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Zack Snyder's Justice League 2021

overlong and overhyped, this could have trimmed a lot of the filler and been much shorter as a result. is it better than the 2017 Justice League? yes, but that's not saying much. Flash is still an annoying clown, Cyborg is still a piece of wood and Superman is still an emotionless android. Steppenwolf's redesign looks badass, and he is possibly the best thing about this movie, but 1 great character can't save this movie. despite what people claim, this is not a different movie, it may have new scenes or old scenes that are shot differently, but it's still the same movie with the same core story

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I don't want to waste any more time thinking about this movie, but seriously, there's no way to explain how bad it is. Four hours bloated with paper-thin characters and kindergarten-level storylines, of which less than half gets a proper closure, by the way. It also comes with some of the cheesiest action scenes and worst-looking special effects I have ever seen in a blockbuster. PS3 videogames have better CGI backgrounds. People have been talking about Snyder's obsession with slow-motion (almost 25 minutes here), but I was more annoyed by how he keeps showing off the exact same three dolly movements in every scene. Another proof that you can sell the most childish shit as a dark and thought-provoking auteur masterpiece as long as you got some smart marketing behind.

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Yes, there are some (few) relevant changes. But none of them makes this an essentially better movie. Far too many flaws and issues remain.

And most of all, it still doesn't provide much joy or entertainment, especially considering its extreme length now.
The final 15-20 minutes even managed to make this a worse experience. The value of all these tiny bits of previews and introductions didn't surpass generic trailers.

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I liked the film very much. It is long but it doesn't get boring. Now everything makes sense because you have an explanation the tells you why things are happening.

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Waay better than the 2017 one, almost an entirely different movie, liked it very much.

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Was the Snyder cut worth the wait? Yes, absolutely. It's not the greatest comic book movie ever made. There are moments when it crawls to a snail's pace and there is a little too much exposition. However, there is much to like here, with more time devoted to characters who were cut short in the original, and a great final act that proves how good Snyder is when it comes to blockbuster action. I didn't hate the 2017 original, but this is a whole lot better. It's dark and sometimes masterful, and befitting of the style that Snyder has shown throughout his tenure with the DCEU. It's his movie and I'm glad his vision was finally realised.

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Still a slog to get through. Only good additions was more backstory for Cyborg. Oh, and the epilog was absolutely terrible. Worse than fanfiction.

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Like a $2000 stimmy check, Snyder's Justice League is worth the wait.

An epic super hero opera, every person even remotely connected to this film, from the actors to the writers to the janitor, takes themselves dangerously too seriously, but that's so much better than not doing nothing at all.

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No spoilers ! Got to watch it earlier this week as a critic. Definitely way better than the first. we get to see a bit more character development and origin. There's a new character revealed that wasn't in the first movie. I'd rate this a 7/10

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Makes the 2017 cut looks like trash!

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Probably the first four-hour movie that I watched in one sitting. Not a perfect one, but the first fiction that caused me emotions since "Endgame". The plot is interesting. The characters are developed. The soundtrack is incredible. It could have been a beginning of something, but, you know what happened. Such a pity that a franchise with this potential has been lost.

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Honestly after all the fuss, all the hype, all the money spent to finish this...we’ve essentially got basically the exact same movie.

Sure this fixes some of the issues with the theatrical version, removing the kinda pointless Russian family scenes for example. However instead it replaces them with other unnecessary scenes, like the Flash saving a woman who I think is supposed to be Iris West not that she ever says her name or does this have any bearing on the rest of the movie. Sprinkle in a little bit of Darkside where he wasn’t before and pad out with long slow mo sequences motion and establishment shots.

I’m not saying this is terrible, it’s not, just most of what works is already present in the theatrical cut, its just stretched out. I thought the theatrical was fine a 6/10 with some issues...this cut is the same a 6/10 improves on some aspects but is just a bit too long and replaces the old issues with slightly different ones.

Between these two different versions is a good 7/10 2 and a half to 3 hour movie somewhere.

