Someone should check Lynn's office just in case he's been carrying Frodo's ring because holy shit, the dude's losing it.

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Shout by JasperKazai

There is no way in hell that any major news channel would be covering anything other than the assassination of a former president on this day. Who gives a fuck about a treaty signing in comparison?

Oh yeah, arrest Jack. That goes over so well every other time you've tried to do it. Christ, people.

Leaving an unconscious black man, fully dressed in tactical gear, alone in an LA suburb... yeah, that won't lead to any issues.

Love how Jack is able to stick some random chip into a flip phone. Flip phones were well known for their 'chip slots.' And the connecting to Chloe bullshit, lmao.

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Just realized Logan will continue throughout season 5 to 8 .... dammit, can't stand this guy.

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