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Atypical: Season 4

4x09 Player's Ball

I like the credits song. Anyone know the name of the song ?

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«I mean, people are still people, but you know yourself more, and that’s something. Actually, that’s everything».

«Insomma, la gente è sempre quella, ma tu impari a conoscerti …. Per me questo è ciò che conta».

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I'm still kind of hoping Casey gets back with Evan...
Izzie is just toxic (even if it's not her fault) and Casey just have this need to save her, not sure that this is love. And it's like Evan became not so interesting to her once he became self-sufficient and reliant (if I remember correctly).
She'll have to dig much deeper into herself besides confirming sexual\gender identity... There's much more to that. It probably won't happen in the last episode, but the series is brilliant anyway.
Also, got my answer about Elsa's mom. Interesting, I thought people became meaner when they have dementia, not nicer...

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«In Antarctica a good base camp is a must, but even the best base camp is only a temporary home. Once you’ve learned what you needed to learn, once you’ve found what you were looking for, once you survived what you needed to overcome… it’s time to move on».

«In Antartide, un buon campo base è un must, ma anche il miglior campo base è solo una casa provvisoria. Una volta che hai imparato quello che dovevi imparare, una volta che hai trovato quello che cercavi, una volta che hai superato tutti gli ostacoli… è ora di andare avanti».

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