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Venom: Let There Be Carnage 2021

Big let down poor film

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This has got to be the worst movie of 2021....

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The first Venom movie wasn't exactly good, but it wasn't exactly all that bad either. This movie is awful.

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The first shit stain of a movie was better. Watching that movie is a literal suffering. Stay away if you know anything about the characters.

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I really liked the first one, but this one wasn't great. Kinda boring. A few laughs but not enough. Didn't look great either. And the whole releasing films that have clearly been shot for 16:9 in scope is silly. Heads were often cut off from shots.

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What a disappointing movie! It is a huge step down from the first one but Tom Hardy is as brilliant as ever. The script is the culprit here and the editing as well. A hot mess that is way too short.

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It was much, much worse than the first.
Too bad all these good actors whose talents were wasted with a very weak script.

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Better than the first one with a lot of fun moments and nice action. I love the relationship between Eddie and Venom and I feel they could've done better with Carnage but overall it's a good movie!

(And that post-credit scene.... OMG VENOM IN THE MCU IS REAL <<<<3333)

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this movie was slow motion, carnage should have been brought out as a stronger villain, I mean come on he eats him to destroy him. The 1st one was better had a better story line.

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admirably light-hearted but utterly disposable sequel

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I've seen worse. But it's not good, and it doesn't remotely resemble the source material. It's a PG-13 comfortably dumb movie and it suffers from its shackles. Carnage is hammy and goofy rather than sadistic and maniacal. Not recommended.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-10-01T17:58:14Z— updated 2021-11-06T18:53:24Z

It’s a lot like the first one.
It’s kinda trashy and childish, and it’ll probably make you cringe at least a few times, but it can’t help to be fun occasionally.
Tom Hardy clearly enjoyed himself making it, Woody Harrelson is fine.
The action is alright, but the production value is awful, the whole visual look is dated and cheap.
Like, this was shot by Quentin Tarantino’s DP, but you’ll never be able to tell that because of the production choices made by Sony.
The plot itself is very thin, uninspired and mostly forgettable.

Everything about it is extremely disposable, and the whole thing just screams ‘streaming movie’ to me.
You really don’t need to waste your money on this by watching it on a premium format.


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Shame. Hardy is a great Brock/Venom. Harrelson had all the potential in the world to deliver a properly unhinged and menacing Carnage.

But it fails on just about every single front. The story is so by the numbers it's painful. Typical Superhero Sequel schlock. The hero has an identity crisis and the sides split for a while before they get threatened by the Big Bad and make-up and kick the Big Bad's arse coz that's how the movie needs to end, not through any actual effort or self-discovery on their part.

The movie felt like a disjointed series of checkboxes being strung together with the flimsiest string. The first wasn't a masterpiece, but it had a charm in spite of its flaws. This just fails to meet the first on any level.

Hopefully, merging Venom into the MCU brings us a better third outing. I don't know exactly where this one fell apart, but I feel bad for all the outstanding talent that was wasted on it.

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Bad. Basically unwatchable. I fast forwarded through most of it despite its relatively short run time.

The dialog is atrocious and the storyline is paper thin. None of the jokes land. It's just annoying and loud.

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I really love Tom Hardy. Unfortunately, I really did not love this movie. Everything about it felt underdeveloped and one-dimensional. And that one dimension, the weird, pseudo-buddy-cop dynamic between Eddie Brock and Venom, is just not a very compelling dimension. I remember the quirky humor landing more often in the first one, but here it felt forced almost the entire time. I think the efforts they are taking to make Venom some sort of semi-good guy are misguided at best. The movie also feels like it's in a hurry, which may have contributed to the underdeveloped feeling. Alternatively, the short runtime and rapid pace also kept me watching even though I wasn't getting much out of it, so it may have also been a saving grace. When I think of the weaker Marvel movies, sometimes the action/spectacle is enough to coax a 6 or 7 out of me even when everything else was a let down. Unfortunately, that was not the case here, as the battle of CGI characters on display did nothing to impress.

