Oh come on ! A 1000 years in the future and they still have to wave a "cellphone-like device" around hoping to get some signal ? Guess they forgot about his ONI thingy in his eye, why not use that ?

Whatever, moving on ...

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“Do you happen to have a map...” hahaha. Poe is so precious.

The ending though. I'm ending my night on a cliffhanger.

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The best moment is when Poe decides to screw the pseudo world of FANTASY to hell.

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So, his future self has specialist envoy training, and decades more fight experience. There's no way his past self will win, right?

And his future self has a sleeve that has enhanced body and muscle modifications. There's no way his past self will win, right?

Just when i was starting to enjoy the episode, they pull some stupid shit.

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Finally, the second season is beginning to be as powerful as the first. Earlier episodes were bogged down by bad writing, illogical actions and unnecessary unsatisfactory action sequences. Glad to see my patience has been rewarded. (Although Tadesa & Poe were always good, I confess.)

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