Felicity had no lines of dialogue and barely made a cameo appearance, making this the best episode of the show in more than five years.

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I don't know what does this say about me, but I'm enjoying seeing Oliver stripped of everything. He kinda sorta needs a little humbling. Especially knowing he's probably going to survive it all by the end of the season or the next.

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God, in all of these DC shows (except, of course LoT, which somehow is always great) there's this lull between episode 9 and 18 or so where the 'setting the scene'/main conflict introduction is already over but it's way too early to actually resolve the conflict so you know that anything the heroes do is not going to lead to any real progress in defeating the villain. If you're lucky, you get actually fun or interesting filler episodes, or side plots and character development. If you're unlucky, you get 10 episodes of the hero getting dumped on, like this season. But, with episode 19 or so it usually picks up again, and that is the case this time, too. Great episode and I'm very happy to see Oliver and Anatoly reconcile - he used to be one of my favourite characters and I always thought it was a kind of stupid plot to have them fight.

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How refreshing it is to watch Arrow without Felicity around!

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How are some vigilantes fighting alongside ARGUS

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Since when did Laurel scared of some 'Street Thug' and whatever happened to that persistent annoying cop that was onto Ollie's ass for quite sometime

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Shout by sisdog
BlockedParent2018-05-06T20:00:58Z— updated 2018-05-09T01:52:58Z

I enjoyed parts of this episode but no matter how dramatic they make the music to try and make Diaz seam evil I see a poorly acted/written character played by a monkey.

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