the show’s usual Halloween standards, but it was still a nice little October outing for Bob’s Burgers.

The A-story wasn’t bad. Tina trying to prove to Louise that vendettas are bad (even vendettas against people who give you insufficient amounts of candy) by solving a fifty-year-old mystery and contradicting an old lady’s long-held grudge is a decent premise. There’s not as many laughs as I might like, but there’s some of that trademark enjoyable Bob’s Burgers weirdness. I also like the sisterly vibe between Tina and Louise here.

But the real winner is the B-story. I love the continuity of Bob still being very squeamish around blood, and him pushing through it due to a combination of peer pressure and realizing that he’s a universal donor. The local bloodmobile techs masquerading as corny vampires is a hoot, and Bob’s constant fainting and eventual triumph is out there but hilarious.

Overall, this is milder than some other Hallween outings, but still a pleasant half hour of vaguely spook-themed entertainment.

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Thanks, Bob, for that brilliant scene in the blood van. I needed that laugh.

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