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Tomb Raider 2018

I've seen it back in 2018 and I though the movie was ok, almost 6 years later I'm rewatching it and I love it even more!

So sad that we will never see a sequel with Alicia Vikander again...

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Pretty solid adventure movie. It's one of the best video game adaptations made but that's not a high bar. They story has some nice references to the 2013 game and makes me want to replay it. I think I enjoyed this a little more knowing those references. I hope they continue this franchise with Rise of the Tomb Raider now. Alicia Vikander is great as Lara Croft. She sells the character well and her screams of distress throughout the movie actually made me think they were real. Walton Goggins and Dominic West were both fine. I wish Daniel Wu had more screen time. I thought he had good chemistry with Alicia Vikander. This isn't ground breaking but it is worth watching for a fun ride.

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Despite the snootiness of movie critics - the film wasn't made for them anyway - this is a surprisingly decent movie. Admittedly, I am a fan of the other two movies starring Jolie (despite their terribleness), but even with my low threshold, this was very good. Gamers will appreciate the nods to the 2013 game, and there is a healthy smattering of puzzles, traps, and supernatural elements. Still... I wish they had played to the 90's games a little more, with the following additions:

Lara saying 'aha' every time she found an artefact.
Lara healing herself with magical medipacks.
Lara saving her progress during the film with the aid of floaty blue diamonds.
Lara having more polygonal (and exaggerated) features.
Lara fighting a T-Rex.
And of course... Lara trapping her butler in the mansion refrigerator!

However, despite those notable omissions, this is a better film than we could have hoped for.

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Lame version of what you can experience in computer game.
Seriously though, it's too weak on heroes logic and motivation.
Mostly waste of time unfortunately.

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This movie was terrible, I enjoyed the game but in the game she survives alone and has to adapt. In the movie tho she's surrounded by a group most of the time, she never grows and learns on her own but when the time comes for her to do anything, she naturally can with no trying. I hated the addition of being a bike courier and that she trained mma but only used chokes. Felt like an addition suggested from data pulled from social media or focus group.

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I wish Alicia Vikander had gotten a better movie to be Lara Croft in. Tomb Raider (2018) is so boring.

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Well, that was boring.

And disappointing. They completely rewrote the videogame's plot and got rid of all the supernatural stuff... which is ok. But at the same time, they failed to provide an alternate explanation for almost everything they still kept from the game. The island being inhabitable (why?), the WWII planes, Himiko, the shipwrecks... In the game, there is an explanation for all of that. In the movie, they just didn't bother. They could have kept the original story, or they could have ditched everything from the game and just make the story they wanted to. Instead, they chose their own story but keeping as many elements from the game as possible. The result is an abomination, it doesn't work.

I hope to see more of Alicia Vikander's Lara, but they reeeeally need to improve the storytelling.

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Take every standard cliché from all adventure stories (the Indiana Jones trilogy specifically) make any supposedly tense scene's score super loud. Remake a 90's movie & do it just like a 90's movie add a horrible & pointless cgi watersprayed waterfall/crashed old airplane /parachute drop 'action' scene and you have this dullard: 'Tomb raider'

A few annoyances: now I've left the cinema: everything before she goes looking for daddy is a scene to foreshadow, and it feels like it.. Should have had a narrator just tell us her attributes.. Coz... Yawn.

She takes a bow an arrow and simply swished around the work camp,where gun men are constantly watching the slaved workers for any laziness, but only the ship captain friend (who happens to be relaxing at the watercooler part of the slave quarry) she made a day ago sees her!

Walton is a good villan, a change from his 'vice principals' role.

If you're stoned and wanna write an action adventure mystery this is what you and your mates would come up with.

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Lara Croft without a tits, story you are not going to believe in, characters you are not gonna care about...
What a beautiful cocktail.

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Totally flat movie. There is nothing that surprises or escapes the absolutely foreseeable. Forgettable

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Ive certainly seen worse video game related movies. This is one of those where you can just switch brain off and watch. Enjoyed it and don't see why critics were quite so harsh. Sometimes people need to watch a movie for what it is and not think everything is looking for an Oscar win.

