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Ahsoka 2023

More garbage Disney Star Wars, don't waste your time

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Extremely boring to watch. Most of the time the plot is around Sabine and not Ahsoka.

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Another boring and predictable show that relies entirely on nostalgia bait (Hayden Christensen cameo).
No interesting dialogue at all, it looks cheap and mostly plays on barren planets again.

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I like the show so far, but what's with the editing?
Why do they have so many long pauses during a dialog?

A: We need to do x.
B: ...
B: You might be right.
A: ...
A: Good, you agree.
B: ...
B: Let's do it.

A: Can you pass me the salt?
B: ...
B: ...
B: Absolutely.

It's putting me off :sweat_smile:

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It's really bad. The writing is terrible. Even my tween daughter was making fun of it making comments like "why is Ashoka afraid of Sabine turning dark? I thought Jedis aren't afraid." And "Why is Ashoka lighing her saber first? That goes against everything in the original triloty of Jedis not attacking" . Yeah I have been a fan of Star Wars since seeing the first one in 78, so maybe I am just too old for this, but it doesn't feel like star wars at all. Thrawn was great in those Heir of the Empire books, but he was so weak and not convincing in this series. The lightsaber fights have gone from masterful sword fights to dance routings. I don't know... pretty disappointing. I hate how they keep changing and cheapening the whole force/ jedi thing too. and there are too many modern tropes that they cannot get away from in modern Star Wars movies - particulatly how there has to be a weird light saber and there has to be a differnet stormtrooper. I guess in this case, zombie stormtroopers. ugh...

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I have Star Wars fatigue.

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so boring, couldn't get into this

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Ahsoka is :sleeping_accommodation::sleeping::sleepy:

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Shout by Chris
BlockedParent2023-08-29T21:33:26Z— updated 2024-01-23T21:35:44Z

Many characters are a little unbearable and they rarely remind me of the ghost crew. Shame. Rebels was very good. This show seems lost already.

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Sooooo the force is female, jedis are female, lightsabers are female, jaba the hut is female, Darth vader is female, skywalker is female, solo is female, obi one is female, Naboo is female, Tatooine is female, tauntaun is female, ewok is female and so are these series Rate:1/10

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I have never once commented on any show ever in my entire life, but reading all the hate on here is just mind blowing to me I can guarantee not a single one of these comment followed the rebels show I mean sure yeah it’s a kid show but it’s also a huge expansion of the Star Wars universe and this series absolutely did an amazing job continuing it. I could not believe what I was reading. I just kept scrolling and scrolling. Waiting to see someone talking about how great the show is but of the 54 haters on here as I already said not one watched Rebels. if they had, they would’ve absolutely love this series as I did and as I guarantee you, anyone else who followed rebels will also. Feloni did a fantastic job. I was so excited to see that there’s a season two and I must not be alone in my opinion given that they’re going through with production. I hope season 2 is as good as season one but even if it’s not, it will still be great because that’s a pretty damn high bar in my opinion these people are crazy.

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Somebody must have liked this story because it was made, right? Yet at the conclusion it feels rather like a damp squib, after an uneventful journey through a dreary 6 hours and fifteen minutes, and I have no one to blame for it but my silly optimism. 'Ronin', by 'eck, that dropped a clanger, though I suppose it was meant as a tribute. Felt very Macbeth at times, and others sucking on Frank Herbert's teat. It started well enough, but just ran out of energy, or should that be Force, and seemed to just be about finding things to fill the screen time, until what I assume was thought a denouement, because if it is leading me to a second outing, I'm not going to fall for it again. I shall look forward to more Andor instead.

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Mediocre show, Rosario is awful as Ahsoka and Winstead doesn't fit Hera Syndulla at all. Story is very predictable unfortunately.. I was so looking forward to this, dissapointed.

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I've been a massive, and I mean MASSIVE, Star Wars fan since I can remember, however I couldn't even watch this. I tried. I tried so hard, but it is just so boring, and horribly written. Rosario Dawson's acting is mediocre at best, and she doesn't fit the role of Ahsoka what-so-ever. Such a huge disappointment!

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Corny dialogue, uninteresting characters, extremely predictable writing

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The Ghost Crew. In live-action. My oh my!

