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Arrow 2012

Such a waste this show became. Start watching this show then make a favor to yourself, stop watching it after first or second season at most.

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Loved it in the beginning. Being on the CW I was ready to insta-hate it, but was surprised ep after ep that I was entertained. No, the acting is far from superb, but the storyline is actually pretty interesting.

It's definitely gotten worse though. The first season I was really into. Marathoned it. The second was okay; one episode--where they introduce Barry--was really super corny & cliche. This current [third] season was getting pretty good but then they started this theme of introducing a new villain at the end of each ep along with a really cheesy catch phrase. Terrible. So hopefully they stop that and bring it back to goodness. Cuz that would be good.

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I loved the first episodes of season 1... but season 2 really got to a high level of WTF...

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Stop watching this show so there will be budget for a better one. It's waste of time.

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Was good but now it's just going down the hill !!

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Shout by HoundCat
BlockedParent2020-01-31T08:05:38Z— updated 2020-02-02T02:36:15Z

I've known that season 8 was to be the last for several months. I thought I had already been prepared, but I find now that I didn't realize it would affect me as it has. After several attempts to bring the DC universe to television, Arrow led the way in bringing so many superheroes to our homes, and in doing so became part of our family for eight years. I hope to see guest appearances in other related DC shows by a Team-Arrow member on occasion. Arrow will be missed.

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I was watching at first, but as it started to reveal that there was a conspiracy to blow up the town, it stopped making sense.

It was people who lived in the town who wanted to blow it up. They had a conspiracy to blow up the town where they currently lived and needed the Green Arrow to save them from the destruction of blowing up the place where they all lived. The blowing up they were doing themselves!

It was just too stupid to understand and I had to stop watching. How did anyone keep watching past that point? (That was season 1.)

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It's been a long time since I've been this satisfied with a series final. From my perspective I really fled like they completed the circle of the series and the arc of the major characters.

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I tried to force myself to watch an entire season and only could stomach 3 episodes before given up. I just can't get into this show. But, I do like the crossovers they do with The Flash.

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I stopped watching at season 5. Completely disgusting show. Insulting DC!

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Please stop this tv show!!!
The season 1 is good and 2 is ok, after that, is an exponential to the abyss of shit superhero tv shows

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almost every ep in a nutshell - oliver makes shit decisions, he gets rekt, then comes the cringy, constipated d&m's AND OMG ITS SO DRAWN OUT

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OMG!!! Why do I keep watching this CRAP!?!?! THE ACTING IS SO FREAKIN HORRIBLE!!! Then they write these stupid scenes...UHG!!!! Every week I watch to hope it's going to better but it keeps getting worse...WTF!!!

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♡ the way this show died after killing laurel lance

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Laurel lance superhero, I'm not watching it again. I didn't like the concept of whole family and aquitance being damn city savers. I can't take it.

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Shout by Deleted

Season 3 is the best yet

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Shout by Deleted

the first 2 seasons were great, after season 3 I gave up.

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Shout by Deleted

Batman, is that you?

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needs cancelling, been going downhill fast

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Sometimes it's great as fuck but then sometimes it's boring as hell.
Second half of season 1 and season 2 is absolute fun. Season 3 on the other hand has some great episodes but Laurel and other drama bullshit actors are making it annoying to watch.
Recommend to watch spin-off show Flash too. It's better, no annoying characters (for me at least) and better storyline and overall better show.

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Shout by Deleted

wanna watch a show that's become completely based on fan pandering? good news: arrow exists

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After following all these seasons, I have decided to stop watching. Arrow is not exciting for me anymore, and it almost feels like a task keeping up with the episodes coming out. I don't enjoy watching it anymore. Honestly they should've quit after last season. This has been dragged on for too long, put it out if its misery.

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I gave up on this show after 70 eps as you can see with no intention of coming back. The soapy drama really is too much (same with Flash). I rather watch Daredevil and the likes. It started out strong and went downhill as it progressed.

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Thanks for three great seasons, CW. It was fun, but that's it for me. Season 3 had somewhat of an ending and season 4's first episode was awful and more of the same, but way weirder. Bad formula. So I quit, figuring it's better to leave the rest to my imagination. Adios!

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Sometimes it gets really boring and dull, but another time it is quite thrilling and enthralling. So just 7 of 10.

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It's nice to see how people can have such different opinions. I've just finished watching season 3 and me and my friends who watch it all agree that the 3rd season was the worst by far. It was still good, but only a bit better than the first season, while the 2nd season is untouchable in our eyes. That was among the best superhero stuff I have ever seen, including the movies...

