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The Matrix Resurrections 2021

Shout by Harun
BlockedParent2020-05-25T06:19:53Z— updated 2021-12-24T22:07:18Z

For someone who was born in 2001 and not being able to watch Matrix in theaters this movie has a special meaning to me.

Edit: Never mind this was film was a piece of crap

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Very disappointing. This movie didn't need to be made, and it didn't really add anything.

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This is a two and a half hour joke that basically summarises the first three films in one lacklustre fan remake. Act 1 feels like a parody skit you'd see during the Oscars awards show. There is so much less here compared to the previous Matrix films; less adventure, less captivating action, less music, less locations, less characters, less expansiveness, less wonder, less lore, less threat, less grit. So much is either missing or undone from what was already established and they chose to bring back all the wrong parts and tainted them. It feels like playing through a video game again on New Game+, with a new goofy costume unlocked for each character, and only doing the main story missions as fast as possible. I was obsessed with the original Matrix trilogy, this is extremely disappointing.

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How is this the best thing they could make? They had such a long time to come up with a good story and this is what we got? The biggest disappointment in years for me. It feels more like a parody of The Matrix rather than a real movie. The characters all feel like c-tier Marvel characters with non-stop quips. It relies heavily on nostalgia and it cheapens it so much when they show footage from an actual good movie.

Fight scenes are nothing but quick cuts and shaky cam. So, the complete opposite of the original trilogy. Trying LESS will never make your movie a good one.

Avoid if you can because it's really not worth it. It didn't ruin the first one for me because I'm just going to pretend like this one doesn't exist.

The trailer really sucked me in just for the movie to kick me in the face...

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Soulless money grab. Thanks for diluting the franchise even more Wachowskis.

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The whole woke vibe can be a bit too much at times, but isn't a deal breaker for me.

This poor excuse for a movie is essentially an indie spin-off but with a better VFX budget. I suppose that a talented video editor could pick this 2.5 hour-long borefest and turn it into a 2.5 minute-long ending to the trilogy which is where The Matrix should have ended.

Unlike The Animatrix, and as a fan of the trilogy, I'll try to pretend that Resurrections doesn't exist, a bit like some skull made of crystal.

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Shout by fcknrckstar
BlockedParent2021-12-23T22:45:37Z— updated 2022-01-03T23:40:22Z

I watched the movie, and I have just a word:


EDIT: It got me thinking to a way to describe it and I think I found it.
This movie is like the RATM cover of "Wake up" used in the end credits: a pale, weak and uninspired imitation of the original.

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Spent more time reminiscing than adding anything meaningful.

I liked that they showed the implications of the end of the third movie.

Why do we need to keep changing stories previously loved to push current political agendas. Why not make new stories for these?

Action was worse, dialogue was worse, new colour palette seemed odd. Considering the fanbase this movie had, you'd be forgiven for feeling let down. Please dont continue to add movies to this franchise like the terminator and just let it live on as a classic.

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Shout by Alan Stingyal Pigott
BlockedParent2021-12-25T12:02:06Z— updated 2021-12-26T14:29:14Z

Do you like "The Matrix"
Did you like the cool action, enjoy the excitement and spectacle, did your heart beat during the tense scenes where the heroes might not have made it?

Then watch "The Matrix" it still has it .

Don't however, ever watch this completely pointless Phantom Menace type turd, it has none of that,
It's like a feature length episode for a low budget TV series reboot

I doesn't even have a single cool looking shot.

It seems Lana Wachowski may have not done so much work on the originals as advertised.

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It can't has 8.2 rating.This movie is not good at all. I almost fell asleep before anything interesting started after 90 minutes and it just repeated itself many times. Unnecessary part, just like 4th or 5th Jason Born

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Sorry guys, the movies isn't good...
The new actor for Morpheus is a bit cringe and there is a lot of unnecessary moment for the plot. The effects and scenes aren't as good as the previous movies and it seems that they opted for a lot camera shaking to make it cheaper.

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Shout by rrogvee
BlockedParent2021-04-18T07:49:52Z— updated 2021-12-29T07:16:44Z

Watched the first three Matrix films growing up. It was one of the first non-family films I've watched. Kudos to my Dad for introducing me to this film trilogy ^_^

Hopefully, this new film would have a great storyline and development.

Edit: I'm surprised to say my mum was more stoked to watch this more than my Dad and myself (big fans of the Og film trilogy).
The visual effects and soundtrack were decent however, the story fell flat. I believe the film relied too much on flashbacks and nostalgia. Which was at least 60% of the film. I did appreciate the parallel fight scenes along with camera angles.

