I'd recommend this one as a way to introduce the show to your SO or someone who doesn't generally watch geeky science fiction.

This episode held up really well on a recent re-watch. The scenario was fairly boilerplate space cyberpunk + diplomacy (I realize it's funny saying that since the setting is hardly that common) but the dialog between the principal cast was as enjoyable as ever, and the "B" plot (that isn't really a B plot so much as where all the actual intrigue and action of the premise plays out) was enjoyable, primarily focusing on Beka's romantic sparring with the episode's "cutie of the week", but I most enjoyed Rommie's quips and Tyr's... well, everything. Keith Hamilton Cobb's Shakespearean laconic brute persona and the subtle expressions are pure gold. The look he gave Dylan at the end could have easily been goofy and cliché, but his pathos-imbued nuance of expression sells it with just the right comedic tone.

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