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Vivarium 2019

What a waste of time! this movie pretends to have a meaning, but it's only a meaningless garbage, the story goes nowhere.
was good only for 15 minutes short movie

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From the beggining to the end, WHAT THE ACTUAL F#CK!

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Like sex with a sexagenarian, Vivarium could've gone harder, but I got what I needed from it.

This is not your teenage horror film. It's your Conjuring, your Babadook all grown up, because it's slower and more mature. More subtle.

Fortunately, there's a spark between Imogen Poots and Jesse Eisenberg (and that spark is Imogen Poots) that keeps the magic going after the plot (think Truman Show crossed with Twilight Zone) runs thin.

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I should’ve listened to the reviews. It was a stupid, pointless, waste of time, nothing explained, some movie maker getting hard on over piece of pretentious piss of shit art movie.

Trust the negative Reviews, this is a shite movie.

You will waste 1.5 hours of your life you will not get back.

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When I watched the trailer, it felt like a provocative and interesting movie... but turned out like a complete waste of time. It doesn't make any sense, it explains nothing. It's just 97 minutes of nonsense and terrible movie and acting. I wish I had never seen this.

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This film has definitely been underrated. It’s a wacky film with a bizarre plot and strong meaning behind it. It was very entertaining with a good cast.

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What SCP designation is this?

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I would have preferred something that wasn't allegorical - weird for weirdness sake is perfectly okay sometimes - but a good film nonetheless and a memorable one.

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Shout by Nuno Santos
BlockedParent2022-01-18T14:50:31Z— updated 2022-01-23T15:57:27Z

I wouldn't say it's a complete waste of time. It's very different from other movies I've watched, and the storyline is unique. However, I've got so many questions after watching this movie which I don't think I will ever get the answers to.

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Some good ideas but ultimately boring and pointless. They definitely should have killed the 'child'.

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Just a complete mindfuck from the start to the end

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A 'marmite' movie. You have to be in the right frame of mind to get it. I found it engaging, creepy and clever. There is a meaning to the story but there is no point in explaining it here. You either get it or you don't. If you enjoy and understand the work of David Lynch, then you will enjoy this movie. If not, stop reading this now and go watch something easier...

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It started a little slow I was going to turn it off and I should have the ending is shit it gets unbearably slow halfway through just don’t watch it

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This is the most disturbing and depressing movie ever made. Besides that it's also horrible. There are thousands of ways you could make this story into something meaningful. They managed to find the only way that's not.

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Good. Constant tension until the final mystery. Some say if was confusing and didn't make sense. Most of the people that like the movie don't really understand it. I think I know...

Vivarium : an enclosure, container, or structure adapted or prepared for keeping animals under semi-natural conditions for observation or study or as pets; an aquarium or terrarium.

SPOILS: The couple are being observed and studied, likely by aliens. Are the alien studying methods a bit ridiculous? To us yes. But this was explained near the beginning of the movie with the birds nest. It was destroyed by another another animal due to the nature of that animal. It makes no sense to human but it doesn't matter because their is a natural order.

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Weird and interesting at the same time.

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wow, that was shitty.
I hardly ever watched something so boring and bad.
I watched it to the end, though, because I wanted to know, what was really going on.
The ending sucked even more, than the rest of the movie.
Don't waste your time on this one.

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perfectly weird.
visually pleasing.
psychologically engaging.
had me thinking about the meaning of life afterword.
excellent commentary on family social structure and the war between our social needs and our physical biological needs as people. stellar performances by all actors included.

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horrible time waste film with zero meaning or interpretation of what they r about f***ng waste

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What a creepy strange fun ride

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

-1 / 1 misc (shut up with the damn squealing. they could have picked literally any sound for him to make.)

5 / 10

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Vivarium has a cyclical script proposal, that is, in the initial 60 minutes of film you do not have a concrete advance in history. I get the impression that vivarium would be a very good episode of Black Mirror, but as a film, it leaves some points to be desired.
It works as an acid humor the perfect family and the ideal life. We also see a little psychological terror. A mix of genres in a still setting that doesn't bring you the expected emotion.
I liked the movie and the concept. Although the ending didn't please me, an anti climactic outcome that requires you to analyze od symbols and reflect, "Did I really understand the film?"

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I get the message they're trying to deliver. The movie was boring. The visual is really good but it wasn't strong enough to keep me sit and stay.

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Watching this film made me hecking angry.

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Boring at certain times. Foreseeable.

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What the fuck is wrong with your mind Lorcan Finnegan?!

