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Big Brother

Season 5

I feel like this season is forgotten in the grand scheme of Big Brother, and the winner is even more overlooked. The entire cast came to play, there was an entertaining twist (including siblings being in the house that did not know they were siblings), and the winner was a well deserved win. Where Season 2 had a winner that did not even try in competitions (but was a great winner), Season 3 saw a production format mishap that ultimately crowns the wrong winner (but the winner was still good), Season 4 saw the perfection of the floater game, Season 5 finally gets a winner that played on all facets. No he is not as entertaining as Will, Drew competes, is well liked in the house, and displayed competent strategy in his decisions. Not to mention I was rooting for all of the final (at least) four to win the game. It was genuinely a unique and likable cast and I would recommend this season to all fans of the show to check out!

Rating: 8.5/10

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