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Barry: Season 3

3x08 starting now

My god! This will definitely give me nightmares. VERY TRAUMATIC!

Also, Bill Hader is a jack of all trades, master of ALL OF THEM. What genius of a man. Pure talent.

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I seem to be in the minority here. I thought the season was rushed and empty, with characters having no real motivations. Maybe I've just cooled on the show.

I thought the finale was a little lackluster until the last 5 minutes. Where it goes from here though is intriguing. I commend how good Sarah Goldberg has been. She should win the best actress Emmy in a comedy or drama (with Anthony Starr winning best male, for his dominating performance on The Boys). But her character is all over the place, and is another distraction for the story. The Noho Hank story this season started well but became a complete bore by the end.

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Incredible season and finale... so much happened, it's hard to dissect everything. Barry uses 30 minutes much more effectively than most 2h movies, Bill Hader is a gifted storyteller and director.

Sally has gone from bad to worse, and is now sinking really deep, I'm really curious what's next for her journey. Hank finally gets to have some agency in what's going on around him and single-handedly escapes and rescues Cristobal.

Albert's confrontation with Barry ends up being about what Barry has wanted for three seasons: for someone to acknowledge he isn't evil and give him a second chance. Ironically, he gets caught because what he intended for Cousineau actually happens; he's a successful actor (who fools him outside the house) and a better man in the end. I'm extremely curious to find out what's next, presumably he joins Fuches in jail, but this show is completely unpredictable - I wouldn't put it past them for Barry to simply walk out after 1 min on some clerical error, lol.

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Wow this show truly is becoming the Breaking Bad of comedies. What a phenomenal finale. Every single person involved with this show needs an Emmy now.

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Give the cast and crew all the awards.
The acting is stellar.
The cinematography is absurdly beautiful.
The sublime use of just a 30 minute runtime, every time.
Consistently great directing from Bill Hader too.

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Man, what a brilliantly bleak season. If I don't quite love it as much as 2, this season is an even greater showcase for Hader's directorial chop; gonna wish hard for his directing Emmy even more than acting one. And even through the grimness, brutal dark comedy bits are so good throughout:

“Is there something in my eye?”

“Hey, Sally. I love you.”
“Oh, you do?’

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that's all i got.

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Super tense season finale. I really enjoyed it.

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Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
Brain damage and trauma all around. Holy fuck.
You guys are sickos for this.

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Easily the best episode of TV I've seen in years. Phenomenal.

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Masterpiece. That final shot. Just beautiful.

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The look of disbelieving betrayal on Barry's face

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What did you do to my eye??

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Barry's scream when Albert confronted him, Sally's reaction after killing that dude, Gene's face after Barry was arrested, NoHo hugging Cristobal. Everyone deserves a million awards. The ending, final shot was so beautiful, sad, and fulfilling.

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This episode... Holy sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!! Just... Wow!

Absolutely riveting and raw performance by all of the cast. I could barely blink while watching this. Some of the absolute finest minutes I've spent looking at a screen in recent years. BIll Hader is an excellent director.

Again: WOW!!

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didnt see all that coming. bye now.

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I'm impressed with how transitions are handled in this episode.

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He’s survived all this time. And top notch assassin. This is how he gets undone? Not a fan of the ending. Felt like I wasted the season.

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I managed to finish it and tbh, my opinion didn't change at all from S1. I still find the series boring and mostly not funny. Don't quite understand what all the fuss is about, but i guess is just a show not for me.

Not one character is likeable (not even Barry), Sally is still the MOST annoying character i have seen in a while. This last season felt a little better than the rest, but still didn't manage to get my attention. I just finished it because it was short, i was bored and i had nothing else to watch.

Idk if they are going to do a S4, but this last episode kinda closed tight enough to make it a finale. My overall score would it be a 4.5/5 out of 10

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This show is superb. Another incredible season. Rooting for an Emmy or 10 for this cast and crew.

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the cinematography is CRAZY. acting is CRAZY. everything is perfection. i love this show.

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Shout by Deleted

Just when it looked like we might be getting a Bonnie and Clyde dynamic moving forward it now looks like we’ll be following him on at least some of his trip through the justice system. Even as the vengeance factor fell flat from the families of Barry’s victims seeing Gene get the last laugh was cathartic for us Breaking Bad fans who watched Walt get his Hank killed.

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wtf this show has become

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the ending kind of so dumb
come to my house no I'm busy
goes to the house cause he forced
he has no weapon with him
no evidence against him not even his weapon
I'll be out next weekend

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Shout by Marcy

all i wanted was a good ending for NoHo Hank & it turns out to be the only happy ending to this season.......oops

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Shout by J_345

Opening scene is Sally being bipolar Sally as usual. When she needs Barry she just pops out of nowhere then right after she’ll cuss him out again.

damn didn’t see that ended coming at least not yet wonder how the storyline goes on after this. And Sally just leaving Barry hanging once again after he just took care of what you did.

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