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Wait for It on line, dont spend Time AND money on the theather. boring and predictable

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This is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Even the usual dudes that whine all the time about "wOkE" and diversity can't say sh*t.
It was too self-referential and meta in the first act but it got good once Neo was brought back.

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Shout by Nicmag
BlockedParent2021-12-23T01:24:16Z— updated 2021-12-26T00:08:46Z

To all of you who are disappointed because you expected so much more, since The Matrix became a cult sci-fi movie bla bla bla... That's precisely what this film is about: a fun critique to all the super serious sagas that are sucking up so much of our time, like Marvels, DCs and all the rest. And yes, to the original Matrix itself, which was really about the evolution of a transgender person, and not the serious transcendentalist stuff we want it to be. Just lighten up and don't take things so seriously, guys.

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I just don't understand. I'm confused. The earlier trilogy Matrix more better than this one. Disappointed.

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Do not waste your time on this film.

If you combine Batman and Robin, Rise of Skywalker, Phantom Menace, Gigli, Battlefield Earth, The Love Guru, Catwoman, Superman IV, Weekend at Bernie's II, Speed 2 and any Nicholas Cage or Bruce Willis film from the last decade you will still not get anywhere near how awful this film is.

If 2021 was a film, this would be it.

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For those saying it feels like the creators were forced or that it's an unnecessary sequel - that's exactly what happened. The line in the movie about they're forcing us to make a sequel or they'll get someone else to do it is what happened IRL.

I thought this was fun for a piece of forced creative work. Lana Wachowski and team took the opportunity to do scathing critiques on the movie industry, aspects of internet culture, even a roast of Ben Shapiro in the form of NPH.

If you can relax and let it flow over you, if you understood the first movie was about being trans and this one expands on that, if you like messages about revolution and resistance via bonding together against the system rather than infighting, if you're a fellow queer or neurodivergent person that has been harmed by therapy, you'll have a good time. Hopefully they let this franchise rest in peace now and start funding some new ideas from fresh voices.

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I concur with Jody, this doesn't have the high stakes, cataclysmic vibe. There wasn't much investment for the character except for Trinity's decision. I felt they took the story in the wrong direction from that point. It could've led up to a great substantial plot, but the plot cumulation was sooo dull and poor, Smith and the Merovingian were basically levelled down to extras. The only thing I felt good about was Neo-Trinity getting some form of closure, I know some people dig a bittersweet ending from Revolutions, maybe it should've been left there, but if you gonna pick up from that you have to make it worth it. This was not it, lacklustre.

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Movie mixes the concepts of remake, reboot and sequel together to deliver one single uniform experience. And for the most of it, it did quite well.

The original trilogy will always have a special place in our hearts (even though Reloaded was kinda bad) and I believe that's why Resurrections is being slapped so hard by press and fan-base alike. Haters will always gonna hate, trying to find the most illogical reasons to justify the spreading of their toxic opinions but the movie IS GOOD and definitely worth watching.

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This movie is a decent sequel that respects what came before and moves the story forward into new territory. However, if you're looking for a repeat of the original trilogy, you won't like this movie. Although the characters are respected and the story continues without a pointless remake, the matrix revolutions does intentionally break the fourth wall within it's own narrative. overall better than a remake, but not entirely a repeat of what came before.

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Did I watch a one-episode CW TV Show? A pure trash of a movie living off past glory of the first movie.

That says, I have a theory: Perhaps the director was frustrated at money grabbing scheme of studio exec, and decides to direct this awful movie with a few sarcastic bits in such a way that there won't be any possibility of future sequels.

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If you do not want to ruin the pleasant experience that was the phenomenon of Matrix in 1999 and its sequels, avoid seeing this movie, far from being a sequel or a tribute; it is consolidated as the manifestation of the cliche of the bad 21st century remakes. Slow, boring, characters without charisma, monotonous special effects and above all a totally unnecessary story.

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Ugh. I really wish this had some redeeming qualities but it was such a wasted opportunity. I really wanted to like it, I really did. Oh well, I will rewatch the old ones and forget this one exists that’s all.

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Me as a matrix fan really didn’t expect this…. Wish they just continued the story, all this fake comedy shit is not what i was waiting for.

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The movie does weakly further the trilogy's storyline, I feel this movie was firmly about commentary. The focus was very clearly on commenting on contemporary issues. And the movie was so meta. Meta to the point where it felt more like a massive pre-emptive strike to get ahead of all possible critiques about the movie's faults.
Another issue is that Neo in this movie is just Keanu Reeves. He didn’t feel like the old Neo. He dressed more like John wick than neo. There wasn’t nearly enough black latex type clothing. And sunglasses.