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Great background story building up during the entire movie, the new Lara is not a superhero, but she is full of determination and bravery, looking for answers from her past. Physical suffering is very perceptible during all action scenes. Good work!

"All myths are foundations of reality."

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  1. Original Version of the game depicted clearly.
  2. Every single details was present.
  3. Full-on Action.
  4. Alicia has played it perfect.
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The writing is without a doubt flawed and the last five minutes of the movie made me actually angry - without going into spoilers, it's completely unrelated to the main story. All that said, I had a great time watching this. Alicia Vikander is killing it in this movie, if you're willing to look over the rather rough attempt of a London accent. For me, this movie fills an important niche. Lara Croft isn't yet another superhero, but very human and showing both physical and emotional vulnerability. While others have mentioned this as criticism, I personally quite enjoyed how much various parts of the movie feel like a video game. I for one am on board for this franchise revival.

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super movie, really good move by mgm, to get a new lady for this roll. this was the best Tomb Raider movie I have seen to date.

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the movie was such an adrenalin rush! and I mean that in the most positive way, it had me gripping my seat. Also, the curse was more realistic that I imagined and not just some magic hocus-pocus stuff.

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Dose anyone remember when this came out? Because I didn't until now.

'Tomb Raider' isn't a terrible movie, especially considering it's based on a video game which is usually poison with adaptions.

However, film making wise it's pretty bland and looks like a Netflix movie at times. The dialogue is patchy with some laughable line delivery. The visual effects are terrible and painfully noticeable during action scenes. The villains are just whatever - the only thing worth mentioning is their bad facial hair.

Honestly, Alicia Vikander is the saving grace, as I thought she was solid as Lara Croft, but shes too good for this movie.

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basically like the 2013 reboot game with some bad tweaks of the game story. I wouldn't call it even an action movie, it's mostly boring. the Jolie movies were ridiculous yes, but more fun.

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By no means as bad as the Jolie films, this opts for a slightly different tack and tries to treat the material in a deadly serious way. Vikander makes for a great Croft and, like the recently rebooted games, they have tried to ground the character and make her much more relatable than the previous films. That being said, by opting to change the tone completely, it makes for an increasing ridiculous film which is hard to take seriously as the plot develops. It doesn't help that the finale seems almost to have been ripped from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. A more balanced approach and lighter touch throughout might have helped enormously and whilst Goggins tries to ham it up a little as the chief villain, the film hasn't done enough to make its audience invest in the characters.

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What a disappointment. It was such a bland, boring adventure movie, that was not helped at all by the terrible casting Vikander. She's a good actor and all, but I didn't believe her as Lara Croft at all, let alone a badass Tomb Raider that can take on a militia. It's such a shame, as the reboot game this was based on, was solid, intense and ripe for a great adaptation...

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Ignore the games exists or you will get angry. If you manage to do that you get a 5/10 Action Movie with little to no Story but the Cliffhanger Outlook to a maybe better Movie in the Future. Alicia Vikander is not at fault for this, she did an amazing job - it is whoever wrote the Movie that is to blame.

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No matter how late I watched it, it's the movie of my favorite game. That was great, thank you.

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I guess it's okay to watch this once but you wouldn't miss anything if not.
The exposition was actually so bad I had to fast forward through most of it until the ship crashes.
I don't feel Vikander as Lara Croft one bit. They didn't even manage to convince me that she was Lara Croft in the making. There is not really any character development. They simply have her master all situations. I guess starting of with a martial Arts/kickboxing fight and a short parcour scene is explanation enough for her crazy abilities.
Overall the film has nothing innovative, basically all characters and the entire plot is a clishee and nothing really has any interesting consequences. What really irrated me greatly was the tomb design. All the mechanisms and architecture was not japanese or even chinese (which was the main influence in the early japanese empire). I just don't understand why. They simply had to look at the game as a basis.
I must say however that I liked two twists or rather changes to the game it was based on: first meeting Richard Croft but only really because that was unexpected. Second the demystification of the curse.

