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The Lego Batman Movie 2017

Wonderfully animated, funny take on the Batman universe with characters you expect to see and many you don't, hello Jaws! A lot of the jokes will fly over kids heads but the constant bombardment of wisecracks means this doesn't matter. It seems the Lego movies will run and run (on tiny blocky legs) if they match the quality of this film, where everything is indeed awesome.*

  • Though I am still giving this film a 7 because there was perhaps a little too much effort in trying to make the movie awesome - it maybe needed to slow down just a little - but what do I know, I'm old!
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Not my usual choice of film but I actually really enjoyed it! Very very funny and even though I'm not a batman fan I followed all of the batman related jokes with ease. Want to re-watch.

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This was a really sweet, cute, and funny movie. Also Zach Galifianakis voicing the Joker > Jared Leto acting as the Joker.

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A fun take on the Batman movies! A breath of fresh air from the norm. I really enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting all those characters to make an appearance. Really hope more Lego movies come out since they are just really fun to watch. I highly recommend these movies.

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Hilarious! It was sweet, funny and heartfelt all at the same time. They nailed the character of batman! So many pop culture references and nods. Loved it!

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2022-03-10T11:51:45Z— updated 2022-07-16T06:13:18Z

After rewatching all previous Batman movies, I can’t believe that this is actually the only one that almost made me cry. That said, the film was a little overwhelming to follow, with too many things happening on screen simultaneously and one joke coming after another in quick successions. Also, as the humor aims at different ages, not everything works for everybody. The final message is a little cheesy but still enough to move me. Overall, it’s both a solid parody and, to some extent, a great adaptation of the original character. Unlike all previous movie adaptations, it feels like it's the first time there is someone who actually read the comics involved in the project.

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Now this movie is what is truly perfect.

This was the peak of the Lego movies. Everything here has been thought through to the smallest detail. The animation techniques surpass both Lego films and other animated films. There is real character development, especially in the feelings and attitudes of the characters. The script is a real work of art and Will Arnett plays an impressive role, with his sarcastic Batman voice and attitude. The comedy that they tried to insert into the film was well placed and used and provided me with some real laugh out loud moments. The reference to romance movies especially to those magnificent Jerry Maguire quotes (You complete me; You had me from hello...), amazing.

Additionally I would like to say that I saw this film six years ago in the cinema, accompanied by my wonderful mother. Good times...

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This is personally by far the most entertaining batman film I've seen.

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It's a shame the sequel got cancelled.

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How was this as consistently good as it was? A full length movie about a Lego version of Batman? For Batman fans this is jam packed with so many jokes, quips, references, send-ups, and more that it's often hard to keep track as it's coming at you so fast. For an hour and 45 minutes I was glued to the screen as my inner 9 year old ate up everything this movie had to offer. It's seriously great no matter how old you are.

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Cool. Fun. Entertaining. A lego movie. You don't have to be a Batman fan to enjoy this.

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So entertaining. I was surprised how many times I laughed out loud watching this movie.

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Shout by J S

"ask your nerd friends" <3

oh I love this movie, its so much fun! (and not just for kids) Especially when you are a nerd like me, so many easter eggs from other fandoms and really funny jokes, absolute comfort mood booster movie!

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Shout by Deleted

2nd Best Batman Movie I've seen!

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That was actually hilarious. I was not expecting it to be as entertaining as it was. I love how they also referenced the old iterations of Batman. Great family fun.

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Computer: What's the password?
Batman: Iron Man sucks.

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Well this film was well 'built' with some great gags, lots of easter eggs, lots of random funny shiz, and great sound tracks, and action packed! Chris Mckay knows how to make a great animation along with lego movie XD

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Shout by Deleted

The first thirty minutes open with a bang, but it slows down to a crawl before its near painful death, revealing that the Lego films are already burning out.

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Great movie for kids, I'm sure I would have loved it then. It was an okay movie. Better than most kids movies, other than Pixar of course.

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Shout by Deleted

The Lego Batman Movie continues the fun of the original Lego movie. This a great spoof that pokes fun at Batman while also paying tribute to one of the best characters ever created. There is a lot of great humor and lots of great Easter Eggs for the Batman fans. All the characters are a lot of fun and I'm sure we'll see a lot more of them in the Lego universe.

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Fully understand that at 43 I am not the target audience for this movie. However, I have to say I found it to be a pretty poor effort. After the Lego Movie I was expecting more.

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I'm feeling a bit let down, truth be told. I certainly didn't expect to see this and miss The Lego Movie, but there you have it. There were a couple of laughs out loud to be found here, but for the most part, this paled in comparison to the first.