In general, it just feels like this movie was made on half strength.

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The Matrix redone without any style or beauty . A hodgepodge of unmemorable music , bad lighting , quick cutting sloppy fight choreography mixed with shaky camera and flavorless gun fights . The CGI was on par with the originals from nearly two decades ago . Is that a good thing? It's one of the highlights of Matrix Resurrections sadly . Constant flashback's to scenes from the original movie look cheesy , it just screams this film can't stand on it's own . It's great to have some of the original cast together again , too bad the film didn't do them any justice . Thoroughly too long winded , the story isn't good enough to carry the film the kind of length we're forced to endure . In the end it looks like a made-for-tv movie , not a 190 million dollar film . Not recommended .

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Guess I'm one of the few people who enjoyed this movie. Loved the throwback to the other movies. It's not new and the effects are "old" but still it entertains and in times of a pandemic you're hoping someone will reset the matrix soon... Also I'm debating calling my next black cat Deja Vu or Salem haha... Also we need a katrix... Just saying

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So if you are expecting Matrix 4, that's not it. They are making Matrix franchise into a cinematic Universe and starting with this regurgitation of the previous movies that zoomer audience haven't seen before. There were a couple of moments I liked, but mostly it's a collection of bad decisions for writing, directing and editing. Hopefully, a Disney+ interquel series about this main middle school looking crew searching for Neo will do better by having much less expectations attached to it.

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i was so thrown off with how different its was in the first viewing but then i decided to give it a second shot with an open mind and i understand what it was really about, it's essentially a love story, its about triumph and if those themes resonate with you, u will enjoy it, i get the backlash about it being different but its been more than a decade, times change and people change

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15 minutes in and I’m ready to turn it off :pound_symbol:soboring

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take away the first matrix and try watching any watchwoski and i just learned that i always end up regretful.

i heard she made this movie to mourn her parents death... which makes much better sense... but doesn't add any value to the dreadful story.

when watching the trailer i had the impression the meta story might include keanu reeves in the story. my first mistake.

enough to say, this whole crap doesn't add anything to the trilogy and it doesn't add anything on its own. i like to think they didn't even try to.

the only merit i saw here i see in most romantic comedies: enough stupidity to keep it slightly entertaining.

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I didn't have much hope for this movie based on Hollywoods trends but I was wrong. If you still don't like it after watching I guess it's because your a sheep or just another NPC hell bent on preventing the awake ones from achieving their maximum potential.

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This is pretty damn amazing. Like, heavily researched, amazing. Like, oh god, they did it, amazing.

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Yet another one of those Hollywood movie checklist: girl power-check, masculine toxicity-check; black, two+ asians, white if necessary-check. Final product-crap. The only shame is that it got to the matrix, a movie that symbolizes the brainwash our culture is undergoing owing to such movies.

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I guess the Wachowskis just wanted to make an unofficial Sense8 reunion

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I can’t even bother to write all that’s wrong with this as almost everything is. A complete disgrace to the original movies.

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WOW! This definitely harkens back to the original. I love how they interweaved the new story with the original storyline.
The story was compelling. The action was fun. The graphics were great - granted there were no scores and scores and scores of Mr. Smiths in the same scene.
Quite frankly, this would be a great place to switch over to a streaming series format to keep the story going.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Its not as groundbreaking as the original and to be honest, its an unnecessary entry in the franchise. However, the film is enjoyable enough, despite sharing the exposition problems of the original trilogy, and it’s good to see Reeves and Moss back in their familiar roles. Fans of the movies are unlikely to be disappointed but newcomers may be a little confused.

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Okay so I had been catching up on the last three movies over the weekend all waiting up to this and ill say it really is worth the price this is the second best sequel this month also one of the best action films this year there is alot going on here and I highly recommend if you are old enough go Che k this one out

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Grief, the hate in these comments...

I went in to this with no expectations at all really. To me, this movie was clever, refreshing and different in a way that only the first Matrix movie had previously achieved. The Meta elements here are absolute genius.

This really blew me away.

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I missed Neo and Trinity.
I still miss the real Morpheus.
Real... there's that word again...

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this is too complicated for my simple mind, so I would say there are two possibilities - either I am stupid, or this movie is stupid

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Ruined by the woke religion.
Stuff like 'women used to be so easy to control' does not belong in a movie like this.
The women were even stronger in the Matrix than him. Even though he is 'The One'.....