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The good thing about this film is you can switch off and not have to overthink the story. Whilst it doesn’t hold a flare up to the other two that came before, this one is a great reboot .

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This took me quite a while to get into because I couldn't but compare it to the video game that this story is based on. I must say that I was very annoyed with some of the things they decided to change. For example, I'm not happy that they chose to exclude Sam from this story as I feel that her role is very pivotal to the narrative - also choosing to have Lara's father still be alive led the film down a more basic narrative ending. I think the film missed an opportunity to explore the psychological issues Lara goes down in the games due to her traumatic experiences on the island.

Though there were these negatives to comprehend I must say that the ending was really action packed and there were some decent actors in this. Although I'm annoyed with some of the changes they made - some other changes were for the better and so I commend them for choosing to take the risk of making all the changes that they made.

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This film was shot with really nice cameras, has very competent cinematography, and is generally pointed at gorgeous subjects (Alicia Vikander and lush jungle, mostly). The dialog, however, is perplexingly thick, and the story is essentially the amazing Tomb Raider reboot game with almost everything interesting taken out of it, along with several main characters vital to the plot. Not surprisingly, considering this, it feels like it's over before it has really gotten into what little plot it does possess. The antagonist is pitiful. The specially effects are strangely "off", which is more of a curiosity, but still manages to be one more thing that puts it firmly into the "missing everything of substance that made its source material great" category.

Pointless and entirely forgettable.

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whats that? Indianer Jones and Hunger Games getting a baby?

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If you are into a well produced action movie: go for it, you won't regret it. :)

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Nothing to exciting, even the usually EXTREMELY watchable great Walton Goggins seemed to be as bored as I was watching this. Aside from a few (too few) fleeting (very fleeting) moments that rise a tad above the overwhelming mediocrity of the movie, this film is just....meh

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I don’t mind this film cause it shows you how she gotten to Lara Croft but i feel dragged in this movie...if it wasn’t for Walton goggins i would of never watched it

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The movie had big shoes to fill. It contradicts all other movies regarding the father daughter relationship which felt awkward. Good acting gives me hope for the new Lara croft because the first one was really good. The film itself was empty of content. It just shouted Here's the new Tomb raider. Still entertaining tough.

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Loved the next gen game reboot and the same goes for the movie. Can’t wait for the sequel!

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I made it through about ten minutes of the first Angelina movie and gave up on that poor attempt to represent the franchise. This time around, Team Alicia had me hooked from the very start. There's nothing new here, but the writers and director steal from the best and put their own fine stamp on things. I look forward to more from the folks behind this one.

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This one was a big disappointment for me. I had hopes for this considering I'm a Tomb Raider fan as well as a fan of Alicia Vikander, but this movie was a failure in my opinion.

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This movie will be compared to Jolie's Lara Croft and Indiana Jones all the time. It really doesn't match up well with those. It attempts to be gritty, but becomes devoid of fun instead. Gritty doesn't just remove takes away the fun. The first 30 minutes were promising and then Lara didn't smile for the REST OF THE MOVIE. Should have been better. 4/10

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I quite liked Alicia Vikander portraying Lara, safe for the horrendous fake English accent.
The problem I had with the movie was that I felt the whole time like watching somebody playing the 2013 video game that has played it already a hundred times, knows all the riddles, all the quick time events and memorised all the routs of the patrolling NPCs.

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This was fantastic. The pacing was good and the character development was excellent. We see Lara grow from a regular young lady to a total bad ass adventurer. As far as Tomb Raider's go, this was the best one - everything that the original two should have been. I look forward to seeing the beautiful Alicia return in a sequel!

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Far better than what I was expecting. Alicia Vikander was the perfect choice for Lara in my opinion. The movie is far from being a masterpiece and has some flaws that are hard not to judge but overall it is very entertaining, visuals are fantastic and it is a very good first movie if they decide to work on one or two sequels in the future.

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Yeah, I really liked this one! Vikander is terrific. I'm going to see it again!

