Ive been waiting for this moment since the season 5 premiere where the new team came, i never connected with anyone of them and needless to say Curtis is really annoying, that wedding speech scene was so bad to watch...
I was happy, until the last scene wich said "at some point this season the team will come back together" whereas i prefer the 3 originals ... Also can we get a new bunker? Smaller please, i hate this one.

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Thank Beebo that I download this show, I couldn't have made it through the whole wedding spiel without skipping ahead... This show is so bad it hurts. All the fake drama, the "can I talk to him", the "oh no killing is bad" etc, it's just too much. But gotta keep watching to keep up with the memes over at /r/arrow ;D

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Shout by 8cg4Sq3

When Curtis left I was so happy that it was 3 for 3, now just for Laurel to go.

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Anndd that's it...can not watch ANY more after Oliver apologizes for getting snitched on?!?!?!? What is wrong with people justifying snitching ..

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Shout by Khawlah

Oliver, you don't kick the guy who's willing to testify against you off the team before you change his mind. Why are you the way that you are? Which is extremely insufferable. I'm glad the new "trio" is out. They have every right not to want to be subjected to Oliver's holier than thou attitude anymore. Curtis is annoying and I'm fine with never seeing his character again, but I hope Dinah and Rene are still apart of the show.

Sidenote: anyone notices how Vince's make up looks exactly like Savitar's in The Flash? Heh. Laurel showing some heart, even though it could’ve been fake, made me miss her character even more.

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Well, I do not understand. Сaidan James and the Black Siren are sociopaths. They want to destroy the city for fun and a little revenge. But the other guys ... Anatoly wants to destroy Oliver, but not the city. He just tries to earn some money. He's a gangster, not a terrorist. Richard Dragon is a crime lord. What is his gain from destroying the Star City? Whom will he sell his drugs? And Vigilante. When did he become a terrorist? He kills bad guys, corrupted persons and etc. The dead innocents are "collateral damage". What is he doing in one room with this people?

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Shout by Kevin Link

Finally! The B-Team is out, that was a long time coming, and I think the writers finally figured out that they just wern't working, same shit with them as in every other episode. Watchdog has always been such a terrible character on Arrow, and i'm glad I don't have to see the dude anymore. Besides that, I'm hopeful for the story arch that will come with all the villains teaming up

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The start of this episode made me want to smash my head against a brick wall.

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This idiot "Hoss" can backstab the team but is so offended that they spied on him?
I never liked them anyways. The original trio is the best just like old times.

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Sometimes I just don't get those "previously in Green arrow" parts. I didn't see this in previous episodes! In what episode did they marry, for instance???

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The whole beginning is all "in your face Olicity haters!" Would have been the perfect time for Damien Dahk to show up and kill Felicity lol. Felicity's annoying mom even had to be back.

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