The main event was pure trash, you just don't give the kid at 22 a title shot, I remember when big men only allowed in the main event or wrestlers who proved themselves, I like Jericho's promos and his heel gimmick, But he always acts like a midcarder, maybe it's that Erich Bischoff effect from WCW, And Moxly or Moxley should be the baddest heel in AEW I would love to hate him, As for the announcer, Who's idea was it to hire that garbage Tony Schiavone, The way he treated Bobby Heenan he should never get back on commentary he is a trash of a human, they should keep JR of course and get rid of the two and replace Tony with Matt Striker or Mike Tenay and Don West or Tazz for a color commentator, AEW is a mess and there's many things missing it should be fixed asap or it will end up like TNA, TNT might drop them, Because of AEW everyone is stepping up their game WWE,Impact,ROH, Hell even Japan, But they are just being poor with everything, Someone needs to fix AEW today

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