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A one joke movie where the ideas its playing with get stretched very thin over its runtime. It’s missing that Lord and Miller touch, a lot of the jokes here aren’t funny or trying too hard. There’s not a lot more to it really. Story and character are pushed aside in favor of creating a fourth wall breaking homage to this character, which to me sounds like something better suited for a short film or SNL sketch. It’s almost like this version of Batman was always meant to be a sidekick because he works better in small doses. The film looks good and there’s a lot of visual creativity and action, but it’s not as inspired as The Lego Movie. Will Arnett does a great job as the character, all the other voice acting is completely unremarkable. I wonder if they forgot they’re making an animated film, because there’s a general lack of personality and expression coming from the rest of the cast. Finally, the music and score are boring and forgettable, except Batman’s introduction song which is hilarious and easily the best scene in the film.


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This movie was so funny! Laugh out loud, sometimes I couldn’t hide a snort, type of funny. Very clever and hilarious. Something for everyone. I cannot believe how much I enjoyed this (I am not the intended audience by far).

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Fresh and exciting, The LEGO Batman Movie takes the caped crusader where he has never gone before. The story follows Bruce Wayne as he struggles with his loneliness and isolation, leading him to adopt an orphan; meanwhile, as Batman, he struggles to remain relevant after the Joker and all of his other nemeses surrender. Featuring the voice talents of Will Arnett, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, and Zach Galifianakis, the film has a solid cast. And the animation is especially good, with a lot of creative set and vehicle designs. However, the writing is kind of weak; as at times it can be extremely clever and at other times it couldn’t be more cliché and formulaic. Yet despite whatever problems it has, The LEGO Batman Movie is incredibly entertaining and fun.

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Though I prefer Superman to Batman, the Caped Crusader is still an amazing superhero in his own right. Between movies, shows, comics, and even print novels, I've experienced countless stories over the past decade or so featuring DC Comics' do-gooders, many of which featured Bats in a starring role. While this is a more light-hearted take on the Dark Knight, it still made for a great movie. The animation and voice work were superb, and the action sequences were spot-on. Having characters from other sci-fi/fantasy universes made it a geek's dream come true. Better yet, it makes a great point: No man is an island; we all need other people in our lives. I would say that I hope we see more Lego superhero flicks, but, it seems that there are already others that I have yet to see; I need to check my local library for more such films.

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"All important films end with a white screen..."

While the LEGO Batman Movie is not as brilliant or clever as the original, The LEGO Movie, it's both charming and surprisingly thought-provoking. This isn't just a great silly kids film, but also a true delve into the character of Batman. This is the first time where the filmmakers actually stop the film to take a minute to talk about who Batman is as a person. In a comedic fashion, we see all his past incarnations (Yes, including the one with bat nipples), but Batman has to decide between two lives. It doesn't even make Batman out to be a villain, they flat-out say he's not the good or bad guy, but instead, troubled. He has to decide between living a life of solitude and anger, or opening up to others and accepting people back into his life.

If you have kids, I highly recommend taking them to see this. Lots of good jokes only adults will get, and plenty of funny awesome action for the little ones.

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Vvbfbbf ggvgg gbfgf gfhfhbtt vhggrd fydwdgt. Rw vcfdr fgff
Ggggggvffffb g gffff fractured vgvfcgftjft thdggtdn giguhhhfdc

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i need to start working out

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Shout by Deleted

Exciting animated movie which also carries an important lesson that even a superhero can't cope with all the bad guys by himself he needs his loyal and loving friends against crime. Although, I felt this message too straightforward, I was also very entertained.

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less memorable thing and too fast to tell

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Not nearly as good as I wanted it to be. Some nice ideas in there, but they were largely unfulfilled.

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Surprisingly witty and pretty well done.

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Ohhhh I.. just diiiied in your arms toniiiight..
It musta been something you said

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It wasn't a bad parody of the batman films but i found it a bit dull especially on the first half. The second half was improved a lot, i would definitely return for a sequel

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Golly Gee Willickers! Watched this, turned on my phone and found out Adam West had just passed away. Farewell Batman.

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Didn't knew i would like it, but i loved it !!!

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this Movie needed lots of help

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Everything is... NOT awesome!

Começa bem, com o estrondo de uma pujante irreverência sobre o universo Batman (com a DC a reboque), levado numa brisa de corrosivo humor embuido numa certa panache poderosa a ameaçar que este spin-off iria ser ainda melhor que The Lego Movie. Durante certo tempo é... mas... não se aguenta.
A meados da coisa torna-se aborrecido, repetitivo e a irreverência substitui-se com banalidade. Atrevo-me mesmo a dizer que desponta inclusive o mau gosto e esboça um sub-texto algo subversivo com alusões nada inocentes, como se ficasse bem o caminho de gozo que pretende desbravar sob um manto de figuras que têm mais dimensão do que isto.
Mesmo assim é uma animação fervilhante em cor, piadas, referencias e com uma primeira parte potente. Tecnicamente bem feito mas com um argumento que se perde no seu auto-armanço em se achar aquilo que não consegue atingir. The Lego Movie era um grande filme mas este não é.

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The B E S T Batman movie, ever!

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