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Archer: Season 7

7x05 Bel Panto (1)

The closest thing to a dud there's been this season. There was enough humor and intrigue to keep this things going, but this was one of the more aimless episodes the show's done in Season 7, and it may just be an artifact of the two-part structure that leaves the entire enterprise feeling a little disjointed. Mallory's still in fine form ("How's nobody" is a perfect bit of cutting repartee from her) and Patton Oswalt's Shapiro character and his repeated anger at P.I.-clumps was amusing, but there were long stretches of Carol-based humor that kind of stalled, even if Pam tried to resuscitate them. Lana and Archer's train of jealousy didn't do too much for me, and while the hijacker clowns are an interesting twist, it remains to be seen whether the payoff will be worth all the fumfering around that took place in the first half of this story arc.

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was gonna give it 7 but with the Joker's thing it's now 8 :)

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