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Better than the first? I've got to say no and that reason being because of the comedy that got too much for the film and it became cheesy at times but there were some good moments for the comedy also I was disappointed in the lack of action when you compare to the first film and that's probably because they focused more on the comedy but again some good moments in that too along with some cool effects and same with first film an easy plot to follow and was carnage done right? no and yes but over all I enjoyed it but it could of been better also great performance from Tom Hardy. P.S Good post credit scene.

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I am sure I am not the only one who does not like this piece of work. It looks like a cartoon movie and the target audience must be under 18. Although I like Hardy, Harrelson and also Graham, same jokes and predictable CGI scenes make it a little hard to watch the flow. 5/10

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I came to watch a comic, they gave me a cartoon.

The action scenes weren't terrible and the story wasn't awful, but I don't like the choices Tom Hardy made for the role and the relationship between name and Venom just looked silly. I bet the comic is a lot cooler than this PG Deadpool.

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This is pretty much a villain-of-the-week tv episode. There's not much to it. It's all on the surface, no substance. It's so weird that the movie was less than 90 minutes. They needed way more time to devote to the story, which is odd because the editing was horrible (see prison escape scene). They also watered down Cletus' character so much. They managed to take a serial killer, and ruin his motivations.

Without Tom Hardy, this franchise would be hot garbage. He is clearly the best part of it. Hopefully they can find better writers, or else his talent is being wasted.

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They let a 4 year old go into a candy shop, and the kid made a mess and ruined the shop for everybody.

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Shout by Luca
BlockedParent2021-11-26T03:03:50Z— updated 2021-12-04T12:28:13Z

"Venom: Let There Be Carnage" has got to be one of the worst superhero movies I have ever seen, especially from Sony. It exists solely to capitalize off of Tom Hardy's buddy cop romantic chemistry with Venom, and yet this time around, it's no longer funny - it's just gross. Venom is incredibly abusive to Eddie simply for trying to keep him from murdering whoever he wants, and the film expects us to accept that Venom is somehow in the right.

Furthermore, the script is an atrocity, filled with terrible one-liners and terrible pacing. Nothing in this movie feels authentic. Even Michelle Williams is put to shame during this film. The acting is horrendous because the script gives them nothing to work with. The cinematography is also terrible - It has some interesting ideas and settings, and yet it's always zoomed in on the characters' faces, preventing us from witnessing the cool scenery.

But hey, at least the final fight is better than the first movie's.

Utter trash; could have been written by a fifth grader.

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Better cgi and action then the first one but we still have the cringy snapchat/ticktok filter feel. i want a comic book movie that is faithful to the source and this isn't it a butchered version of carnage that is killed off in a shitty way is not what I want.

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I didn't get as much entertainment from this as I did with its predecessor. Still narrowly good enough, though.

'Venom: Let There Be Carnage' - great title, fwiw - does retain the fun performance from Tom Hardy, while the introductions of Stephen Graham, Woody Harrelson and Naomie Harris are welcomed ones in terms of the cast; even if I think their characters, particularly the latter two, are a little hit-and-miss throughout.

The action and the fact that the film only lasts for around 90 minutes mean I didn't have a negative time watching this; it is sillier this time out, which also helps. Could be a 6/10 film, but for me it inches itself into 7/10 territory.

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I was absolutely stunned to find how much I disliked this movie.

It's Venom, so was always going to be a little crazy - but not this

The downside is - you really do have to watch it to find out for yourself. After all, it is Venom...

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Carnage barely saves this movie. Brock is lame, Venom voice is terrible. bad attempts at comedy. bad attempts to make Venom a "good guy". some decent Carnage animations though. better than Venom 1, barely

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Action is okay, CGI doesn't look bad but the story just isn't there.

Like for example there's this research facility the girlfriend is in but like nothing happens with that except that Cletus rescues her from generic bad guys.

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This is like a 90s B-movie with modern CG.

No story to speak of, no real character development, frantic editing, underused actors, absent script.

And yet they could have taken 30 more minutes to actually put all that in - yet seemingly chose not to.

