• Happy to see Julia Hart escape Dark purgatory. Her improvement has been slow, but steady. I just have such a hard time taking her seriously in HOB when you can tell she's always trying to stifle a smile. I still don't know whose idea it was to throw her in there, of all people. Seems to me like she'd be one of the most natural female faces they have. She didn't have to keep the cheerleader gimmick, just keep the same move set and be herself. Oh well, I hope it works out for her eventually. She has one of the best theme songs in wrestling, so there's that.

  • Swerve Strickland "merged" with the Embassy. It's tough to call it a "merger" when he's the last one left in his faction, and that faction only lasted a hot minute to begin with. As much as I'd hate to stop seeing him on the cable TV shows, maybe it's better in the long run for Swerve to be a big fish in a small pond over in ROH for a bit. Still not signing up for Honor Club.

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