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This show is pretty racist against Australians. Most of the major bad guys are played by Australians. Do Americans think we are all ripped baddasses obsessed with pretty playboys?

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Great and wonderful tv show. How anyone can find it boring is beyond me. It is a super hero live action drama series however and don't expect something else.
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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Shout by Deleted

This show is great

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome show. keep it up

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pretty awesome show. Love it

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Pretty good, really.. just some cheesy lines and angsty moments here and there that ruin it for me at times.. and sometimes, the acting.. :P

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This show is really good. I feel it could be better in some places but it is way above CW's usual quality. Plus it's superhero stuff, which is awesome.

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First season was good. Next three seasons were OK. Then it just went downhill. With every season I gave one heart less in rating. The last two seasons is the same all over and over again. One season could fit in no more than 3 episodes. Nothing new is happening. Kept watching just to stay up to date when episodes get entangled between Legends of Tomorrow, Flash and Supergirl, but it seems I'll just have to watch only these when this happens. Couldn't bare to watch Arrow further - going to my Ditched shows list.

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Arrow can be considered just another CW Series, and it really is, so if you want to watch it, keep in mind what you'll get. If you usually don't like CW type of series this show may not be the one for you.

Season 5, was so far, the best one, it still a CW series with plenty of cliches and still pretty cartoonish and sometimes pretty cringy with its puns worth of a Tim Burton's Batman movie. But at the same time, Stephen Amell's acting in some key moments was really great, character development was better, the moral ambiguity of the villain and the hero is a nice contrast, Adrian Chase lose only to Deathstroke as a villain (because Deathstroke is too iconic and overshadows Adrian Chase) and the change of cast was interesting.

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This has just become one of those shows I keep following because I started watching it, but I wish would just end. The first season was great and after that it just became the same cheesy riddle all over again every episode.

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I tried to watch it early on and quit without remorse, but heard it got better around season 3; so I tried to start watching again, and it turns out you can fool me twice. Very surprised the show has survived so long.

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Shout by Deleted

These DC shows are reasonably enjoyable, but they don't really have the dark flavours that Marvel shows have.

In these shows, each episode seem to follow along the lines of:

  1. Oh no new boss, they are too strong for me!

  2. Team: We're screwed

  3. Team: If we work together, we can get the job done!

  4. Wow! Working together worked! We saved the day!

  5. Oh look another impossible enemy, we're screwed!

A.k.a. The plot doesn't really have great diversity.

Emotional attachments don't really develop as much as the Marvel shows.

Such as in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. When Director Mace dies, I was sad, and we don't even get to learn to know the character enough for a strong emotional attachment.

I'll still watch them, because I usually carry on watching shows until the end, but maybe they could work on the depth of the show, and it's characters.

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I've always felt that this show has had strong moments in some seasons while it suffered in others. I like Oliver the most when he is a reluctant mentor for younger and powered superheroes. But in this latest season I find myself really, really not caring about his flashbacks. Like, not even a little. It was cool when he was on the island but I just don't care much for the rest. Seems far-fetched, but then again I never read the comics so perhaps there is a reason.

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Shout by Deleted

Season 3 is the best yet? Are you serious? Yikes.

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Shout by TreL

I enjoyed the first season but like most I think its kinder to put the series to sleep now! The fight scenes leave me cringing on how bad and unbelievable they are! I am just invested in the character development and story lines only because it is linked to slightly better DC's Legends of tomorrow (which should quit while its even) and the better Flash!

Please don't make another season!!!!

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they fucked up batman storyline

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they fucked up batman storyline

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Stopped watching the show after season 2. The way the drama is brought to the show is to much soap opera. They very obviously turn to the camera for a monologue aimed at the person behind them. To much cliché woven into the story. Loved the action bits of the show but the over the top drama killed the show for me.

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Shout by Deleted

Solid show with a solid cast

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Love this show

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Shout by Deleted

Best show in the world. Was a huge skeptic at first but at the end of each episode is an amazing cliff hanger that forces you to watch more. Amazing plot and characters and an amazingly well thought out story. Can't wait for season 3!!!

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Shout by Deleted

I love you (via TV Closet for Windows 8.1)

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Its a superhero show, don't expect a deep unpredictable plot from it and when you do you can just sit back and just look at people getting arrows through their knees. I must add that the whole thing about not killing the bad guys in season 2 feels a bit forced and I'd rather have them not do that.