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Wait, this film is meant to be based on a video game? If there had been this much stuff not happening in the original Tomb Raider game, it never would have been popular enough to have this film made from it.

Which means the blame for this lackluster adaptation falls squarely on the shoulders of the writers. Lara Croft spends so much of this film running away, I'm fairly certain the writer confused Tomb Raider with the once popular smart phone game Tomb Runner, and the saddest thing about that is I don't think I'm kidding. Whoever wrote this movie had not seen the original film, let alone the original game.

In fact, Tomb Raider is really only watchable because Alicia Vikander takes this film more seriously than we do. Her acting and physical presence carry this film all on their own. She's not the best thing about this movie, she's the only thing about this movie.

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too over exaggerated (like every movie these days), otherwise quite entertaining

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Such a poor ripoff from the reboot Tomb Raider game. Took nearly two hours to tell nothing.

Who gave the roll to Alica Vikander? In my opinion Brie Larson was more Lara Croft in Kong: Skull Island, not this skinny girl!

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Awesome. Alicia is absolutely brilliant and the best Lara we've had. Intense, fast paced and enjoyable.

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While the storyline was mostly predictable and overused (Think National Treasure), Alicia Vikander brought an unbelievable performance to the character Lara Croft. Physically she pulled it off, as well as the swagger of someone ready to take on the world. I am never disappointed by her performance, and this is no different.

If you do not get hung up on the storyline you've seen before, you will be in love with the main character and some of the effects done in this movie.

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Shout by Deleted

can‘t wait to watch this movie. <3

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Shout by Ray Carter
BlockedParent2018-08-26T12:42:55Z— updated 2018-09-01T14:46:25Z

Tomb Raider(2018)
2/2 Plot/Writing
1/1 Acting
1/1 Characters
1/1 Pacing
1/1 Dialogue
/1 Directing
/1 Theme/Message/Symbolism
/1 Tone/Mood
1/1 Living Up To It's Genre

Something About The Tone and Theme of this movie was off.. Absolutely did not like the director beginning of this film her fake back story was very offensive and not needed

But the Action Fantasy and Adventure Scenes we're amazing.. Cinematography was also amazing so yes can't wait for the sequel.

Gave it a 7/10

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The game is so much better. Go play it instead of watching this. Although I liked Vikander’s performance.

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I really liked the movie. The first half of the film is almost exactly like the game. You immediately recognize the scenes from the game in the film. The second half is quite different from the storyline of the game, but that doesn't mean it's bad. Alicia Vikander is great as Lara Croft and Tomb Raider is oberall a nice adventure/action movie. Well done.

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Shout by AlexMF6

It is clearly a great adaptation of the first game of the new trilogy but this sometimes plays against it, that Lara has serious injuries and still pushes forward makes sense in a video game but in a movie that also tries to be realistic it is not credible, at least they've toned down the part where Lara kills for the first time, in the game she's almost traumatized and then turns into a rogue killing machine, at least here she gets over it fast.

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Shout by Deleted

there are still a lot of things to unpack here, therefore we need to see 10 more tomb raider with alicia. (i just want to see how far those muscles of hers can go.) #iloveitwhenwomen

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to bad there are no followups. The lead actress does a pretty good job, training for this part must be hell

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Jolie’s Tomb Raider is not terrible, it’s camp, and based on a video game that was camp. Turns out when you remove the camp and over the top action and fantasy from Tomb Raider you get this. This was weak sauce. The character is supposed to be aggressively upper class and badass with an attitude to match. This movie was well acted, and the action was fine. But it has no stupid fantasy fun, I was so bored.

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Is an amazing movie, it was surprise to me to see that the argument is similar to the original video games

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Movie is not accurate to the lore, Lara isn't polygonal enough. Disappointed.