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WOW! This is just SOO much better than the 2017 Whedon version.

This is basically a completely different movie. And best of all - no freaky weird CGI mouth/chin shots of Cavill.

It really is quite amazing how much the editing can make or break a movie. This version has a much richer storyline, the characters are fleshed out a lot more. And everything just makes a lot more sense.

Granted, there are a couple of times where it does slow down a bit, but that's to be expected in a 4hr movie.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Mind blowing and I want to see happened next.
In short I want to see Jack Snyders's Justice league 2.....

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When every scene is agonizingly slow (motion) of course your movie is 4 hours. Do not waste your time like I did.

[ancient lamentation music playing]

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I'm disappointed that only 2 hours of the movie was slow motion!

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Instantly better than the Whedon version “and Batman v Superman” as soon as it starts. Since Whedon just brought his usual goofy one liners and tried too hard to make the DC universe less dark.
Batman v Superman still comes off as an unfocused mess story wise. This movie at least makes some of the scenes just thrown in make sense.
The film also feels more like an epic than the original version. That just wanted to be the Avengers but with DC heroes.
Snyder’s one big problem to me though is that he loves slow motion way too much. You can also say this version sets up backstories for almost 2 hrs. Which will bother some but I enjoyed all the new scenes throughout this movie. As a comic fan. After I saw the 2017 version I kept forgetting the Justice League even got a movie honestly. This movie is so much more memorable and deserves a sequel.

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This is the movie that all the fans of Snyder's work have been waiting for. The one I was waiting for back in 2017, the feeling of watching this finally coming to life is amazing.

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I don’t really remember the original that much so it was like a new film so was it an improvement, i scream yes! Thank you Zack! The soundtrack, action, effects and picture all were fantastic! It definitely deserve a place in my dc collection but it didn’t need that ending because it was cheesy and without it i’d of scored it a nine.

Bring on a sequel if what I’ve read up is true XD

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Let's give this guy another 4 hours to tell us why he cant direct a movie, cuz this one wasnt enough...

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Slightly better than theatrical cut but with 2 hour more runtime? No. This is the type of movie that only die hard fans will enjoy. Not for me.

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when did DC start making good jokes?
I thoroughly enjoyed it, every character had a depth. love it.

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This is a totally NEW movie not a remake!!!

Way Way Way better than the Joss Whedon trash

I actually enjoyed this so much and everything made sense for the prior movies

Loved the new direction Zack took with the script and the new twists he introduced!!

The visual effects were amazing as well especially Flash!

loved that he gave each character its time and showcased their potential

Loved the setup he created for potential sequels

The overall feel of the film was great, it didn't feel rushed, perhaps slow at some scenes but not rushed at all

well done Mr. Snyder you totally deserved that second chance

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I actually... LOVED it! Honestly, I wasn't there when everyone was asking for the #SnyderCut, but seeing this?! What an amazing movie this was... I feel so full of energy and cheerful emotions after all these epic scenes and coherent plot. Extraordinary job, thank you.

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A must watch movie.
This is the real justice league movie

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This puts the previous release to shambles the first movie was. This Snyder Cut really brought life to the characters, meaning to the story being told. We were robbed with that first Justice League movie.

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That mix of Gotham, superheroes, Atlantis, Greek mythology, aliens and god knows what else just doesn’t work for me. 4 hours simply means more nonsense. Overkill.

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Definitely better than the Whedon's cut, it takes its sweet time in building the new characters, but it does pay off (Victor was especially well done for the limited time they had). It also felt like watching an entire new movie, with all the added scenes, the cut cringe and the different dialogues.
I loved Bruce's dreams of Injustice and I so much wish we could see Snyder's version of this story. I also wish we could see a real sequel for this Snyder trilogy, since there were many open doors for sequels (like the Green Lantern ring lost during the fight with Darkseid, Lois' pregnancy, the quest for the anti-life and Martian Manhunter as part of the Justice League), but with Henry Cavill out of the scene as Superman (and Ben Affleck getting older and older) I doubt we'll ever get one.
Still, I hope for a Kingdom Come film with the main cast and directed by Snyder.