The first one was okay but nothing special. It had a slow charm to it. Bit this one just feels like whatever bits they found in the parts bin and cobbled together a movie.

(And Tom Hardy's teeth are the real villains in these films. And I'm a Brit ... who hates that Americans think we all have terrible gnashers like him!)


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I really liked the first one. DIdn't get a chance to get to the theater for this one....but then I started seeing the reviews come in. So i waited on this one. I finally watched it, and wow was it bad. I thought the Venom character was sooo over the top in this movie it made it borderline ridiculous. I hope that for the third film they dial Venom back some but if this movie did well at the box office, that's not going to happen.

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I don't think SONY should continue making movies on marvel characters, Disney is doing a great job in that department.
The plot lacked substance but the fight scenes were entertaining.
And I enjoyed the partnership of Venom and Eddie.

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There’s a lot of quibbles I have with this film. Carnage isn’t much of a villain, Naomi Harris has a thankless role as Shriek. I understand the point to contrast Carnage with Venom, but removing the closeness of Carnage with its host removes the most interesting wrinkle of the character. It could’ve been a nice bit of fun to have them contrast Venom by being sickening sweethearts, but instead Carnage is oddly bland. And I can’t pretend Mulligan is at all a good set up for the next villain. Whenever this film strays from Eddie and Venom, it suffers.

But! Eddie and Venom are such a treat when they are the focus! They’re unabashedly weird messes, and this film embraces the homoerotic undertones to its benefit. The gay club, the beach scene… these films will be perfect when they stop having the obligatory third act cliches and keep the focus squarely on the core duo.

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I hate to say it, but this was terrible from top to bottom. Considering the talent here, I'm surprised they were able to make something this bad. Hardy, Serkis, Graham, what happened here my guys? You're better than this. You're all better than this. On top of that, what a waste of Cletus, Carnage and Woody. Limiting this character to a PG13 was bad enough, but the script and arc given to such a prolific character was horrific. And belittling Venom down to a pouty child, with humourous segments straight out of 90s kids movie?! It's eyeroll worthy, and dare I say cringe.
I think the only redeeming sequence of this movie was the church fight scene. Save yourself the wasted time and just watch that part on YouTube if you can. Heres to hoping that Disney wash their hands of this mess and redo the characters properly.

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watchable.. that's about it unfortunately

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I don’t know why everyone seems to be hating on this movie, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and had a lot of fun. That end credit scene got me really excited!

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It could've been better, yet still, it was enjoyable to watch; not sure why everyone is hating it so hard

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They tried to make something more meaningful to develop Eddie's and Venom's character and connection, but it's not like Spider-Man 2 or 3 type of thing. Just don't expect a masterpiece, but it was an okay movie. I like Venom, so I liked the movie anyway.

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Everyone’s talking about the MCU connection, but I wanna talk about the Pirates of the Caribbean connection. So cool to see Naomi Harris reprise her as Tia Dalma. I’m not sure how the two franchises connect, but they obviously do since Harris is playing the same character.

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Helloooooo multiverse!
Can’t wait to see the two Toms battle it out!

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Everything is so bad and in really awkward ways.
The post-credit scene is the only moment that truly matters.

The fist Venom was questionable but at least it tried to make sense and was interesting but this sequel has nothing but just embarrassing stuff that has no sense or no justification with a ridiculous plot that has nothing to say but just get to "the money shots action scenes".

In the end this was a guarantee that Sony still has no clue about how to work properly do Marvel stuff.


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Why does Tom Hardy look so tired in this movie?

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I remember the first one being at least fun to watch. This one, however, doesn't bring any fun. It's the same boring story with semi-good visuals. This sequel doesn't bring anything new and is merely the same as before: but now, we know Venom already, so the fun of getting to know him is gone.

Some scenes don't make sense. So, the bad guy (Carnage) is created by sipping one drop of Eddie's blood but then becomes Carnage? Why is he so powerful then and different from Venom?
Even Venom is scared of fighting him (in the church) because he's red. And who's the witch? So many people I don't care about.
It already ends with a boring boss fight which was done so quick, then the movie suddenly ends, I was surprised how fast this was over.