I also don't like the shitty windows metro interface product placement, I know microsoft wants to sell us all on their shitty new interface but it does get annoying. I do note that this is far from the only tv show where this happens but it does seem like the worst.

In the end I wouldn't call it a great show or anything but it seems like a worthwile passtime on the train to work.

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This is just about season 1
Good show to watch. It does have its flaws like the ridiculous Microsoft Windows 8 product placement (so freaking annoying!) and some plot holes or story developments that are a bit too obvious. They reveal the bad guys (and their plot) a bit too early in the season. This results in a bit of a predictable end game.

It can't compete with the big series like Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Star Trek and the like. But it definately is in the group after those series.

- Good Acting
- Interesting Premise
- Good fight scenes
- A lot of eye candy (for both men and women)

- Predictable towards the end
- Heavy Windows 8 product placement
- A few plot holes I won't get into.
- Some close to irrelevant characters

ps. In contrary of what a lot of people say, this is NOT a superhero series. There are no superpowers whatsoever in this series. It is more a hero like Batman.

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Shout by Esseth

Started with an 8 because I enjoyed it and it was DC superhero, but towards the end of the first season and into the second they have really stepped it up.

Bringing in other DC characters has been a great move and unlocks a lot of potential.

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Shout by Alex

Ooooh how I pity the fools that wrote this show off early. Such a good first season with a FANTASTIC ending and season 2 just started brilliant as well. Best superhero show since forever!

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Shout by Olly

Fans of Smallville may recognise the outside of the Queen family home. It was the same building used as the Luthor mansion in Smallville.

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Shout by Deleted

Wish they would hv used Justin Hartley as arrow. (he played the green arrow in smallville, way more character range than the current arrow)

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great series cant wait for next season!

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Shout by Ben

This show is very unique ... because it's promoting the ridiculous Windows 8 ;D
(at least there's no Apple brainwash for a change) ^_^

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i didn't know how i endured so much, but so long Arrow. weak script, terrible acting, repetitive screening, awful

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It started off OK but it's just become unbearably facepalm. It's trying really hard to be gritty and thought out but achieves neither. Also does anyone know why Arrow feels the need to be topless oiled doing pullups during every conversation?

Deleted from Sickbeard, I don't recommend investing your time in this show. I doubt it will last very long.

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Weak plot, reaaally predictable, terrible acting and horribly cheezy...

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dunno why people are hating on this have you even seen it? the show is excellent only 2 eps in but i love it & looking forward to seeing how it unfolds i see a lot of potential in many areas

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I always expect CW shows to be terrible. This is one of the rare occasions when my expatiations were not completely met. It's actually among my favorite shows this season so far.

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Shout by Ben

I only watched it because of the LOST reference & the crossfit scene, but now I have to say it really wasn't bad.
The quality is pretty good (for the CW network) and something tells me that the story could be much more complex as you would think (hopefully!).

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Looks interesting... The Pilot is great...
Like others have said, it's a bit far-fetched how he got like this
Ninja dude in 5 years on an island, but we'll see... maybe it's something that's coming later :)

Judging from the pilot, I think it's a great start, and I'll be watching it for sure :P

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I'm giving this a shot, just because I liked Green Arrow in the Smallville-series. Hopefully this isn't too far away from how he was there.

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I always put shows on a list to watch then just don't make the time to watch. This one took until it was on Netflix for a few years, then I watched a few episodes every night. But I am stuck halfway through S6. I have to get back to it and finish it off.

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Watched a good few seasons then got fed up when the cast would die only to return as a new version of themselves, It just got silly

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The first two seasons were so good but 3 and 4, not so much and I dropped it shortly afterwards.

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I am a massive fan of this character, but I can't deny that the quality of this series from season to season was wildly inconsistent. Arrow is at its best when it is the grounded and gritty show from seasons 1, 2, and even 5, or when it's giving a thoughtful and epic sendoff to the character in season 8. All of the other seasons are either mediocre or subpar and it gets bogged down by too many episodes and side characters that are either uninteresting or insufferable. It's a CW show and therefore much of the writing and dialogue is subpar, but once I accepted this for what it is I was able to just sit back and enjoy most of the show. Stephen Amell is great and he really embodied the character, even if the material he was given wasn't always the best. The good seasons lift the show up and make it stand out but the bad seasons really drag it down, resulting in an overall mediocre 8 season run of TV.

Arrow Seasons Ranked -->,asc

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Thank you for 8 years of wonderful episodes and wonderful stories and mainly, thank you for starting of the #Arrowverse universe. Hope this show will return in some kind of form. 10/10

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I think Stephen Amell at some point got too much Fame in his head. Arrow is my least favorite of the Arrowverse shows, and honestly if it weren't for Katie Cassidy I would have dropped it.