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This is the Metal version :metal_tone2: of Joss Whedon's 2017 soda-pop Justice League. #RestoreTheSnyderVerse

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It's not great, but when you compare it to the original cut, it's a huge improvement. The Snyder Cut turns a bad movie into an alright movie.

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I have not watched the 2017 Justice League.

For a four hour movie it doesn’t feel like 4 hours, the story is well set up and told. Plenty of time for the backstory of the new characters as well as what the villains backstory and reasoning is.

I will at some point watch the 2017 version but I am in no rush.

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One of the greatest superhero movies ever. Way better then the 2017 version. Doesn't even feel that long a movie.

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This was a film that I think had way to much hype to ever reach its full potential. There is really only so much you can do with reshoots of a movie that was so underwhelming and forgettable that the first time I viewed it was on a plane back from Italy. ZSJL may be an improvement upon the Theatrical cut of Joss Wheaton's film but its is no masterpiece. This film is four hours long and it is a struggle to get through. While a lot of the film has been improved like things such as Cyborgs and The Flashes character arks feel more meaningful and powerful. Things like the overall plot and the main villains still fall short of anything of extreme interest. Leaving an overhyped film with a lot left to be desired.

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It’s fine but very overrated. Way way way to much slowmo. Also for being the fastest man on earth you’d think Barry would know how to run right and not flop his arms everywhere.

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Never have I ever enjoyed a full 4 hours movie in one sitting. I just love it. The dark vibes, the character development (well, The Flash had the most superficial story and lines here IMO) are waay much better than the theatrical cut.

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An absolute masterpiece! I have always loved the style of Zack Snyder‘s movies and his version of Justice League is so much better as the Whedon one from 2017 and should from now on be the only version of this film. Basically you can‘t even compare those two because the Snyder cut is a completely different movie and you can really see that the director had a vision for the movie. I really hope that Warner change their mind and let Snyder make Part Two because it just would be perfect to see this story continued.

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Definitely better than the previous "short" Justice League movie. But it's nothing to be too thrilled about.

The heroes' roles seem really random, like they need to show each hero fighting, so it's like put in there, but many times it felt like it didn't belong. The constant jumping of the story between the various characters is not at all subtle. It's like one scene of flash, and then suddenly a completely non related scene of cyborg.

The introduction of characters like Iris, Martian Manhunter, Wilson, was cool.

The injustice storyline introduction seems very vague. I think a very short clip leading to that would have been better, the entire Mera & Joker scene felt very forced.

I agree with some of the comments. Gal Gadot does not suit the role, she can't act well for the role. Amber Heard's role is cringey mostly. Ben Affleck doesn't make Batman the loveable character he's supposed to be. A good recast would be nice.

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This is the worst shit i ever fastforwarding in years it was so bad 1/10 xD.
I mean the story and the fight are just crap and 4:3 ok why not xD
Even movies with 2/10 from 2021 with 1million budget are 10x better :)

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The worse thing in the movie is the Snyder esthetic and some scenes from Flash. But is much better than BvS and Justice League (2017). I think this movie is overrated, but is not terrible.

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Visually I found it great. Dramatically it seemed poor. So the bad guys needed three boxes to destroy the world. Without them they and their army are trash against six super powerful people.

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The move that gave me hope in DC again.

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Much better than that one launched before!

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The duration made me hesitant, but I just had to check this film out.

It took me 3 days to finish cause of my work schedule, but I don't regret a second viewing it.

Obviously, there was more character build-up with the film duration, and the film took its time exploring each character's side of the story. I would have to say; some long scenes could have been shortened, such as the team discussion scenes.

I may not be a crazy DC fan; however, I did also think to myself, "why weren't some of these scenes in the theatrical version" or "This literally has a similar duration to LOTR so that it could have been possible".

