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Arrow: Season 7

7x12 Emerald Archer

They tried something a little different. It seemed to work. Most of the fake old footage looked good except the clip of Roy. He's gained so much weight that it's was easy to tell when they used a real clip or a fake one.

They waste another perfect chance to kill off Curtis (and Mad Dog for that matter).

They're giving badges to the crew (we don't need no stinking badges). I'm still hoping the major heroes will get some kind of federal backing and the can finally use Barry's Hall of Justice building as a base.

That dudes suit did not seem like much. Why was it tougher the the ATOM suit. Because it was Wayne Tech? Is that the magic word now.

While I don't like Rene is daughter is ok. Maybe if she kicks the living crap out of William a few times he'll stop being such a turd.

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Oh snap!!! Team Arrow is official now. Ha!! That's dope!!

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They really running out of ideas. Pity.
But the scene with Rene acting like a big, bad, stay-out-of-my-daughter father was cute.

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i skipped the documentary part.

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As I was saying last time, this season is all over the place. The documentary is superficially a good idea, and brings a change of pace, but there's still nothing to engage the viewer on the long run, the flash forwards are still hinting at some future doom that has visited the main protagonists. Not to mention the episode's bad guy.. No explanation as where he got his high tech armor, not even a line after he got stopped, he felt more like a prop than a character. Again I'm disappointed with this show. (as I am with The Flash this season and don't start me on Black Lightning). The only one of the DC CW shows still getting a semblance of coherence remains Supergirl and even that is fraying at the edges)

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What a difference a style makes. The choice of making this episode as a documentary was a great decision. It instantly took away the cheese of the series and turned the drama into something much pore palatable (and much less CW). It felt more serious, darker and mostly better. It's too bad they went back to the normal style npw and then though but the effect lingered long enough to make this an enjoyable episode (except for the Felicity pieces, hell even Curtis' pieces weren't annoying this time! Fine, I'll be honest... I... sniffled... several... times at his shtick... It was just a sniffle though, not a giggle... DEFINATELY not a laugh!! Don't judge me!)

It's quite obvious they won't keep doing a documentary but I do wish they used some of the style to get rid of the dreadful soap-opera vibe this show has become.

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Did the Mayor just make a case for less gun control? That an armed citizenry is a safer citizenry? Hmm....

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The documentary format was a fresh take that I wished they stuck to as a standalone episode

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The story becomes poor. If you no longer have any ideas, stop the show. Oliver is not Kardashit.

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OMG!!! i really liked that new concept they tried but i think and hope is just an episode. Why didn't they put Batman in the documentary or a reference ? i know they said something about Gotham but is not enough. And why is Barry in it ? Hello? Secret identity ? Yeah i know he works for the CCPD or whatever but he is a fucking forensic scientist.

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