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It started out as a great series, but little by little it has fallen into a black hole. The last few seasons are pointless nonsense...

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This show manages to hinge between being a must watch type of show, and a skippable show far too much for much of a recommendation. With primarily 23 episode seasons, there is A LOT of fluff. And not cool, entertaining fluff, but the CW drama fluff. To me, this show could have been one of the best ever with a shorter and concise 12-16 episode season that is truly focused at Arrow. It could have been the Dark Knight trilogy of tv shows. Unfortunately, when reviewing the whole show you can't simply overlook the bad (especially when there is just so much from a sheer quantity perspective). However, it is worth mentioning that this "bad" to me will certainly be a selling point to others. Because of that this is a show everyone should check out, but I know it is not one I will be itching to revisit any time soon.

Average Season Review: 7.88/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For CW Drama Fans)

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loved this series at the start, the storyline kept me at the edge of my seat wanting to see what happens next, but then it lost me. Glad is finished now, otherwise it could have destroyed the rep of this show even more for me. And what was up with Oliver and Mia. What a terrible match for a "romance" never made any sense to me at all.

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I used to like both Arrow and DC Legends. However, I really disliked them when they started doing all these cross universe bull. I hated DC legends even more after about season 4, when they turned the show in to a slapstick comedy act. I might as well be watching "The Three Stooges." Actually, it was probably when Firestorm left the show. I had a real sour attitude after that.

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YES it finally ended.
The show started great, but it became more and more boring with every season. At least it had a good ending

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Nice season finale but for the love of God (if he exist) stop use the word heroes soooooo much !!!

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Season 7 was Amazing!!!! Wow It had to come to an end eventually can't wait for the 8th and final one

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If I am ever having trouble sleeping I put this show one and m out in no time. This show went down hill very quick. and did not even have a good start. every episode has a flash back.

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Shout by Deleted

Best series DC ever, Oliver is badass even when he makes the choice to not kill. Be realistic, everyone love an Oliver ruthless and he killer soul. The best season are the first, the third and the fifth. I have the feeling that's the season 7 will be great, we comes back at the origins, in sort of.

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Went downhill when they killed off Laurel Lance.

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Shout by Deleted

It was amazing at first but got a little but annoying.

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I was Hesitant On this show at first but after watching it I was instantly HOOKED Great Plot Season By Season and Oliver Queen is so AWESOME The Supporting Cast and Villains are On Point as well Overall Great Series 4.5/5

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This is a must-see series in the world of DC Comics. The Arrow has a fast-paced plot with a different overarching villain in most seasons. The show has close links with The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and the cancelled (but still great) show called Constantine. As I write this comment, we are six seasons in with the seventh announced for October 2018! I went to the London MGM Comic Con in October 2017 as The Green Arrow, and it went down a storm. My friend came as The Flash and we looked like a pair of legit superheroes lol, although we got locked out of the car coming home so we had to break into it, still in our cosplay outfits (was funny looking back).

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first 2 season is the best and badass. next installment = Super Friend & Family & Ex galore! Boring.

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Shout by Deleted

What happened to this show!?!? Olicity!?!? The "new" Black Canary aka Dinah (not a fan of hers)!?!?

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Shout by Deleted

This is the best tv show. I follow it regularly.

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At last a good episode !!!

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I like the occasional crossover, but when Flash started, and then Supergirl . . . argh. I don't watch those other two shows, but somewhere along the way I felt like I had to just to follow along in THIS show. I was a fringe fan as it was, and that's when they lost me.

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They keep going back to the damn island like it's in the backyard

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The beginning was really good, but with all the romance that became the main theme this show has killed off the "super-hero" thing.
I hope Felicity gets for real killed off as she doesn't fit in this show at all.

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Is there still someone in town who don't know who is The Arrow behind the mask ?

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Shout by Deleted

in the beginning it was kinda Good but now it's not i think it should end very soon.

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Started out good at the beginning, then it went down hill from their as did the flash... DC really needs to step up competing with Marvel they have DC beat on both fronts TV and Movies. I think DC should just scrap everything on local networks like CW and go with HBO, ShowTime, Cinemax, Netflix, or Amazon Prime where they aren't so limited like they are with local broadcasting networks.

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Great series. Really enjoy it more than the Flash and Supergirl. Although I love Legends even more

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I can't stand this show. I like the crossover episodes and that's it.

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its a very good show

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