While I enjoy the concept of the story and appreciate the message, the main reason I find this a tad boring is that it isn't anywhere revolutionary - the message is relevant and poignant, sure, but it's nothing new. It certainly sets itself up as if it is though, and also, I assume, sees that as a valid reason to be a bit lacking in characterisation.

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This episode is so painful. Very dystopian.

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Best episode of the show. One of the best episodes of television, period.

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I feel weird saying this while most people seem pretty hyped up about the show; I get the idea. This is a good episode regarding the concept. But did it really have to be this lengthy and tedious? I got bored out of my mind halfway through the episode, same as the first one. Except, well, the first episode was simply disturbing and traumatic.

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this is fucked up, man.

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We are only a few years away from the gamification of every activity. This is what meaningful television looks like.

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I can't say anything more than this was the most painful, awfully truth hurting and exceptionally reality modeling episode I have ever seen...

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The biggest problem with a show like this is, if you can see clearly, than those stories aren't that shocking. Personally I stay away from all this crap anyway and I don't need a reminder of how sick this all is. And if you don't see what's happening in the world then the point is lost on you anyway.
In any case this episode was too long. Could have been done in half the time.

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there's so many symbolism that I can't even start where.. but it's pretty much how the society works even nowadays. the need for fame over dignity, body shaming, white washing, looking up at people who aren't even worth it at all, people who thinks they are better than you but in reality, they aren't..living lives in a box, there's just so much to take in in this episode.

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Brilliant episode. Scaring. To consumers. Period.

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This show keeps feeling really high-brow. There's nothing about this series that can be judged on the surface, but rather deeper and meta. There's an entire iceberg under the surface of after-thoughts associated with this show, and I love it. This is so, so discussion-worthy. The second episode holds one of the best speeches I've heard on a television show, and a sadder message that we all can relate to, regardless of the fact that this episode takes place in a more dystopian, futuristic reality.

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I had to be strong to be able to finish watching this episode, the story takes place in a poorly built universe, in which peoples' lives are basically biking and interactions with game-like interfaces looking like a Kinect game. Also, you are left with almost no information about the rest of it and how it works, and the only signs the show gives makes you think the whole thing takes place inside a single building constraining people in a reality show.

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Messed up episode..
I felt bad for Abi

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When you think the guy will revenge his lovely oneitis and make a revolution in the system. he just joins the system and makes a confortable life too. It's a TL;DR of every revolutionary.

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Very good introduction to the series. This should've been episode 1 imo.

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Really loves the world, but the episode makes the characters feel such pawns to the plot and world-buildings instead of fully realized characters (I know the situations mean the people in this story are subservient, but it would be nice to have them extend beyond their archetype details so the horror of this story hits home more), so that I wasn't quite the whole way emotionally engaged, although the world disturbs me in a good way.

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Really speaks as to how our society works and how people usually lack the spine that is needed to make something of yourself in this mad world. Great episode and great show so far!

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Screw Judge Wraith. Like seriously.

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Shout by Deleted

Heart breaking. The ending was a bit soap boxy, but how it plays out reinforces that feeling. Makes me glad I stopped watching porn and regretful for some of the videos I have seen. Pacing was done well.

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Traveled in this episode, I loved it, very good form it showed.

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The plot is valid and actual. The episode itself is boring.

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Personal Ranking.

  1. 1x02 - Fifteen million merits
  2. 1x01 - The national anthem
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Last 30 minutes are amazing.

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hahahaha it's fck!ng amazing I really like it.

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We all want to be free from the chains of this world. That's how selfish we are. We do what is convenient for us even if it is harmful.

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I want the page to enter my, you moron.

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My favourite episode of Black Mirror so far!

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"I have a dream, a song to sing. To help me cope with anything.
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale.
You can take the future even if you fail".

I watched this episodes last year and instantly knew Daniel Kaluuya was something special, especially the mental breakdown scene.

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Great idea and script but not impressed too much as it my first Black mirror's episode i watch.

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That awkward moment when you're spitting game and Wraith Babes comes on...
This episode is so good! It's really eye-opening to how our society works. No thanks to this episode, I can't stop listening to "Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand)" by Irma Thomas.
Dignity > Fame & Comfort

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How awesome that it didn't end in any other way but this. Brilliant writing.

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Shout by Nando

Fuck! This is so good. What about this TV junk? Perfect!

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Amazing TV, best of Season 1 for sure.

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Wow, I found this to be very disturbing.

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McLuhan would have loved this. In a painful way I guess..

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