Worse than "meh", this was wasted time.

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Just skip to the end credit scene to save yourself

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[6/10] Fair movie, but not that special. Good fun action packed 1,5 hours with great visuals. Story and jokes are pretty lame in my opinion.

That after credit scene though.. :eyes::pray_tone1::star_struck:

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Wtf is Calypso doing? Where tf is Davy Jones?

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This movie feels a lot like the first one, in all the bad ways. The character introductions feel weird, the setup of the plot feels weird... Everything feels a bit off. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it seems to me there's very little genuine focus on character and more focus on the plot (which is one of the weakest aspects of the movie). At the very least, the introduction of Carnage was pretty cool, and he looked cool throughout.

However, Let There Be Carnage is terribly rushed. Scenes barely get a chance to establish themselves before a new, equally short and underdeveloped scene happens. It feels like they filmed a two hour-long movie and condensed it into an hour and forty minutes. Scenes blitz by so quickly, it feels like too much is happening, and yet nothing is going on. The story feels empty, the performances are lackluster, and I haven't even talked about the wonky cinematography (it's distractingly bad).

This movie is definitely a sequel to 2018's Venom, but from a technical standpoint, it does nothing to one-up its predecessor. Instead, it feels just as flashy and lazy as the first.

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Let there be Garbage!

Absolutely dismal movie with no redeeming factors whatsoever. This junk is yet perfect example of sequels often never needing to be made. 40 minutes in before the story even starts, up to then you’re just subjected to a frantic and loud mess with the, by now EXTREMELY tiresome, voice in my head double act that isn’t even funny. Seriously, Tom Hardy needs to walk away from this train wreck of a movie franchise and get back to playing decent parts with decent scripts!!

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15 mins in and this movie is an absolute joke and a disrespect to the source material

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One of the gayest superhero/anti-hero movies I've seen, and I respect it for being more inclusive than Disney.

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I was in a kind of bad day, so I thought it would be good to finish my day watching a movie as bad as it, so I aimed in the worst movies that I had found on my watchlist and chose Venom: Let There Be Carnage.
I should say that I was right, Venom gives a sick duo dynamics based on a comedy that doesn't work, waste of a good cast, lazy script solutions, villains with doubtful motivations, bad CGI, hurried plot, disappointing final fight, etc. I must to say it is in the same level of the first one, but they would have to strive themselves a lot to do it worse... thanks Venom 2 to close my horrible day with a shit key.

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The first one was a decent experience, by genre standards. But besides Michelle Williams and some few dialogues between Eddie and Venom, there is nothing worthwhile about the second part.

Remarkable is how the action scenes lack an intelligent and entertaining concept even more so than the plot.

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"Fuck this guy!"

What worked: I still really enjoy Eddie and Venom's relationship, and Tom Hardy commits to the bit 100%.
What didn't: Wish this movie was longer so we could dig deeper into Carnage's character. I am not sure we needed the detective character or Shriek.
The post credit scene is :fire::fire:.

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Rom-com was a pure fun and worked great. The rest of the movie... not so much.

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Improvement on the first film. I like that this has a villain that personally has it out for the hero. So much better than the motive of "The Brain": I want to take over the world. This felt better because of that move in my mind.

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Oh dear. Despite the underwhelming response from critics, I actually liked the first movie. Sadly, the sequel is below par. Hardy is good but the script for this one is lame and dull.

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If you like Marvel, you'll like this. Probably a 9 for you. If you like Tom Hardy, who once again proves he can play this character to a T, you're lookin b at a 9. I'd a pretty good script and it's fast moving, almost too fast. I feel like they left half an hour on the cutting floor. They could've expanded more on the Cletus and Screech storyline and even a bit on the Carnage part. So for me, it's an 8.5. These movies shouldn't be crammed into less than 90 minutes. I felt a little gipted.

