One of the great character actors / B movie stars, Michael Ironside

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Shout by Ward

Great episode. This season, and the show whole really, is so varying in quality. The season arcs and the continuous connections through them aren't that good, like the factions and plot threads aren't well developed, and yet many of the individual episode stories are good, and i love the dynamic between the crew. I like these characters, and i want to hear more from all of them.

I loved Michael Ironside's character, and we got the added complexity that's he original Stark. I loved the dynamic between him and Dylan. I loved the pleasentries, loyalties, history, secrets. I loved they brought the Genites back in and it was quite well done, along with making a faction of the templars and what they've been doing. In the above paragraph i said how Andromeda didn't do factions quite well, but it did well here. The Nietzcheans are also a good faction the show developed.

I just liked it all, though Harper and Trance weren't much involved. I liked Tyr being in command, i liked the conversations between Dylan and Rommie. Great episode.

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