This is a good Disney movie and a bad Black Mirror episode.

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While the episode was entertaining, it clearly shows a change in writing that does not fit the Black Mirror style at all. It's as if Netflix doesn't understand what the show is about. Where are the questions? Where is the unease?

They could have gone with the same idea in a different order and it would have felt more like Black Mirror: start off with the hologram, then throw in the doll, and slowly uncover what's behind it all and how messed up it is. Same story, different order, classic Black Mirror feel.

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This episode of Hannah Montana looks great

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Frankly, I liked this episode.

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Best episode of the season, but easily the worst season so far. Unrestrained Ashley/Ashley Too was the only convincing part of the show.

Does this make me a Miley fan now?

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This was the best episode of the season, it even had a conclusion!

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That was too optimistic for a Black Mirror... but I enjoyed it a lot for some reason. It was fun

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So so bad. Cliche after cliche. A copy and paste script from a dozen other Disney movies. Also sadly predictable to the very end. Not black mirror at all.

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Loved the episode. It's unfortunate how everyone seems to dislike it because it's not the old Black Mirror. I get it but doesn't turn this great episode of television into a bad one.

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Season 4 was boring, this one started even worse, and now this crap? Black Mirror is dead, unfortunately.

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Such a good episode. Not a big fan of Miley Cyrus, but this must have felt cathartic. After two really lame first episodes in the 5th season, this is the Black Mirror, as I like it. Great concept. Great cast. Great execution. It doesn't have to be dark, it just needs to turn the technology/human equation on its head. I give this episode an 8 (great) out of 10.

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Well, that's it huh? I thought that they had gotten that "Bandersnatch" incident out of their system and would have gotten back to the real thought provoking stuff. This episode, while entertaining (kinda) definitely didn't push any of the "what if" buttons. Time to go back and re-watch the early seasons and enjoy the mind stimulating creativity we had been accustomed to.

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I thought I was watching an episode of a Nickelodeon show...

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I just love this episode!

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Well, seems like the producers are doing this show for obligation/money/hype. What a bad episode!

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2019-07-20T21:07:37Z— updated 2023-01-25T03:41:16Z

Goofy, yet totally enjoyable. Miley Cyrus did a good job. I heard the main song she sings was made just for the episode. Which is a lie. It’s a Pop version of the Nine Inch Nails song Head Like a Hole.
Except she just says “Hey I’m a hoe” instead lol. Still pretty much the same song. I don’t get the hate just because it what people wanted.
It easily could have been the Child’s Play remake or M3gan. It’s refreshing that it isn’t about a killer robot.

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it was basically a boring cheesy overdone piece of media until about 40 minutes in when it suddenly decided do get descent, and i wil admit, there was some pretty solid scenes... it just wasn't enough to justify the overall unoriginality of the rest pf the episode. Furthermore, once it was finally really on, it still managed to fall flat once and again... i mean, a 4 is a pretty undeserved rating for the whole episode, but i'm giving props to the original material we still got.

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Apparently, critics are slamming this episode. Does it have a few problems? Is it "silly" at times? Yes. But it's not a trainwreck like some are saying. It has heart, something to say, and is a fun episode. Charlie Booker specifically said Season 5 would be lighter, so that explains why at least this episode in particular isn't as dark as episodes in the past.

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The worst episode of this show so far. Charlie Brooker seriously needs to take some time off of writing for a year or two. At least for this show. (which he has done.) This episode is an absolute disgrace of predictable, ridiculous tropes that all come together to form the least thought provoking episode yet. Really hope Brooker gets his act together for the next season.

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This is such a good episode !! I like it !

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Is this even Black Mirror? This was too bad in so many ways.

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A different episode for change ...
I love the f€£*%# doll !!!

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I would have loved this episode!
If I was still 13 years old...

Did the famous Ashley O seriously start a band with the bitchy sister?
Poor Rachel that is still at the bar, alone, with just her Ashley too..

What a horrible episode... correction... Horrible SEASON!

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this is not b.m. but just a teen movie

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It's not too much Black Mirror (the doll had bigger potential in that direction), and it played like a "It's hard to be rich and famous" story for a bit, but it turned into something surprisingly weird and fun. It's not the usual perfectly executed gut punch like the episode with the bees, but I found it quite enjoyable nonetheless.

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Well, that was fun. And it had an unconditional happy ending.
So it was nothing like a Black Mirror episode is supposed to feel like.