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Gave it a chance and still trying after 3 episodes but I do not know what I am watching is this Star Wars or some ripoff… sorry but I am not saying it is bad but it is also far from good… it is somewhat different or maybe I expected more. Maybe the story is off or the cast(ing)

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[Disney+] A fan service that is as effective for "Star Wars" fans as "Andor" was for non-fans. There is a display of references to the films in the saga that is sometimes excessive, and on many occasions they provide little more than an attempt to please the fans. Obsessed with laser sword fights, which appear in each and every episode, Dave Filoni offers an entertaining but superficial series, which indulges in homages but doesn't seem to contribute anything new or particularly consistent to a saga that is exhausting.

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Decent 8 hours of entertainment but yet another Disney woke ass series that’s filled with nothing meaningful. And oh yea, they have witches, papa Smurf, and zombies.

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Ok, this is just stupid. Fear the Walking Dead Stormtroopers. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING about this episode was a complete shit show. This show is just an extension of the Willow TV show with lightsabers. A Reminder, it was canceled!!!

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This show is boring and very disappointing, but I guess it does continue the weird lore changes/additions that I do not agree with or enjoy. More Andor, please! This show reminds me a lot of the canceled Willow show.

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Shout by scooby snack
BlockedParent2023-10-04T08:01:26Z— updated 2024-03-02T13:12:25Z

more tripe from the Disney AI machine. awful greenscreen acting, childish storylines, bloated episodes and padding aplenty. other than basement dwelling man-children, who exactly is clamouring for more Star Wars? the IP has been run into the ground; time to let it die with the little dignity it has left

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unfortunately, already here too.
Only criticism. As if people only respond to criticize anymore. It's just a nice series. Neet it is not the best. But it's not the worst either.

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so far so good, with great potential, giving it 9 from the first two episodes.

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A lot of technology and the first movies are a lot better of the new ones

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Respecting time lines of the Star Wars universe, for the Galactic Empire and the Fallen Empire, the Clone Wars, the Rebellion animation shows and the Formed New Republic, all connecting time lines of characters and events from even animations and animated characters and non animated shows as characters attempt, to follow rules of connected time line formations as relations, invested through into the writing, that is admirable, such attempt to follow the logical timelines and connections of events and characters among, must be encouraged ... That's how you try to connect and write a show logical timeline universe, properly...
Without attempted proper writing, no amount of resources invested, would result into anything meaningful, but all be a disregarded watch, in minutes after, due to the writing and inflicted principles, that fail the time frames or violate previous time frame formed rules or their own logic itself...

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Great so far. F*** the haters, some people don't know their elbow from their arsehole, so why the hell should their opinions matter?

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Could not watch past episode three. This is what Disney has done to star wars, and will probably do to other shows in the future.... Terrible show with mediocre acting, a total yawnfest that the most ardent wars fan will hate.

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They could've hired some five-year olds to write the better script. it has the same level of quality as any of other teen Disney tv shows.

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I liked the first two episodes just because I like Star Wars spin offs. But I agree with some about writing and for me some of the acting is pretty bad. I felt Mandalorian series is much better. But, I will keep watching!

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Okay, people, we get it. A lot of internet trolls hate Disney because they show the world like it is - people with different skin colors, sexual orientations and lifestyles. And they even hate it when their sci-fi universes aren't populated by all-white casts.

You know what? Get over it and don't bother her Est of us with your hate, intolerance and bitterness, okay? Thank you.

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I watched the whole series. I enjoyed it. It wasn't perfect so theirs a lot of room for improvement. I wasn't impressed by dawson's light Saber scene's. ahsoka is a savage with a light Saber dawson's portrayal during fights was very mediocre. Really all light saber fight scene's from all actors we're amature at best. Looking forward to season 2 hopefully they improve certain aspects of this show it has potential.

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Yes writing is not great but I think a lot of y’all are forgetting about the wga strike going on soooo yeahhhh. Still a show I will stick with and watch as it has Star Wars action and that’s all I care about tbh.

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Shout by peritas

First season is a disappointment, it has nothing to offer to the star wars legacy. I have to confess that space whales and zombie stormtroopers led me to believe that the script writers was definitely high but all the rest was a snooze festival of colossal dimensions. Hope they fix it next season.

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I‘m not a big Star Wars fan but like some of the movies and shows. After two episodes I think I will stop watching that show. It’s kinda boring and slow. My biggest problem with the show is the writing of the dialogues which are just way to short. It’s basically a picture driven show not a dialogue driven show which is nothing for me.

