One good guest star performance, but otherwise there's nothing here of value.

Stop me if you've heard this one before-- "Team of White adventurers with loyal trickster aliens/elf/tiefling prove virtue to win McGuffin ~relic~ from hunter-gatherer guardian natives through triumph of will (implied mortal combat melee weapon brawl)".

Perhaps the tropiest episode of Andromeda, if not one of the most banally eye-roll inducing episodes of sci-fi television of the era.

  • cringy college girl fanfic writing
  • No Harper
  • 30 seconds of Tyr
  • No Andromeda or Rommie
  • bad FX
  • cheap soundstage

Laura is always great, though, and the guest star alien is played delightfully by Brendan Beiser, and it's fun to watch them play off of each other. Just skip to watch both scenes they're in. Timecodes: 13:28 and 35:09

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