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The trailer had a big impression on me: I thought this would be a high tension movie, the plot had so much potential but I feel like it was wasted. There is no point in creating a big mistery if almost no answears are given. Why were the main characters stuck in there? Wth are these creatures? Did this instance kill the "hosts" because they tried to kill him or is this a common occurrence with every all "hosts"? Why is this cycle there? How can he grow up so fast and the other die so fast? et cetera...

The only way to extract value from this movie is from one's interpretation and you can just paint the canvas how you want, because of how little they gave you besides setting up some weird plot points.

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0 answers in all movie...

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A weird "out of ordinary" movie with Twilight vibes.
It shouldn't have been shorter though.
I could rewatch several twilight episodes, but not this one.

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See the thing is this movie doesn't really have a lot of worldbuilding and context but honestly, this is a good concept movie. It's shot well, the acting is really good especially the boy characters, and it's interesting and thought provoking. Unfortunately, there are some missed opportunities with the events they could've added to the story. I really think the alien hints could've exposed a little bit more about what was happening but alas, they didn't. I'm glad we got the ending with the dimensions. Definitely a conceptual thought piece, don't go out of this expecting a complete story, and for that I'm not too bothered with the plot.

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Really bad movie. WTF WTF

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You watch it to say you watched it and it ends there. does not lead to anything

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Twilight Zone episode with 1h30 duration.

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Well, that was a total waste of time. Boring and pointless. I kept waiting for a pay off that never came. I wouldn’t recommend this film at all.

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Don’t waste your time with this.
Do another thing,clean your room,go to the gym,go to work,whatever it is better to watch this shit.

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Why is nature so mean? Well.. That's just the way it is.

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A clearly mistery wtf movie with no real answers for such a nothing setup.
A great idea and concept but with no end intentionally and as a purpose.

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The design of the house is also the perfect fit of trying to create something ideal but with no understanding of how things are supposed to be, the whole thing is uncanny valley to the max, just as much as Martin is.

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It's weird and different with an interesting setup but not enough going on to keep me entertained the whole time.

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How you interpret this movie goes a long way. Personally I loved it but I see where the bad reviews come from. Its mysterious and pretty creepy and it makes your mind go wild during the film. Definitely worth a watch if you're willing to think about it with an open mind.

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So if you think you are going in a loop, perhaps you shouldn't go around corners. Just drive straight! I guess they did that following the sun, so they did finally try the sensible thing.

If you want to attack "them" with a pick, why not just kill the kid since he acts like Martin.

Overall, I liked the movie. Having a self contained plot without any dependence on world building is a refreshing change. There aren't many movies that attempt this. Every movie seems intent on building a world when often times it is completely unnecessary and even detracts from the story.

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I was pleasantly surprised
With this one as I'm
not a fan at all of both
the main leads.
But the story and their
Performances sold it
to me and in the end
won me over.
Could it have been better
Yes, especially with a cool
Concept like that.
Was it a waste of my time was not.
I'm a sucker for these
Types of stories and I
thought this one was
So bloody interesting
and mysterious,
not really seen this
Type of scenario before
so kudos for uniqueness.
Verdict: Mind Fcuk
In A Good Way.

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I didn't really understand much of it, but I did have fun trying to?

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But why is this circulation happening?
What’s the point?

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Shout by Erick

Worth watching once on a meaningless afternoon filled with nothingness.

Even though it’s overly long, contains a simple plot, and an opening sequence that gives away too much, I appreciated the metaphor for suburbia and parenthood.

I would have used that shovel to bury the second box from the very start.

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(also its not my 1st language)

yes, pretends to have a meaning but it doesn't come across, especially with that ending, movie was kinda interesting but after Tom dies its going downhill, a weird and stupid ending.

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What did I just watch and why did I watch it until the end?

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Straight doodoo. Be my guest and waste your time in meaningless nonsense.

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Ummmmmmmmmmmm :thinking: - I really don't get it

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Art-house horror can sometimes be mind-bending & haunting...other times pretentious & pointless. I'm still torn as to which camp this falls into. In the first 5 minutes of the film, you are almost explicitly told what the rest of the film will be, and it :asterisk_symbol:spoiler:asterisk_symbol: doesn't throw any curveballs. So from that perspective, I was quite disappointed. However, Eisenberg and Poots are masterful in their portrayal of this neverending nightmare they are trapped within, one that does have some intriguing things to say about modern societal values that people can get locked into. But I can't really say I LIKED this film much, even if there were some things to appreciate throughout.

