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The Platform 2019

Loved the idea, the concept and a lot of the allegories and analogies. I guess the child was put there so she could starve and die - the immigrant one at the lowest level by the system. The mother did a lot to try and make the food last to the ground level, she did a lot of nasty things for her child. Maybe I'm reaching here, but I think when the child goes up, she broke the system... Against all odds she made it to the top, a flaw in the matrix that happens almost never in this much beloved capitalism of ours (irony here)

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The platform was the symbol of capitalism... The food was the symbol of every thing people are fighting and working all days. The panna cotta was the symbol of overrated and luxury products but I didn't understand the role of the child.???

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Shout by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2020-04-02T00:05:36Z— updated 2020-04-08T00:40:56Z

A film that gets to the very bottom of capitalism and reveals all the horrors along the way.

Poetic, raw and true... If you want your horror to mean something, this is the movie for you.

For those interested in the symbolism:

The Platform is society, where those who have refuse to share with those beneath them who have not.
The Authorities represent the Powers That Be.
Trimagasi: Greed
Imoguiri: Altruism
Goreng: Martyr
Miharu: Revolutionary
Her child: Change

At the end, the martyr dies delivering the message of change (which was created by revolutionaries) to the Authorities, who are unaware of what's going on.

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Shout by Elie
BlockedParent2020-03-28T21:54:01Z— updated 2020-03-30T07:59:47Z

The movie is a representation of society. It has a bit of "SnowPiercer" and "Cube".
It is a bit extreme on the gore but overall an enjoyable experience.

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Great movie with a unclear ending!

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I would give a much higher rating, if the ending was better. Contrary to many comments here, I do not think the movie is about capitalism. I think it is much more about socialism. And it definitely is about human greed and shitty movie endings.

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That ending was trash! The concept of the movie overall was dope though. I don’t like movies that leave so many questions unanswered :person_shrugging_tone4:

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A great film with an ending that sucks.

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The screenwriters didn' t know how make a good end and let it open to seem cool.

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A clear metaphor about capitalism and hierarchy of people in the society. One of the best ones I’ve seen in recent times.

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a really interesting concept, for a movie that develops it in a really interesting way.

I kinda wish the finale gave more answers about...anything really, but the setting of the movie is good enough to make it an amazing experience.

the only thing I can think about is "what if I was there?" it's the type of movie that makes you put your life situation in perspective

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The movie was entertaining but sadly nothing more. It raised A LOT of questions like: who is doing this? Why? What rules does it follow? Like, can you advance to the top or is everything just random? Did they even succeed in the end? Did sending up the child work? but ultimately NONE were answered and the movie ended. I know this is somewhat meant to be abstract and everything is an analogy to society or something, but that does not help. With some more answers it could have been great

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This movie is so overrated, in my opinion... we can debate on social massage, but the movie is just full of plot holes and unanswered questions! 4 out of 10 from me....

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Not a perfect one, but one of the best movie i've ever watched.

The idea is pretty clear that it is a metaphor and a criticism to communism. but the way they do it was very special and creative.

Another best part of it is the writings of the characters, insane amount of depth to them.

This is a special movie, if you want something entertaining this one is might not for you. But if you want to see some creative and something to think of after watching, then watch it.

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If this movie is a criticism of communism, then it's one of the best social commentary movies I've watched. It's very inventive and bold but the ending is a big let down, much like communism in real life. Right after introducing the premise of the movie, I started wondering how this story might resolve while still making sense. But, in the end, it doesn't because it can't. This fact is even addressed in the movie. If you're fine with gore scenes, and you like inventive, creative stories, you should definitely give this movie a chance.

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Coming from Netflix, it's not a surprise that it won't be a good movie. I really liked the concept. However the movie lacks everything. It's the type of movie that leave you questioning with no answers. And the ending is just terrible! They must think they did something lol.

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Visually interesting, but I can't take these movies that treat me as a dumbass clown.

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the main idea of the movie was cool and somehow brilliant but the ending sucked.

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One of my biggest regrets, if not the biggest one of all movies I've ever watched. Also bad writing, lacks coherence in the script and all the symbolism is messed up, resulting in confusing messages or no message at all. Very disappointing ending, if not only frustrating, doesn't actually say anything. It ruins all meaning or expectations that you could have struggled to bring up of this piece. Promises to be way more than it is. The idea could've resulted in a better script and movie, despite the sick premises and nauseating images.
A terrible movie in the worst way as it could be.