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This made me a star wars fan. Yeah I’m super late but I watched the all the tv shows and movies. Now I’m caught up

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Man I was so wrong with his. Starting from EP5 with our beloved actor, it was extremely well made. A solid 8/10 for me.

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the execution was ok but the story left to be desired + the Sabine characters doesn't feel 'right'

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Nah... Keep it to being Ended. Don't do a season's not worth it. It's just crap and has nothing of interest here.

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I don't know who this show is supposed to be about but this is not Ahsoka... I wonder if they ever watched any show with her... How would her character change so much in such a short time... ?
And Sabine and Hera feel wrong too..... ugh
And the fighting scenes look horrible... Maybe they should stick to animations because this is really not worth it... If I hadn't known (and love) Ahsoka already, this show would have ruined her for me ...

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ok, now i have to watch the original trilogy again to forget about all this crap

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Had so much potential
but just ended up
being a massive waste
of my time.
(Had to Grind out the
Second half of this
Lacklustre season).

Baylan and Shin
were the MVP'S of
the show and were
definitely underused.
only time I cared when
they were onscreen,
They were awesome
and I definitely would have
enjoyed them two in their
own show so much more
than this dragged out
How can it start so
Right but end so
The hole series was
just an extended trailer
for the movie to come,
that is not acceptable
and a complete piss take.

"I Expect More
Bang For My Buck"

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Ray Stevenson and Ivanna Sakhno made this show watchable. Whenever they are not on screen, I couldn't care less.

RIP Ray Stevenson. A strong performance to end on.

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Finally Star Wars is encouraged to explore a new galaxy and explore dark magic above the light in addition to bringing interesting characters like Baylan and Shin.

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Reasonable enough show IMI, I don't quite get the hate. There are however a lot of negatives. The story is long, nit particularly interesting and not very eventful. Storm Troopers still couldn't hit the side of a barn at point-blank range, Ahsoka and Sabine seem to excel at getting their asses kicked (and not much else) and the characters and development of them is far better where the Empire characters are concerned, the Rebel / Republic side are all pretty limp and boring. The ending is a bit of damp squib too, doesn't make you particularly bothered whether there will be a season 2 which it now seems there will be. Of all the Star Wars series though (most of which have been WAY better than the later Star Wars movies!) this is probably the weakest and neither of the two primary characters (Ahsoka and Sabine) are very inspiring at all and that's being polite.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2023-10-24T23:20:10Z— updated 2024-02-04T16:18:23Z

"Ahsoka" managed to achieve something no other Star Wars show up to this point did - it made me stop caring. I even watched "Kenobi" to the end despite the fact I thought it's bad because I still cared for the characters and/or the universe in general. Not any more.

Those are not the characters I learned to love from "Rebels". Which I went onto a journey with, laughed and, yes, even cried, with. They bear the names but that's where the similarities stop.

It started well, I even gave high ratings, which I now think was my hope for what it might be. But it was painfully obvious this wasn't going to be what I expected. Yes, my fault, I know. It totally fell apart with episode five after which I planed to watch the final three episodes once they are released. I didn't picked it up again. Like I said - I don't care.

And that's worse than hating it.

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It was a difficult start but after getting used to the characters I really enjoyed the first season. Really hope there will be a 2nd season or some form of sequel.

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This is a great new Star Wars show. It brings back much of the fun and wonder of the original movies. I love the Ahsoka character - especially her long slow eye movements.

Also - Chopper aka Chop kinda steals the show - he (it)'s a lot of fun.

And one more - also - Zombie Storm Troopers?!??!?

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Incredible story daardoor Not fun and exciting

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It's a shame that a certain culture is ruining the Star Wars experience, though I watch everything, it would have been better if it was animated like Clone Wars.

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Shout by Marcoo

They are trying hard to please star wars fan, trying to tick all the boxes. unfortunately it just doesn't work for me, Ashoka actress not sold, this full women power thing going on (master, apprentice and sith) is pushing it etc.

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Shout by quab775

the biggest problem with this show it is anchored in Disney rebels which most casuals have to rewatch or those who didn't watch are not aware of the story BIG Information Gap from filoni

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More maps and i presume they'll be more traps

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just wish star wars should return to the good Jedi guys be bad sith straight up star wars are a bit complicated these days..

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