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Which Brings Me to You 2023

I think there needs to be a category for rom-coms that transcend the traditional meaning behind the label. While the movie starts off innocently enough (an almost-hookup at a wedding), what follows is deeply intimate. The characters bond by sharing their past mistakes and often wonder if it left them broken. I don't know if this is meant to be metaphorical or not - maybe the point was to show that our histories (for better or worse) make us who we are today. Either way, it doesn't matter. I thought that it was a fresh take on dating and the "are we broken" question. I don't know if this works with any other leads as they had ridiculous chemistry. At the end of the day it is another movie in the rom-com bin, but I could have watched it again when it ended and that is one of the highest compliments that I could pay a movie.

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It's only February but I already know this was the dullest movie of the year for me. And when I say dull, I mean it to describe every aspect. Characters, acting, writing, directing, soundtrack, ALL SO DULL.

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A picture about pretty shitty ordinary life of pretty ordinary people with ordinary stories. But damn it's good 90 or so minutes with beautiful actors and not so bad plotline.

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