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Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2020-03-30T03:58:29Z— updated 2024-04-21T05:00:20Z

The Platform - :heart:x7

Cool concept for a movie (or book). I felt it was well written and executed. I do have several questions about it tho. Things that I'm sure were not meant to be revealed. And at least 1 thing that is puzzling.... how does that platform go up and down? There are no pistons, ropes, wires, pulleys, guides - nothing - its free-floating. Does this possibly add a whole new layer to this story (alien technology)?

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Since it's not an English film—English-dubbed thus—the actors' mouths always seemed a little off, but that's understandable.
Bar that, the film is paced well and doesn't try to be too heavily psychological, meaning that the viewer can appreciate all of the other elements of the show: the set design, lighting and perhaps, if you're a psychopath, gore.

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Shout by Zé Nuno
BlockedParent2020-03-25T03:36:57Z— updated 2020-04-16T23:35:31Z

The movie is worth watching becaus of it's originality.
Many aspects of it can be translated to reality, making us reflect in our actios, our society, etc...

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Great concept and an original film. Most commenters grasped the capitalism message, but to be more specific, it was a literal representation of trickle down economics. I.e. give the top level more than enough for everyone in the system to survive and let human nature decide how it gets distributed. As it turns out, humans kind of suck.

I was engaged from the start and enjoyed the unraveling. Unfortunately, the ending is left open ended, and not in a good way. Even the director admitted he wasn't sure what the point was. It was ambiguous merely for the sake of being ambiguous. There are plenty of insufferable fan theories to read through if you're into that.

Ultimately a 7/10. Most points were earned for the originality and vibe. It could have scored higher with a better ending.

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Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2024-01-25T04:32:51Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:21:30Z

Very similar to tone and vibe of The Cube:

Wouldn't be surprised if it was an influence on the director because it has very familiar themes.

That said, I liked it. Check your brain at the door and watch Cube first and then this for a very claustrophobic but entertaining evening.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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A fascinating film, with great direction and performances, and a unique, perfectly-paced story, acting as a critique for modern societal structure.

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This movie has a message but they didn't make it Good
Felt nothing

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An effective allegory for modern capitalism, and the moonshot attempt of the main characters to crack the system we find ourselves in. Impressively well done with much to muse over. I’m struggling to place all the symbolism, mainly that of the young girl and the main characters decision to bring a copy of Don Quixote into the Hole. Solid stuff, we need these genre pushing spins in horror more often. Good stuff.

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Very very bad movie. Waste of time. No underlying story and ending. The screenwriter has the easiest job here: nothing!

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Terrific,Mind boggling.Add all the adjective you need to describe a well made but disturbing movie :fire:

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A meaningful movie which shows real face of humanity and capitalism.

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The idea and concept was interesting. It reminds me of the cube movies. I thought it was good even though I watched the dubbed version. I wouldn't mind for it to be properly funded and expanded on. As of 2020 this movie is the best version of trying to portray capitalism from top to bottom. What level are you on?

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Interesting concepts with plenty of social commentary and the state of the world thrown in, but unfortunately, that's about it - concepts.

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A little heavy handed in the message but I dug this overall.

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Wow. Im really impressed by this movie. My time was worth it.

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This was so good! All the cymbalism of the platform, the food and the child.

The platform is a gory, ruthless and minblowing movie.

The platform is almost like a mixture of Cube (1997) and Circle (2015) with the morals and survival in focus.

Never in my life will I look at food the same anymore.

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.5 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
.5 / 1 acting
.5 / 1 writing
1 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

5.5 / 10

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Wow.. this was some kind of mixed emotions for me. Something between "jeow i like this idea and know what they are going to tell the audience" and "wtf.. this is scray bshit". To me there was much potential that turned out to be wasted at the end. Sad.

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A really cool idea for an allegory, but it could’ve, and should’ve, gone a lot deeper with its social commentary.
A lot of it feels half baked and not all that sharp.
Also, the characters are flat, and it leaves you with a lot of questions that needed to be cleared up (Why do people go to this place? Who’s behind it? Etc.)

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Well ‘obviously’ that was messed up and ‘obviously’ it was entertaining and ‘obviously’ had a good plot and good cast too. I’m glad I understood the ending but still would of loved more information. At times it reminded me of the film cube.

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Shout by King David
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-03-20T09:44:14Z— updated 2020-03-24T01:17:02Z

First off, what an awesome concept! My eyes stayed glued to the screen the entire time.

