Pretty solid film overall. The acting was really good, especially from Chloe Grace Moretz, John Gallagher, and Sasha Lane. Like others have said, I do wish they dove a little bit deeper. At some points it feels like they're only scratching the surface. I think the movie definitely could've benefited from being longer. Interesting perspective and glimpse into the crazy world that is conversion therapy centers.

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The Miseducation of Cameron Post is a movie that has its pride flag in the right place, but where's its heart?

A stellar cast and competent directing make this tale of a young woman sent to a Christian gay conversion camp a worthwhile watch. Like any LGBT film that escapes clichés and portrays members of the community in a favourable light, this film is easy to recommend.

That said, the story left me wanting more. More anti gay conversion therapy, more passion, more gayness, more youth, more quirkiness, more humanity, and more Sasha Lane! I'll probably re-watch this film when it's released on blu-ray, and probably still be left wanting more.

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Sensitively handled drama re the thorny subjet of gay conversion therapy. The Christians aren't portrayed as monsters, which as a Christian myself, I was kinda pleased about, and the teens are realistically played. Personally, I don't have time for conversion therapy - I think it can be damaging - and despite the judgement of some, I believe God loves us all, regardless of sexuality. It's a complicated subject and one that some in the church fail to get to the bottom of, and I hope this film is used as reflection for the subject matter. There are no easy answers.

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How is it possible that dealing with such a brutal and cruel situation (forced therapy for the nonexistent "cure" of homosexuality) could have been so simply, lightly and simply. It is as if a window had been opened for a glimpse of daily life, the daily life that emotionally crushes these teenagers, without using the startles or subterfuges of the dramatization of a story. Definitely a find. I began to see the theme, got involved with the performance of little Chloe Grace Moratz and was surprised by the quality of the plot, although I found the recording format rather poor, I believe that, finally, this format (that of TV series). tv) was used to pass the 90's ambiance to the movie, which does not detract from its merit.

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Chloë Grace Moretz and Sasha Lane are both great. The movie overall is pretty meh otherwise.

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A solid film and talented cast.
It's a tough one to broach and though some of them managed to break from that setting in the end what are they really heading towards? A life on the streets? Can they ever come back from that? Unfortunately this is a sad reality for many LGBT teens in america even now.
Chloe Grace Moretz continues to impress me with every role. She gives it her all and it shows.

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I absolute loved this. If only it was a bit longer and it took the time to dive even deeper into the horrific practices of conversion therapy and its effects, as well as tie a couple of loose ends, then it would have been a 10/10 for me. Chloe is incredible in it, my little gay heart was falling in love with her more and more with every passing second.

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The subject matter was cringe worthy. The acting was good. Not sure what audience they were shooting for. Christians will think it was overly simplistic. The queer community will be unsurprised. It really doesn’t add to the conversation between them. Despite the performances, I give this film a 5 out of 10. [Drama]

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Shout by Pete
BlockedParent2023-02-06T10:17:29Z— updated 2023-02-13T21:54:10Z

This isn't a bad movie, but it's one that I found particularly underwhelming. Tedious in many parts and not enough to say in others. Moretz made it worth finishing, but I wish it grabbed me more. It felt somewhat half baked. 5.3

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To me this movie had great acting, however the overall story of the movie being told just sort of fell flat. I get what the story being told was, and I understand it's significance, and they portrayed it realistically and without bias, perhaps it's just one of those things that even if I know it's happening, I don't like to watch or read about stories about it. Not because I'm ignorant, but not being religious I just don't connect to it terribly well and I think that's what impacted my overall lack of interest in the movie, not the quality of the movie itself.

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Like others have said, not a lot of meat on the bones. I feel this could have been done very well as a 60 minute docudrama or expanded into a serialised treatment as there is a fund of experience to draw upon. Despite this the actors were fantastic, I didn't recognise Jennifer Ehle because she looked so different to my expectations, until I saw her name here. Emily Skeggs was very understated, but nevertheless exuded a remarkable degree of inner conflict. I don't regret watching this, and it was interesting as I am a former cult member so am au fait with the bibliolatric mindset. : Love is the law, love under will.

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2018 will likely be the year for the most notable movies about conversion therapy to date. With Boy Erased to come, Cameron Post set the bar pretty high. Not sure if boy can top girl on this one.

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