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Just don't, you will never get the 1 hour and 38 minutes back

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The plot is interesting, but I think it would work better as a 30-minute short movie or a TV episode. There isn't enough content for a full feature film.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Vivarium’:

  1. Excuse me while I endlessly Google the meaning of what I just watched.

  2. It’s always such a disappointing moment, with these physiological thrillers, when they suddenly go off the rails. That moment — after a strong, promising start — when things suddenly become just too strange and random. And you know there’s no way back to a satisfying conclusion. The moment when the kid starting speaking in their voices was that moment for me.

  3. I enjoyed the film regardless. It was basically one long Twilight Zone episode. And those are always fun.

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Terrifying story that takes away your desire to live in the suburbs.

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The brood parasite uses other parents to raise their children, allowing them to avoid the time and energy that parenting requires. The hosts in this story are human, introduced into an "idyllic" environment that we see every day in commercials. The metaphor is obvious. But the execution of this interesting idea is repetitive and predictable. Only in some moments of narrative darkness does it find suggestive nuances.

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Remember that time you were stuck in Milton Keynes at dusk on a Sunday and you didn't turn on your GPS? A little bit amusing, a little bit pointless, an overall feeling of meh, a nagging feeling that you can't find the shops, and that as you spend more time it is increasingly becoming a bad trip.

By the way, every road has a house with a number 9 on it - that's not unusual!

It's definitely different from anything I have seen, so kudos for that. And i'm pleased I watched it once. But it's not a movie great.

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Good story, with a strong first half of the film, which unfortunately leads to strange absurdities at the end that won't even turn out to be. And that leaves the film with a lot of open questions.

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.... it felt like a very long episode of the twilight zone :)

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Most people won't understand this film unless they realise the poignant meaning of the cuckoo bird at the beginning!!
Nice touch with all the greenery as well.. If that's not another clue then I don't know what else could have been done to jog peoples minds lol.
Very cleverly done I must say ;-)

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A film with a classic Twilight Zone-esque premise. For a 90 minutes film, it burns rather slowly, perhaps inflicted in almost an excruciating pain, just like how Poots and Eisenberg's characters suffer the pain of their slow descent to hell. Which is why perhaps some viewers can't stand its duration, but to me it adds to the immersion. It's a rather trippy trip and quite worth it.

Film centered mostly on the two actors, with Jennings/Hardwick occasionally as The Boy. While Jennings/Hardwick successfully manage to pull that eerie creepiness out of his performance as The Boy, and there is a slight chemistry between Poots and Eisenberg, I was left yearning for something stronger of the two cast's acting. Especially during the last sequences where the characters meet their untimely end; felt like it could've been done more strongly. though plot-wise it served the purpose well.

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An interestingly odd movie. This movie really doesn't have much of a point. It's kind of like watching a hamster running on an exercise wheel. However, it is a very weird, trippy little movie and worth the time. Just don't expect a big pay-off at the end.

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This is a very very weird weird movie. Maybe like The Gift if u seen it.
I kept watching hoping the ending would be worth it.
It wasn't. It kept getting weirder and ended like you expected it.
If you're watching, watch on x2 speed. You'll miss nothing.

Not recommend at all.

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Although slow and repetitive at times, the concept of this is great. Did the ending happen as a result of their actions, or does it happen to everyone?

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Enjoyed it, even though the ratings are not really great. It is just a normal Jesse Eisenberg movie, being something weird is going to happen.

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The fact that it doesn't go anywhere and that the movie reaches the point it wants to make before even a third of it has passed doesn't mean it can't be a stylistic and well acted throw in the right direction. They just missed their mark.

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I don't know why I though it would be an interesting movie. I completely forgot to watch the trailer or to see what is about. The beginning of this movie, like the first minute capture my attention and I sit there waiting for some cool unexpected event. God.... I never felt like 1,5h could go so slow. I made it to the end truly hopping for a better result. What a disappointment.

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Mhm...weird, I had to start drawing my own premise as to what the movie was about. Couple looks for house, to start family gets stuck in some kind of alien abduction scheme, observed for research purposes and utilized to nurture the next agent. This movie should have a disclaimer "Watch only to waste time"

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All I could think of was Meryl Streep as Aunt Josephine in A Series of Unfortunate Events screaming in terror at a realtor. Meryl knew. She tried to warn us.

We didn't listen.

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Not the best movie I've watched

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Not the best movie I've watched

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I really don't know what i took away from seeing Vivarium. Maybe .... well .... yeah. I don't know.

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The design of the house is also the perfect fit of trying to create something ideal but with no understanding of how things are supposed to be, the whole thing is uncanny valley to the max, just as much as Martin is.

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