Now, can someone explain how the girl is/was the message? is it because he was the only one brave enough to travel to the ground floor, and find the little girl and send her to the top floor?

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One of my favourite movies. I think goreng died and got eaten and everything after when the old man started cutting his leg was just an imagination/fever dream.

Like why would that lady that did his Intake be there, seems like a dream.

Cool movie

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It's an interesting concept. Sort of reminds me of the Cube.

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no real payoff for any of the world they set up

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I don’t think it was very good. The directors intentions are focused on blaming the individuals not capitalism enough.

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That dookie scene had me dying laughing! I had to rewind it a few times :rofl:

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The Platform is an incredibly intriguing and unique film that will keep you guessing until the very end. The plot is both thought-provoking and unsettling, and the film's execution is nothing short of brilliant. The characters are well-developed, and the story is full of unexpected twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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It's good, actually, it's amazing. The idea is great; very deep and dark. Could've gone a bit deeper but all in all it's good!

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A brilliant modern take on the tale of Don Quixote, with decent commentary on capitalism.

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why didn’t anyone pick like MREs for their favorite food

work smarter not harder !!

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I thought this movie was great. Ending was good but not as satisfying As I’d of liked. Great breakdown of the movie that I personally subscribe to

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How anyone could have made such a bullshit, the film, if you can call it that, has absolutely nothing. No meaningful plot, they just send food from floor to floor, sometimes some murder so that at least something happens there. As I thought it might be a good movie so I fell in love is probably one of the worst I've ever seen in my life !! beef of the greatest caliber !!!!! What to expect when the movie is from Netflix I've never seen anything good from Netflix except for a few exceptions.

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Conceptwise it's based on Next Floor by Denis Villeneuve.

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With a good and well-developed idea you can make an interesting science fiction thriller.

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The ending doesn't make sense. And ay one point I thought what the panacotta means and subsequently the kid, but now I don't know. ughhhhh

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An allegory for class it might be, but despite the political messages the film conveys, it is also an entertaining film to watch, despite the underlying bleakness.

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well, it's quite a view.

Edit: I thought about it. It's symbolism is way to much 'in your face'. So the movie is more: meh.

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Shout by Deleted

love the money. it is disturbing but it captures the reality of the world and the fabric of our modern social life. the previllege of the top, the struggle of the bottom and the greed for own possession.

the ending is too vague which open to many interpretation. like the symbolism of the girl, the fate of the hero etc.

just a piece of advice, dont watch while eating.

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Could've ended a lot better. I really liked the plot though.

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The thriller was a continuous movie that didn't stop for a moment, you are curious and worried every second. What can be deduced from the end is a little bit open, we will solve it.

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Whatever you think, the movie was enthralling

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Netflix, nothing much more to Stay.
The writter, probably died, that end.
If this was on theaters i Will ask for the refund.

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The Platform

Actually, it's a real movie about our day. It's a good reference to the misery of the rich with the inability to get enough, but what we need to understand is empty.

And for a moment, I thought these floors were never going to end. But luckily, he had a big surprise. The only thing I didn't like was that the movie was good and nice, but unfortunately it was empty. Is that how the movie ends? If you said one, did the message you want to give you come in? Although I answered that question myself in the first paragraph, but At least I'd like to see what's worth in the movie.

It looks like we book readers will save the world, not him, but if we get our heads up from books and take action.

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Have you ever wondered what would happen if Emile Zola wrote a remake of the movie Cube?
Wonder no more, watch The Platform.

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Shout by Deleted

if for some reason you still need to understand how people work in today´s world, this is the perfect analogy . its not political like most people say, its about people and mentalities, and in the end why we deserve to be extinct.

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I ended up with a headache. When I thought I was getting it, the film took a different turn, confusing me a lot more. It's funny to think that a film that, theoretically has only one narrative focus, has so many sides.
Thought about searching a little bit more about the meaning, but honestly I didn't liked it, so I'll give 4/10. And the 4 is for how, cinematographically, this film is beautiful and well done...

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Locked in a place where madness and hope balance on the razor's edge Feeding through an elevator, with characters strip of any human dignity.

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Good enough movie...but the director needs a better closure. Worth watching quite Original.

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An inventive and captivating dystopian thriller.

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Ah, this movie is so messed up and I liked the idea .I know why the girl's mother was going down and killing people so the food can reach the last floor (maybe), and I guess girl was the message because maybe the association knew that there was a child in the pit (that's why she been placed at the last floor so she would die of hunger or something) but she survived .idk.

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