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Arrow: Season 4

4x13 Sins of the Father

All of this chaos could have been avoided if Thea killed a scumbag every once in a while

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Come on... Oliver and William don't even have a connection that strong... I'm afraid this will turn up like those obviously forced and overly dramatic scenes where Oliver "needs" to save "his son".

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I thaught this was all a plot to overcome Nyssa because this was all to easy, but apparently this is not the case.

And his son William is the most important person in the world to Oliver? Someone we have seen for about 2 minutes in the whole show?
Yeah, makes sense.

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Shout by Vero

I thought it was impossible that Malcolm could be so easily defeated. But anyway, there's no Ra's al ghul but the consequences will be unbearable. Now Dahrk knows about William and Ollie doesn't even suspect that Malcolm and Dahrk are working together.
Anyhow, I enjoyed this episode a lot. I loved the father-daughter relationships alongside and I hope the season keeps on like that. Fights, betrayals and that Oliver. I need that Oliver from Seasons 1 N' 2. That is the one we all fans want.
Awesome episode. Looking forward to next week's. Excited to see how the plot evolves. and also to dig more information about the grave thing. Crossing names out of the list. The same goes for The Flash.
Peace out!!!

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I really enjoyed this.
A pretty shitty move from Nyssa to be honest. Setting free god knows how many assassins into the wild who would surely give up freedom for power, free for grabs into the hands of Damian Darkh.
Pretty intense scenes with Oliver and Malcolm. God i missed that. As much as i hate Malcolm and just wish that SOB would just die, I really don't want him to. John Barrowman is an amazing actor, wouldn't want to see him go.
Hands down one of the best episode this season (Pun intended)
I don't think William's gonna die. Not that important of character tbh. Maybe someone protects him from dying? I don't know. Excited to see what will happen now, how the plot is gonna progress.
Can't wait for next week :D

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I kinda thing people have been harsh on Arrow since the dreaded season 3

The episode was quite good in my view

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Shout by Jimmy

Diana giving up that rock thing like that was the dumbest shot she could have done and made me instantly hate her. How stupid do you have to be to give over your leverage like that and think the bad guy won’t snatch it out of your hands and let you out out of ... what , Principe. So annoying. Originally I defended this season but this is awful. So bored of it, while Barry’s in another earth, these guys are doing the same shit as last season, putting Nysa in w cell, fighting Malcolm, trying to save theas life. I didn’t mind season 3 but this is the same thing just worse and more annoying.

Damien better not kill William, I hate that felicity and Oliver are so happy coz I know they don’t get married so I’m betting it won’t end well.

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Malcolm is a fucking monster! I can't belive it.

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The sins of the father are suffered by their children, but can escape them?

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Darkh is going to kill William, that is why they didnt call Oliver's son Connor Hawke! That means he still will have another son!

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What a week for the Arrowverse!
I hope that this show continue on this level and why not better like the first two seasons

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It was ok I guess...

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