I find it unfortunate that it's only available on HBO Max or NEON for me here in NZ. If this came out on DVD, I would have definitely convinced my family to see this.

Overall, better team build-up, character exploration and raw emotion. The first difference I've noticed between JL theatrical version and Synder's cut was Steppenwolf's CGI. I definitely preferred Synder's cut. In comparison, Snyder's colour palette was a bit dim at times.

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A perfect cure for a previously wounded movie - 9/10. #ThankYouSnyder

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jfc give this man an editor who can say "No".
It's frankly amazing that he did shot most of the storyline focused scenes first time around I assume a good DCU superhero movie after two attempts... and buried it in a whole hour, if not more, of unnecessary slow-mo music videos and stupid or creepy for no reason scenes.

And for the love of god keep Whedon away from it... Who the hell cuts character arc that a core part of a main storyline?!
I just don't get it. He could have so easily cut stupid equation thing and nodes to future movies away if that was the real point of reshoots. Why rearrange so much of the story bits, assuming of course, that the plot was already completed by than.

P.s. Well, I hope someone on the internet will eventually make another cut of this and finally saves the movie for good.
And add the race scene between Flash and Superman

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“Evil does not sleep.”

There is so much going on and it is very apparent that this is the superior version. Cyborg and Flash get much more of a back story which makes it a much more cohesive story, which made me happy. I am curious how much Zack himself would’ve cut out since it would’ve not been more than 3 hours in theaters, but I am glad he got his total vision out there and there is something poetic about leaving people wanting more and not doing more comic book movies for Warner Bros.

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Justice Leauge (2017) feels like a bad trailer for a good movie. I like how this movie takes a darker tone when compared to other superhero films. The runtime helped the characters to be established especially, Cyborg and also superman. In the 2017 version, I felt like they brought out superman from the grave just to fight (though it is the whole purpose) whereas here the focus on Lois helped to connect with the story of superman. Overall this is a well-made movie which I expect to the beginning of a better version of DCEU.

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5/10, boring, horrible visuals, did I mention boring? Overhyped garbage.

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So much better than the first run through. Wish this is what was put out in 2017. I only wish it was filmed in full screen and not the box look.
All in all, Zak Snyder needs to be in charge of filming all future DCEU films as the only good one up to this point was Aquaman (with exemptions to the Dark ever). For years Marvel has put out top notch films one after the other. Would be nice to see DC movies get on the same page

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What a tiring watch.
I don't know what bothered me more: the generic dialogue lines, the endless slow mo scenes or the camera slowly closing in on the characters when they talked. Got the impression that the director tried a little too hard to make it cult cinema and that was not it for me.
It's better than the 2017 version, definitely, but I'm not sure how much merit this deserves on its own without drawing comparisons.

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Justice is done to the Justice League.

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If you make a bad film longer it turns out it doesn’t make it better.

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Leagues better than the original cut, there's no reason to ever watch the Joss Whedon cut again. There are a whole lot of improvements; the story, the music, the characters (Flash, Superman, Steppenwolf, Cyborg are all so much better) and so on. There's even some kind of redemption for Jared Leto's Joker. Goes on for a bit too long, but it's a 8/10 easily.

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Honestly I understand people think that this is better better then theatrical release version of Justice League, and that maybe true. However, just because something is better than something else does not make it good. I believe this that this movie will turn fans who are already on the fence about the whole DCU further away.

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It's a masterpiece. If Warner wants to make a lot of money for the next 10 years, they just need to continue the work that daddy made here. This universe deserves Injustice: Gods among us.

Let's support Zaddy's work and try to #RestoreTheSnyderverse

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It doesn't take much to make better of the piece of shit that was the older version of this movie. So I'm inclined to say I've enjoyed my time with it much more than I originally did.

I feel like this didn't really need to be 4 hours long other than having to make one movie to encapsulate everything that needed to be shown to make the story enjoyable.

The only thing that brings down this movie heavily is the fan base, of which you have examples in the other comments. Deplorable.