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I greatly enjoyed this movie and really hope they someday make a sequel. Also I enjoy it specifically as a movie as I have never played the games. The action was fantastic and loved the story line

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Shout by mg_grey

My dad saw me watching this film and said "That's like Rambo" and then later realized it's Tomb Raider. :joy:

I'm not a fan. It was too cliché, predictable. It was okay. I can say it's still not as cool as Angelina Jolie's Tomb Raider. But I guess there will be a sequel since they showed at the end that she bought 2 hand guns.

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I have to say, it was really refreshing to see a action character who's allowed to scream in fear while literally falling down waterfalls or cliffs and isn't just running around killing people as if she had done it all her life - that moment of shock after the fight scene in the mud is a perfect example of that.

Without knowing the older adaptation nor the video game this movie is based on, I think you get the action packed adventure story that's advertised with the poster, the trailer and the title. Yes, the dialogue is cheesy at times, but I've seen worse and on top of that there's Walton Goggins who never disappoints and always charms me, even as the villain.

Overall I enjoyed this movie more than I though I would. If there should be a sequel with Alicia Vikander (and hopefully Daniel Wu), I would definitely watch it.

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this is a well done movie and aside from some sfx hiccups i have zero complaints - but it made me finally realize i'm REALLY bored by action films. if action films are your thing though i can absolutely recommend this!

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Is Alicia Vikander unable to raise her voice very high? Every time she makes the slightest sound in this movie, which is pretty much in every scene, her voice cracks. And of course, her father is alive only to actually die at the end of the movie. How cliché. This is definitely one of the least-favorite movies I've watched but it wasn't bad.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

6 out of 10

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Shout by Deleted

I loved the originals with Angelina Jolie... hands down‼️

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The movie was better than I expected(feared), but I am not a fan of Alicia Vikander. She was great in that robot movie Ex Machina, already a lot less in Bourne... I don't know, her emotions are not very believable for me.
Still, she was a lot more 'girl next door' here then Angelina Jolie; but I guess that was also my biggest problem in this movie with her. Lara is a computer games character where she is a strong hero. This was a fragile and insecure Lara.

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No one's better than Angelina but it's the most faithful adaption of the popular videogame.

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Movie was fantastic!! Much better than the original. I was skeptic because let's face it Alicia doesnt have that original Lara Croft look (BOOBS) but shes still hot af and cuter than Jolie in my book and her acting in this movie overlooked that and she was really great. Kind of reminded me of Indiana Jones or National Treasure. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who's a gamer or loves action and adventure movies. Can't wait for the next one!

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Wow. I love it. Hoping for the next movie. So fresh. For me at least. I'm not a gamer. I'm a business man. Yo! Peace.

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Shout by Deleted

A decent rendition of a deserving franchise. The subtle humour of the video games came across as cheesy in the Jolie films, and that is thankfully missing this time around (with the exception of one pre-credits scene that made me whince)

Alicia is brilliant as a young and inexperienced Lara Croft, but she does advance to badass-ery rather fast. In one scene she is practically driven catatonic after being forced to kill a man in self defence, yet no more than two scenes later she's running through the jungle taking people out like Rambo with a bow. But this is more down to poor writing than poor acting, and that is my only gripe with this movie. If they had followed the plot of the 2013 video game reboot a little more closely, it would've been a much better movie.

All in all, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this movie. I shall look forward to a sequel.

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Actually not bad at all. I think Alicia Vikander did very good job and I think this movie made Lara little bit more real. I found some similarities to the first "new" game from the series if I am not mistaken. But Mr. itsikg actually had some nice points in his/her comment :)

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Shout by itsikg

An OK movie, mostly mindless action. It can be fun if you don't try to overthink the plot (like I did..).
What really bothered me are the giant plot holes:
1. It's hard to believe Lara had to live poorly only because she refused to sign legal documents.
2. If Himiko was so adamant to save the world from her disease, why not order to cremate her body? Why build the elaborate tomb and puzzles? All that work could be spared with a single fire...

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Not nearly the movie I was hoping to see. CGI is poor..... A very so so movie. :(

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It's a fairly ridiculous movie, and they very obviously left it open ended. Still, not all that bad, at least it was entertaining.