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not even the worst, I liked the extra clips more

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Fun & silly. Not quite the level of the first, but those giving it 1s & 2s must not remember what they're watching. Trashy & fun. I could watch a dark comedy w venom eating bad guys and trynna hold off eating the good ones while delivering one-liners. 6.5

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This felt weird, the movie barely started and suddenly, there's the epic final fight. I felt like I skipped a part of the movie, even though I didn't. Huh

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Venom>>>>Eddie all i gotta say

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Simple and straightforward that loses a lot of its potential from being pg-13

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carnage was cool, the rest was lame. too campy, bad voice actor with an even worse fake accent for venom. the only thing saving this movie was how cool carnage himself is.

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I loved carnage way darker than venom I hope we see him in the Mcu in a solo movie

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I enjoyed the 1st one but sorry, 15 mins into it and had to turn it off

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Let down. Waited in suspense for a flop. It's not bad, but nothing to rave about. DISAPPOINTED

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“I will only take that because we are hurting”
11/10 :broken_heart:

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Without the specific humor of Eddie and Venom's relationship, it would be a class B chaff.

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Not as good as the first. There was no menace at all in this one. Why didn’t they gag Shriek when they had her in custody? I think it suffered greatly from being reduced to PG-13. They should have kept it an R but I guess the goal was always to merge it with Spider-Man. Probably what they’ll do to Deadpool.

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I liked it better than the fist but that’s not saying much

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20 minutes in and I hate this movie. Venom is horrible and how can Eddie, a reporter, be so dumb? When they are drawing the pictures "I know this one, a tree". The intelligence of a child.

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After the first movie I wrote: I hope they don't f*** this up. Guess what ? They kinda did.

It's not Spider-Man or Thor awful. At least I made it through the movie. But at the end I asked myself what was the point of this one ? I would have loved to see more of the conflict between Venom and Eddie. Instead we get more of Cletus whom I didn't like in the first. Plus another flat "villain" in Shriek and the both together are a very poor man's version of Mickey and Mallory Knox. Add Carnage who has pretty much no background and just want's to kill Venom, his father, because....well for power of course. And why is Venom afraid of a red one ? Did I forget something from part one or do I need to know the comics ?

The story is wafer thin and the whole movie feels like an afterthought. Like cut together deleted scenes. The best parts are when it comes to the discussions between Eddie and Venom. Tom Hardy ows the sole credit for that. That made an otherwise uninteresting movie at least watchable.

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A case of diminishing returns.

Becoming more like the Kong franchise. Whole point of movie seems to be now how to create situations for the monster to do monster stuff without any consideration for human characters.

Then again maybe the whole point of the movie was to integrate with MCU for the final part of the trilogy?

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Venom: Let there be Carnage was...very stupid. I'm still not sure what I found most funny. The actual comedy or the absurd lines. The thing is...I DID laugh, so it can't have been all that bad. What really stole the show was the after credit scene, though...isn't it the promise of what's to come that always sets us up for disappointment later on?

Venom: Let There Be Carnage is a total waste of time, but sometimes wasting time can be fun.

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First one was below average, this is just poor

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more four days at this movieeeee

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Too short which meant it got bogged down with too much context and re-hashing the problematic Venom relationship covered in the first. It also went just a little too slapstick with Venom for my liking. And the treatments of Carnage, especially the ending...travesty

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Tom Hardy returns as journalist Eddie Brock and the alien who shares his body. Director Andy Serkis tries too hard to make this anti-villain saga a worthy watch but it was overall a forced edition just to add the mid-credit scene and open new possibilities. While the movie lasts just 97 minutes, it packs a love-hate relationship between Eddie and Venom, some bad humor, and a far-fetched stale story with zero substance. The film is only watchable because of Tom Hardy. This is at least as big of a mess as the first one was. It's less ironically fun because this time it's on purpose. Then again, it is also substantially a little better than its prequel for that same reason. It's been a long time since I've seen something that had such wild writing. Try to go in knowing as little as possible. You will definitely not guess the places it goes. Expect Carnage as promised with mad love twists and expect no greatness from it. The banter between Brock and Venom is often the film's most fascinating element of the film which might hold your attention.