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SUCKS, did I mention that this movie sucks?

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I think this the best episode after the first one! Very fun and enjoyable movie!

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This was a fun watch. I mean, sure it's a bit on the nose but. It's fun! Nostalgic and enjoyable. I like this end to the franchise much more than the last.

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This movie has managed to disappoint many people by creating a kind of campaign against it. On the one hand, I understand what they mean: it's not the iconic movie with great novelty special effects that was the first and even the second, on the other hand, the story is self-explanatory far too many times. However, I did enjoy it in terms of the story, how they continued the legacy of Neo and Trinity. I found the continuation of everything interesting many years later. I enjoyed it even more than Reloaded and Revolutions.

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Between a 6 and a 7. Not worth watching in cinema but ok to watch at home..... only for Matrix fans.
It just felt too cartoonish snd lacking substance.

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I’m sad that I’m disappointed with this.
I watched the original trilogy in preparation for this one and while I enjoyed elements I found, overall, I was left wanting more…which I don’t think should be said for a movie over 2 hours long.

I think directors/writers need to realise that you need a better storyline and not rely on Easter eggs and throwbacks to your original works as well as breaking the fourth wall moments.

I feel like it was also a set up for another movie (potentially another trilogy?) and if that is the case I want to actually see Neo and Trinity and not just 2 hours lead up.

So as not to be a totally negative review I have to say I was so happy with and impressed with Jonathan Groff - he killed those action scenes and I would love to see him do more action in the future.

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This was awful. And as someone who was a fan of the original Matrix films this makes me so sad. I was really looking forward to this movie.

There's so much of the film that feels like uneventful filler backstory. Endless monologue and dreary boring moments explaining... actually, explaining nothing. It felt exactly like a filler episode of a TV show that was slotted right in the middle of this thing. It didn't start getting even moderately interesting until over half way through and by then it had already lost me.

There are so many things wrong with this movie, but a lot of it is that it was genuinely a 'throwback' to the originals. There was nothing interesting or new about this movie. There were so many snippets of video inserted from the original Matrix (in the form of flashbacks) that it felt like a cheap cop-out. This movie had no plot so they tried to play on the nostalgia some of us have for the original movies and it utterly failed.

I'm so sad. I would have walked out of the Theater but I was watching it in my own house lol

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I Was Genuinely So Excited To See The Matrix & Mr Anderson Was Finally Coming Back - But Simply Put They Should Not Have Resurected The Matrix

It Was A Legendary 3 Movie Franchise That Ended On The Right Note & They Tried Explaining Too Much & Trying To Justify The Story - Original Had Action On Another Level That Blew Our Minds But This One Just Didn't Have That Right Pace & Neo Looked Weak Which To Me Didn't Do Homage To The Original 3 Movies

Come On Why Such A Crappy Agent Smith - Nobody Can Replace Hugo Weaving

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Meh. This movie is not worth of the hype around it. It's pretty mediocre, the story is meh, the acting is meh and there's is too much 4th wall breaking...

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This was something that Netflix would make. Zero afterglow effect. Nothing to take from it. 4/10

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Wow so bad, just another grab for money and a few through backs to the trilogy. Not to mention that based on the fan base they could cheap out on the effects and fights scenes. There was better choreography in the last three by far and that was back so long ago. It doesn't surprise me that it was so poor. I mean a reboot 20 years later? Of course people where looking for just money they knew we would come to see it, they didn't need to work hard at anything and clearly they didn't.

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I guess that I never had very much invested in the first two movies, so watching this isn't going to get me to go back and watch them. Another disappointment !

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Story: 7...self-referential and so fun
Script: 7...might be the best writing so far
Performances: 7
Misc.: 7...didn't try to do more than it was capable of
Influence: 6
Overall: 7

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And to think he did all that in jeans.

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Its good to be back. When I heard the news that Matrix is returning I thoght it was bad because it always does. So my expectations were pretty low but the movie is better than it.

That ending…. Fifth one?

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i actually enjoyed it so much. i was expecting just another big budget movie with great special effects but basic story, and matrix resurrections wasn't the case at all. the story is complex and makes sense with the universe of the previous movies.

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Mhmhn, I'm not surprised. I expected it to be bad. Still it's sad.

Stick to the matrix 1999 and forget everything after. Just like star wars are only 3 movies :)

Also, is this a hidden ad vor all those Gen y/z anxiety dipshits to go to therapy, you know, when you're not having real problems in life?

When is meta too meta so it's just ridiculous?