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Pretty solid reboot of the franchise. I enjoyed all the references to the 2013 game and Alicia was better Lara than Angelina ever was. Perfect casting choice.

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I really enjoyed this movie as it reminds me of the video games - especially the reboot (even though I only played all of them very rarely).
Acting was fine and especially Laras cries of pain sounded really realistic. Some scenes were a little bit over dramatized but in general quite enjoyed it, even though the storyline in general was weak. I hope there’s going to be a second movie with a way better story and maybe just a few more jokes.

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After watching this movie I'm sure they went into it expecting to make a second. It's a young Lara croft with little adventure hunter experience. That experience grows through out the film. Alicia Vikander is a good Lara but the story line let her down.

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halfways through the movie atm and so far its a fine adaption however im somewhat reluctant to the fact that for all the hits falls and stumbles ive yet to see a single scratch or drop of blood.

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Its Like the young version of Angelina's Lara version, anyway great scenes and good story

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Luckily I was able to avoid most reviews leading up to seeing this, so I went in with no real expectations of quality (or lack thereof)

This was a really well made reboot of a pretty well known franchise. Is it ground breaking? Not in the figurative sense. Although no ground was safe from breaking in the movie But it doesn't matter! What you get instead was a well thought out action movie, that really felt like the launching ground of a new franchise.

Alicia Vikander does a great job of building out the backstory of the character. The way she acts, and emotions she shows come across as genuine, which really helps build the likability of her take on Lara Croft.

I look forward to seeing where they go from here with the franchise.

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Alicia Vikander takes any movie to a depth beyond screenplay, genre or dialogue. Like all the great performers she can fill silence with meaning. TOMB RAIDER may be a movie treatment of a digital game but with Alicia carrying the titular role it also has depth of character and emotion. Great cast (although I don't like Walton Goggins' take on this villain). Great action. Playful beginnings as Lara's character is introduced. Wonderful scenes between father and daughter. I likes this movie. It is unfortunate that it had to fight with the premier of Black Panther for box-office response. I give this film an 8.5 (great) out of 10 (Alicia boosting it by 1.5, all by herself). I hope there was sufficient box office numbers to prompt a sequel, or even a trilogy. [Action Adventure]

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I don't know why but I didn't think I'd like this movie or even Alicia in this role. Happy to say I was pleasantly surprised with how much I've enjoyed both. The director did really well with it, too. Many impressive shots and sequences.

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Really one of the best game adaptations! Yeah, with stupid plot, but the game itself has stupid one. The movie just copies some of the games moments, that's cool, but the game was already giving very personal experience. Did we really need this adaptation?

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Shout by Deleted

As a fan of the rebooted game series by Square Enix, I struggled with this movie.

The Tomb Raider movie provides a fresh take on the franchise which sees a younger Lara Croft discover her purpose in this world. The movie delivers excellently on iconic scenes from the video game.

Disappointingly more could've have been done to deliver on the impact on how the legend was born.

A movie still worth the watch but as a video game fan. Leave behind expectations going in.

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Angelina FOREVER!!!! Angelina FOREVER!!!! Angelina FOREVER!!!!

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Not the most exciting screenplay, but I didn't hate it. Alicia Vikander makes an excellent Lara Croft, Vikander is the big highlight of this movie, I just would have liked that the story grab more my attention.

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Really good work by all of the actors, especially by Vikander and West. The music is great and the visual effects look amazing. Tomb Raider is actually a quite competently directed movie with a number och great action sequences. It's an all-through entertainging movie that moves on with great pace. The script however, is a bit of a mess. There's some really cheesy dialogue here with more than a couple of cringe-inducing lines and some badly timed exposition. "It's a colour puzzle!"

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I liked it, Alicia Vikander is very good as Lara Croft, very dynamic, the final part very Indiana Jones 3

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Entertaining film, especially when the film gets to the island. Whoever cast Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft is a genius, she's perfect for the role. Walton Goggins chews scenery every time he is onscreen and is a joy to watch.

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I was surprised I liked this movie. I'm happy I did.

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