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Full Reviews :

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Not as good as the first one (which was not a flawless movie, but one that I enjoy a great deal), but still pretty fun to watch. It felt rushed, and it didn't need to be, with a runtime of an hour and 37 minutes; they could've stretched it out over another 20 minutes and it might've been better. Also, without a ton of knowledge of the comics, Carnage felt like a nice nod to the bit that I DO remember from what I read, where Venom effectively has a child.

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Not the worst but not good… I wish they would have done a better job with cg… and venom without the signature white spider emblem is not venom

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I always think: 'Don't let a CAM spoil your opinion of a movie.'
"Cowboys and Aliens," seemed ridiculous, but I've learned it's just harder to invest myself emotionally when it's not DVD quality.

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AWH MAN!!! I thought it was coming this year!!! That sucks!!! :rolling_eyes:

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Quite unfortunate that this is so much more boring than the first movie. Carnage was kind of boring and I hated that damn woman he was with. Venom and Eddie should have kissed instead.

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Venom: Let There Be Carnage is a formulaic and unimaginative sequel. When journalist Eddie Brock accidentally infects a serial killer named Cletus Kasady with some of his symbiote a new symbiote called Carnage emerges in Kasady, enabling him to escape from prison and go on a rampage seeking revenge. The performances are all pretty lackluster; Woody Harrelson is particularly disappointing, making for a rather stereotypical comic-book villain. And the fight scenes are chaotic and hard to follow. Still there are a couple of fun action scenes and some of the comedy works. Yet while it has its moments, Venom: Let There Be Carnage is a disappointing film that just goes through the motions of a sequel.

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LOL i didn’t realise so many people disliked this. It was for the girls and the gays tbh - Venom was so iconic and i found it so fun
that kind of metaphor with Venom saying he’s “out of the Eddie closet” :sob::sob: damn

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Garbage film Just a waste of time even forwording play !

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Discombobulated mess. I love the vibe of venom but the story's and characters ruin it.

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Been Waiting to actually see Carnage in Live Action and didn’t like the acting of Carnage they should of made him more Crazy instead of what he was in The Movie..This felt like a Spider-Man 3 Type of Movie for me..And I didn’t like The End..Im glad that we got to see Carnage Live Action but this wasn’t it for me..

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I don't watch a lot of movies anymore. I find they tend to be pretty much pure trash. Every once in a while I want something silly and lacking any real depth. This fit that need pretty well. It is entertaining and quite funny.

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Same as the first movie: the only good part is Venom constantly sassing Eddie.

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Personally preferred the original. However, it did stand up to the first film and had a great storyline which perfectly carried on from Vemom.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Venom: Let There Be Carnage was awesome, funny plus creepy. I'm a big fan of Venom and Tom Hardy. I loved the relationship between Eddie and Venom. It is a truly awesome film with a great story, action scenes, acting and cast. Highly recommend this to anyone looking for a thrilling.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit :zzz:

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It's a fun enough sequel, if you enjoyed the first one. Tom Hardy does a lot of silly, and hilarious pratfall type of humor again, so the whole thing keeps you engaged throughout. But the movie is far too short for the amount of story they're trying to tell. As a result Carnage is done dirty, he does not get the feature time to play and get fleshed out and he's not taken seriously enough. He really could have been a juicy and terrifying foe.

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It's kinda funny but unfortunately that's about it... It's not as funny as, e.g. Deadpool, and it's way too stupid/unrealistic to be remotely believable or rather relatable (it's just too over the top). And the biggest issue is that it seems to lack any meaning - no deeper/important messages, I don't care about any of the characters, the story is boring, the action isn't really interesting, etc. Not sure if I should even rate it 5.5/10.

It has potential but I don't really like it, unfortunately... :o
At least it was somewhat entertaining though so it wasn't really a huge waste of time :)

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Shout by AJ

Watched the first hour. Couldn't finish it. Atrocious.

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this is the twilight of comics movies

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Actors are good
Action is alright

Characters 7
Story 5
Pacing 6
Visuals 6
Rewatchability Factor 6
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 6
Average Score 6.0

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