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After Life

Season 2

Still a very nice show to watch, but it's starting to feel repetitive. While I am alright with the interviewees being over the top, I wish the "quirky" characters in the main cast were kept within the limits of realism.

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Loved the first season, but this one felt very unnecessary. Wasn't anywhere near as funny as the first season either. Still worth a watch though.

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Yet another great season from Ricky seeing a simple intelligent man going through his ups and downs and understanding that the way one person see's people isn't the only outlook on life.

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Like season 1, this takes a couple of episodes to really become good and I have to say after the beautiful ending of season 1 that was a bit hard to swallow. But then it gets back on track and delivers some great moments. I cannot stand the therapist, though. I don't think he's that funny and it's the only character with no real development or usefulness in the overarching story.

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So I binge watched this last night and my initial impressions are that it wasn't as good as the first series and I found the psychiatrist to be annoying in the extreme. This was just a bit over the top and the pub scene where the psychiatrist was with his cronies was cringeworthy. I will probably watch the series again as there were many really poignant and uplifting scenes. Gervais still does a great job of portraying the loss suffered by his character.

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Season 2 Ranked: 5/5

Episode 1: 5/5
Episode 2: 5/5
Episode 3: 5/5
Episode 4: 5/5
Episode 5: 5/5
Episode 6: 5/5

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I think this 2nd season is better than the 1st. Gervais has found the right amount of drama that fits this show.

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Another good season. Just a continuation of the first one and what's wrong with that? Some real brutal moments in there though.

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