I don't know if it's the actress, the character, or both, but "Auggy" is the most obnoxious and irritating character I've seen in quite a while. Tiresome af, tarnishes any scene she's in.

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Damn, the first 5 episodes were so good and Intriguing. These last two episodes are the complete opposite. Absolutely stupid takes on everything and writers just pushing as much science blah blah blah into a show as possible. So stupid

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Less and less SciFi. Slower and slower. Beautiful, but I liked the first 5 episodes more than 6 en 7.

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Weighing in as a book reader. I was disappointed with episode 6 being completely made up, not following the book. Well, they made up episode 7 too. The audacity of these show directors is mind boggling.

They actually did a pretty good job bringing the source material to the screen, but they absolutely butcherd it when they wrote original material. This is the same dumb and dumber director duo behind the last season of Game of Thrones, which they completely made up and ruined the series. BUT! They had good reason to do so, since Martin never finished the final book.

The Three Body Problem series is a complete trilogy. There was absolutely no reason to write an original plot...for two whole episodes out of an eight episode season. I can overlook the creative freedom they took with the characters. I just can't overlook them having the audacity to write their own plot.

Book 2 even goes into great detail about how nukes don't work in space (no atmosphere, no boom) and these two morons writing the show make nukes in space a major part of the plot. WHAT?! A complete slap in the face to Cixin Liu.

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They used the word retard. Lol it. It’s a classic word that needs to come back.

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Ye Wenjie's graveyard chat with Saul is the most mind boggling change from the books. Seriously, what does that dry joke have to do with the dark forest hypothesis?

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That stupid bitch harping about how evil the man trying to save humanity and refuses to do her part should be shot. This show is just a bloody soap opera now.

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A very emotional and in a way sad for Will.
But one more episode to go, let's see what happens next. :thinking:

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After 7 episodes we finally see the purpose of the dying dude.

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They're simplyfing the whole trilogy, adapting three books at the same time almost, the result is so flat.

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Is Liam Cunningham as Wade becoming anyone else's favorite part of this show? I mean, he was awesome on Game of Thrones, but he's such a magnificent bastard here that I'd follow him into the breach.

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If he doesn't give you a star, he doesn't love you...
It reminded me of Futurama...

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I’ve never had many friends. But thanks to you guys it always seemed like enough

Whatever happened to the game though? Did it just magically disintegrate? Or suddenly become obsolete once two people figured out why the San-Ti were coming? And why the need of a game convoluted like this to then just turn on the players later on. Seems like a huge waste of energy.

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Drolling. Enclosed. Drawn out. Unintelligible. Purposeless. Crisis of complexity amidst simple room locations, a hospital bed, a series of hallways and a graveyard. The filmmakers intentions about “deep” characters don’t translate when they don’t do the things a show needs to do for such emotional connections to be made. So in a sense, presumptive -as if the voices in the writing room are demanding you get it. Unfortunately, I get it - extending episodes and boring characters beyond what is earned means miserable writers got paid and you got robbed of time. Had to watch in 3 separate viewings over 15-20 minute intervals to finish. By 30 mins in I felt like the episode was 700 hours long. Something about how incredibly boring, slow and bad it is that gamifies getting through each nano-minute. Can’t wait for the next gripping long shot of a monkey vomiting, a grave stone or stone faced character looking into the distance.

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Hoping that the season finale ramps things up, since this is becoming a bit of a slog after a promising start.

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Really sad seeing ending the great friendship they have

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I only read the first book, and maybe it's because this episode is the first to cover ground I'm not familiar with yet, but I enjoyed it more than the ones before.

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a slower episode that anticipated

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