If you have 4 hours to waste and want to watch a really useless version of Justice League that's done with a bit more creativity and passion then watch this movie. Otherwise you've lost nothing other than your time, just like for the original one.

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No. Just no. We want new movies not this. Boring af

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I liked it more than the one released in theaters, more time to develop things, it has not been long

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It was good. I just don't like the aspect ratio.

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I think Zack Snyder just resurrected the DCEU. Make him the “Kevin Feige” of DCEU and we will have some great movies and story’s years to come.

For Autumn. :cry:

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A pure masterpiece ! Thanks Snyder

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The anticipation for this meant it was never going to meet expectations and the reviews on its release are overly gratuitous. Greatest film ever, Snyder is genius, a masterpiece.

None of this is true. It is better than the theatrical release, an interesting study in editing, but still a flawed piece of film making.

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No miracles here folks. It's not a good film.
That is all.

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This is the real Justice League movie, It's a must watch

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Not perfect but it's the fix we deserve

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Shout by anubis81
BlockedParent2021-03-18T15:14:59Z— updated 2021-03-24T22:04:46Z

Snyder is a fantastic director.

4 hours of pure awesome.

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This was a much better version than the previous one - it had more content on the individuals (cyborg in particular) and the action sequences with with added bits was so much better

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No spoilers ! Got to watch it earlier this week as a critic. Definitely way better than the first. we get to see a bit more character development and origin. There's a new character revealed that wasn't in the first movie. I'd rate this a 7/10

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This is the movie that was deserved in 2017. Zack Snyder is a genius and hit it out of the park in his original version.

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Shout by LT-Bergmuis
BlockedParent2021-03-18T20:39:52Z— updated 2021-03-24T21:52:12Z

Its slow and waaaaay to dark colour wise.

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Although I did enjoy the whole 4 hours ( with breaks of course ) and with respect to Snyder's vision of color reproduction and decision to go for the 1.33:1 aspect ratio " adding more visual content " .. I found it stupid because the whole world watched it on TV with black bars or cropped to fit the full screen and thus having little content invisible. I went for the cropped in an attempt to enjoy the full screen experience for an hour or so, then switched to the intended 1.33:1 aspect and swallowed my pride for the remaining duration of the movie.

I enjoy cliff hangers a lot... They leave something to the mind to wonder about rather than brining the story to an end.

Additional characters reveal was a plus especially one specific beloved member of the league... Which got me excited and looking forward to future installments of the movie.

I don't usually have a lot to say about films I enjoyed.... So that's that.

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Snyder’s cut just obliterates the 2017 version. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. To the Snyders', thank you both for pushing through and sharing with your fans what clearly became a project so very close to your hearts — so much so that you knew that there was no other choice but to see it through. I hope that in completing and releasing this gem, you both find some sort of peace in the process.

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Its a lot better than the utter shambles that was the original release.

Good points - better colour, more drama, less comedy, some plot holes fixed, more character depth, darkseid, superman cgi fixed, black suit superman, joker cameo, green lantern cameo,

Bad points - irritating music during any Wonder Woman scene, over use of cgi, Esra still makes Barry act like Sheldon from TBBT :rage: Secret identities commonly known and found out too easily!

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It’s way too long, but it makes so much more sense than the original. And I like it a lot because of it. I’m still convinced that the Snyder-verse could’ve been amazing if they introduced each character with their own movie and built up to the team-up properly. It still has his flaws, but for me, this proves that we missed out on a great universe. This is the true version of this movie from now on.

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This movie is quite long, but it needs to be in order to carry the amount of depth it has. Every character has a purpose and no one feels left out unlike the original.

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There really is no comparison to Joss Whedon's version. Zack Snyder's version was epic. It had heart; it told a tale; it brought disparate pieces together as a whole; it tied everything together nicely. Whedon seemed to slap everything together believing, since he was making the first Justice League film, how could it go wrong? Well, he just found out.