I'm leaving out the woke aspect, it's standard nowadays.

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I've never seen so much disdain projected from a filmmaker onto their own audience.

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Good reboot could be better. Don’t like how they did morpheus and Agent Smith

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A needless sequel that plays on memories of a wonderful first date that turned into a decent second one and was followed a shitty third one that led to a breakup and now is back trying to woo me with flowers and chocolate but i don't like chocolate.
You even remade our favorite RATM song? I don't like you anymore.

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The Matrix Resurrections isn't the Matrix we know and love. This is a mess a real mess. :thumbsdown:
I'll have the :pound_symbol:bluepill please and thank you.

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It’s, disappointing. At times you get snippets of the old Matrix but it’s only nostalgia. The casting is all wrong, the seriousness of The Matrix has been replaced with sitcom level comedy, and it’s not a good fit.

It feels like the creators have been forced to make this movie and made it like this on purpose, because they didn’t want to make it in the first place…

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This film is a complete mess. Like someone has already written the first part seem to be a comedy. During the film there are many cut and pastes from the previous movies. You can safe the last part of the film, and this is why I am giving a 5 out of 10 but by then you'll be already upset.

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Not bad. Better than Reloaded and Revolutions, but secondary to the first film, because of the constant citations and references.

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An incredibly lame attempt at a revival, The Matrix Resurrections trashes the original trilogy while delivering mindless action. When game designer Thomas Anderson starts working on a sequel to his popular Matrix trilogy, characters from the game begin appearing to him and cause him to question reality. Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss return and are joined by Neil Patrick Harris, Jessica Henwick, and Jonathan Groff. At least a quarter of the film is flashback scenes to the other films lazily edited in without updating the picture quality. And the changes to the series mythology are universally awful and seem politically driven. Even the special effects are lackluster, as are the costume and set designs. Extremely disappointing, The Matrix Resurrections is a sad epilogue to a series that has lost its way.

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a matrix in another matrix? it's fantastic!

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This is absolute garbage. No redeeming features, it's an insult.

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What was even the point of this movie?

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Everyone knows that nobody survives longer than 5 minutes in the same room with John Wick. So this movie is unrealistic. No kills in 2 hours. Ok, strong defense but no offense. Bullshit. Also: Why does this pretend to have a story? A John Wick movie doesn't need a story. That's at least honest.

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as a software engineer, i can confidently say there is no fucking way Neo can see that code (or any code) in 1 second and say: “oh she’s on the bridge”

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The original with way better and this garbage

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So bad. I blame the set of 2nd hand actors they picked to star with Keanu. And why do they all have such dumb hair cuts?

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I watched the film again, raised my mark, and confirmed to myself: you haters of the film, you really don't get it, and I think you never got the genius of the Matrix. Go watch that crap John Wick, that's your level

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I for once thought this movie was a great end to this franchise, I think it was thoughtfully made and the special effects were incredibly visually pleasing. As a franchise supposed to describe the experience of a transgender person I think it did a really great job of completing the red thread of the story!

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First question : why a new Matrix movie ?
Second question : why is it so bad ?
Skip it.

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I'm a sucker for nostalgia, and didn't hate this like so many did. I don't know what people expected. It was silly, fun, and a serviceable entry. Keanu being 57 is nuts. 7.1 for me and my rose(red)-coloured glasses.

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I really liked it. The only things I didn't like was that really slow apple scene and the cutesy bots. I always liked their love story. I always liked that they had each other's back 100%. I liked the subtle things like how their reflections were different than what they were seeing. I really liked that the meaning of "the One" had shifted to mean, together, they are "the One", especially since he was always so uncomfortable with it. Now she can shine and he can be her support like she was for him all those years. These characters complement each other. I'm glad I watched it.

Also, I get buzz words but, does almost every other comment have to have the word META in it? I feel like I'm in the Matrix and there's a glitch somewhere. It's freaking me out.

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great special effects, lots of leaning on the previous three movies totally ruined by a poor story.

should really be called The Matrix Regurgitated.

would have had more traction with a full reboot and extend over many movies.

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A huge fan of the matrix sequel , but this one is a pure trash, can't find a single positive thing to be mentioned here except Jessica Henwick's performance.
Thanks 2021,this is the only movie I watched in 2021, the epic disappointment is complete.

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If you don't watch the original trilogy beforehand, you'll like it better. The storyline is okay in sections,especially the new crew. But if you are expecting the Neo-Trinity part to be worthy of the first 3 you'll be disappointed. Watch it separate or the rating goes from 7 to 3.

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