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Arrow: Season 6

6x12 All for Nothing

Based on the synopsis, I'd hoped it was Mad Dog that would bite it tonight. The character has a bad attitude and if I have to hear him call someone hoss again.... I'll punch kittens.

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Oliver is the most selfish person, it is okay for him to do whatever it takes to save the people he loves but god forbid when someone else does it

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Pfffff comparing Vince to Lyla and Felicity. Please. Don't make me laugh.

And Dinah placing all the blame on Oliver? She had two other dudes helping her. Why not blame them? So stupid. Oliver was busy trying to save a city full of people, honey. It's simple math, honestly. Plus, you were the one who decided to break away from team Arrow. You made your bed, now you gotta lie on it.

Also, that doctored video was crap. So obviously fabricated. Weird how Cayden being as tech savvy as he supposedly is didn't pick up on that glaring little detail.

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I really liked the Vince and Dinah duo, sad that it ended so soon

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Another reason why team B are shit 'heroes', selfish going after Vince. Also Dinah's logic was terrible when comparing Felicity to Vince. Vince can fucking heal .

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I uttered the loudest “YASSS” when it was clear at the beginning that this was a Dinah and Vince centered episode and I was NOT disappointed. Boy, that was absolute brilliance. I can’t remember the last time I actually teared up watching Arrow or enjoyed an episode this much. Finally characters with conviction and real emotion. Whether you like it or not, that couple brought this season to life with their chemistry. I’m invested (and affected after that heartbreaking last few minutes) in them more than any other character. Hands down best one thus far.

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I agree with Dinah, Dark Laurel must die.

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