What really struck me about this film, aside from how truly fantastic a film it was, was that the vast majority of this had already been filmed, and Whedon trashed it all. Aside from being a womanizing, misogynistic sexist (at the very least), he also has a gigantic ego. He took what would have been a great film that he simply could've put a bow on, disregarded it, and pushed out something that absolutely paled in comparison. The sheer arrogance it took to do that was just astounding.

Now that this film is out, and it seems to have gone over really well, I'm hoping that it keeps the cast together, along w/ Zach Snyder and his vision for this storyline. It'd be a shame for Warner Bros. to go back to Whedon's storyline.

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Shout by PrisonMike
BlockedParent2021-03-12T18:04:14Z— updated 2021-03-19T15:34:27Z

Before Watching
At 4 hours long it could be a damn 4 part mini series lol. Taking bets on how many times I fall asleep during this movie.

2 maybe 3 decent actors (I’m not impressed with who they picked as Batman, Wonder Woman, flash... yeah Gal Gadot is an Amazon, but she is not Wonder Woman), probably an obnoxious amount of unneeded CGI and other special effects, a director who is almost on par with Michael bay these days, in my mind at least (this is not a good thing.) What could possibly go wrong...

I wish Wonder Woman was Egyptian, could have a much better back story.

After Watching

I just lost four hours of my life for trash.

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Absolutely fantastic. Better than any Marvel movie I've seen. There, I said it. Snyders take on DC is so cool and different to all of the popcorn superhero movies out there nowadays. Shame we won't get to see the end of the story #restorethesynderverse

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I NEVER leave reviews, BUT.... What an AMAZING version of this movie!! After hearing that he dedicated this movie to his daughter that passed away, watching it after learning that, the whole movie felt so different. To me, this is the ONLY Justice League Movie that matters. Hands down, the best. The 2017 version was a 4, this was an 11!!

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Shout by Armindo Paulo Ferreira
BlockedParent2021-04-02T02:41:59Z— updated 2021-04-03T11:16:05Z

Another round and this time with "Justice is Gray" edition which is also awesome.
Really incredible experience in black and white.

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Justice is gray edition is also awesome.
Really incredible experience in black and white.

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Shout by Ro

Bruce Wayne - "I Don't Care How Many Demons He's Fought In How Many Hells. He's Never Fought Us. Not Us United."

batman talks to the justice league Cropped (1)
The original Justice League had a pretty cheesy scene involving the members discussing their plans where Batman came across as something of a goof who was pushed around by Wonder Woman and mocked by the rest. Zack Snyder’s Justice League made him absolutely sure of himself.

This was evident when he rallied the team together at a time when they didn’t know the kind of threat that Steppenwolf and Darkseid posed. As far as inspiration goes, there could be no better words than these, as Batman promised they were all strong enough to face even the likes of someone who had destroyed 100,000 worlds.

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Wayyyy better than the original cut. Much more fleshed out and definitely worth the watch. Maybe they can salvage this universe after all.

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That was amazing. Would have preferred to see it at a real IMAX but I sat 0.7m from my 65" OLED in pitch black and it kinda fooled me into thinking it was. Spectacular! Longest film I've ever seen

My mum even messaged me to say how impressive the visuals were. Highly unusual for her to even like comic book movies let alone one that's 4 hours!

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Not perfect but makes the 2017 movies looks like pure trash. Really evolved and sharped so many details. 4h worth the watch!

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Shout by Priest24

It was decent if you watch it in 1 hour sessions otherwise you're bound to fall asleep. Ezra Miller is irritating as fuck and I couldn't help but notice they didn't divulge much about his story but basically gave you a whole history o Cyborg. Oh and Jonn Jonzz has just been sitting around not doing shit this whole time.

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Shout by Ro

What a ride..
Great storytelling and so much depth to the characters

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Shout by Geon Dp

it would be an absolute shame if we don't get more HBO Max Snyder DC universe movie/show. Such a better movie going experience, Josh should feel absolutely ashamed for what he did to this movie

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