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Can't understand the hate.This episode is the most real thing I felt in the entire series.It does not always need to be fiction

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genuinely didn't know where the story was going, lots of unexpected turns. great way to start the season.

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Shout by sp1ti

While I fault many Black Mirror episodes for not properly looking at the implications of the technology presented this one probably takes the cake... Transferring the consciousness AND reading brainwaves just used in the entertainment field as mere plot-device for a Disney-story. Expectations subverted I guess?

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I feel like I just watched a cheap teen comedy movie. What's even the purpose of that girl's school talent show? Just to tell us how much of a fangirl she is? What is even this? The antagonists are shallow, so as the main characters. I mean if I wanted to watch a random silly comedy movie I'd give this a solid 7 out of 10, maybe even an 8, but for a BM episode, this is so bad that it makes me angry.

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I came for the Nine Inch Nails songs, I stayed for the fun and fascinating tale.

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I think we can place this season in the category "My first Black Mirror", the Black Mirror for people who haven't seen much.
The pacing in this episode is completely off. We spend half of the episode living through Miley Cyrus' life until something finally ends up that might be promising. Instead of going shock and awe we slowly drudge through an agonising "let's explain this for you" scene.
By this time I was bored out of my mind and it didn't get any better.

I'm sure you're doing a good job when you're yelling "MAKE IT STOP" in your head the whole time you're watching something.
I almost turned it off... but you don't leave church before the fat... corpulent... body-positive lady sings imo. I managed to get to the end... I'll by crying in the toilet for the next hour.

PS. Worst Nine Inch Nails cover EVER.
PPS As if Miley... sorry Ashley O didn't have a dick in her ass before... RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT... Sure.
PPPS And yeah, i'm sure the audience will be gawking at certain parts with their phones

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It's Miley being Miley...
What a great entry...

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Quite boring and tame for Black Mirror.

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Predicted AI music like crazy and the ending is fun but holy what happened here?! I know it's supposed to feel teensy but was the script meant to feel like it was written by a 12 year old too!? And even if you view it through that EXTREMELY generous lens it still fails and feels off.
Also all three of these actresses, especially Miley Cyrus, are super unlikeable.

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piece of shit ! like the rest of the season, really

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WTF was that? Very weak cliché story. And worst of all, they got Miley on it! That's enough reason to rate this -1

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Worst episode of Black Mirror. Seriously, it is just meh.

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Okay, maybe that was not "Black Mirror". Maybe it was not dark, but i liked the story.

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The dad's software just happened to work with the doll perfectly? And the "dream engineer" turned a metal song into a pop song in a heartbeat? Come on.

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The parallels between Ashley and Miley is striking. yet purposeful, but didn't go anywhere deep or meaningful with it besides "music business is bad".

I honestly can't stand this episode. Is this the best they got?

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Why would Trent Reznor let Miley Cirus sing his songs? Yuck.

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I changed my mind, I actually kind of liked this episode. It started slow, but got better. Still not really what I expected from Black Mirror but oh well.

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Miley fckn Cyrus? Seriously? WTF?

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Some good casting -- adorkably sweet Rachel and evil Catherine, in particular -- makes up for some, but not all, of the wild inconsistencies in the quality of the narrative. The plot holes and moments of sheer stupidity are breathtaking at times and the end result is an impression that someone thought that Miley could carry this one on her own in spite of the bad writing. She did a solid job, though, and that exit song was particularly impressive.

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This is not a Black Mirror episode, this is just some Stupid Shit! This 5th season is a mistake I guess. Black Mirror used to have stories, realism, and sense. This episode is like just made for the sake of giving the audience something to watch in the name of Black Mirror.

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At least this wasn't completely horrible. To think that THIS would end up being the least shitty episode of this season is saying something.

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The only way I could finish this episode was while being on my tablet at the same time.

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This one felt somewhat familiar though. #FreeBritney

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For having some sinister undertones at the beginning, this ends up being one of the least Black Mirror-esque episodes ever. Its messiness is part of the charm for me though, where it always threatens to go to some place darker, then only to swerve and go with something outrageous(ly fun) instead. Feels like there's some parody of a Disney-esque story Miley Cyrus (who's quite good and really fun) might do in her early career going on, but on the surface fun alone (the doll unfiltered, the over-the-top villain), I have a good time with this.

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Silly annoying teen-like episode. Maybe the worst episode in Black Mirror stuff.

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black mirror turned into a child/elderly on the nose show

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Loved this episode. Very weird themes that work well and the satisfying end was icing on the cake. Definitely my favorite of Season 5.

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