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The Grudge 2004

Very impressive in its use of sound and music to relay horror brought about by nasty spirits, and there isn't a lot of talking, either. Instead, the viewer is witness to creepy visuals which are largely influenced by Japanese culture's scary Horror tropes.

I will admit that I haven't seen the original Japanese movie that "The Grudge" remakes, but I need to because I really enjoyed this American-ized version.

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SMG as Karen Davis is fantastic in this. This and Ju-On: The Curse are probably my two favorite Ju-On/Grudge movies. The extended Directors Cut is the definitive version of the film to watch, the theatrical cut can leave to some questions. Definitely worth a watch during Halloween :D

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It was supposed to be scary but it kinda didn't have a great scary feel to it.

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Good remake. Cannot compete with the original whoooaaa... Weird feeling. But still a good remake that shows you how good the original was.

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This was a lot scaries when I was 11... Now; not so much. At least it's a decent movie?

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Shout by Deleted

Drowning a cat = 1 weak sauce

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I'm kinda waffling between a "Meh" and a "Fair" rating; I think it's probably closer to a 5.5 "Meh-and-a-half" rating because it had some decent scenes in it. Never been a fan of Sarah Michelle Gellar so that was a bit offputting, but in spite of her, it was a decent story. This isn't a "gorror" movie, so if you're looking for a bloody mess, this will probably leave you a bit lacking. But as a "spooky" movie, I think it was a fair shake. I haven't seen the others yet (upcoming!) so I can't compare this to any others, but I will say that - thanks to SMG and her central role - I wouldn't consider this one worth watching AGAIN. First time, yeah....It's a decent enough movie. Not nearly as scary as I had thought (and hoped) but still fun to watch. Once.

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Sarah Michelle Gellar stars in The Grudge, an American remake of a Japanese horror film. The story follows a cursed house possessed by an evil that’s killing off all those who cross its path. However, the film tries to get by on cheap scares that don’t work. And rather than creating atmosphere, the score is mundane and clichéd. What’s also problematic is that the evil spirit is omnipresent, and has no rules or limitations to it. Dull and monotonous, The Grudge is a horror film devoid of any terror.

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Not as good as what I remembered it was like when I first watched it.

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I would had shit myself if i saw this when i was a child, but now it's just meh, the story is very basic and doesn't give so much horror, i'm sure you spend half the movie listening to footsteps or mouth noises ASMR shit, and the climax is very lame they really were aiming for a sequel back then

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Shout by Deleted

After the latest "The Grudge" release, this one here seems GREAT. Unbelievable.

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Remaking a remake seems a little pointless, and if you have seen the original, this is inferior in pretty much every way. The script has some terrible dialogue and the additional CGI enhancements only make the film less creepy, not more. The film attempts to create a more streamlined connected plot to ensure that Gellar can remain the central protagonist throughout and spends far too much time trying to explain ever little aspect of the mystery, often repeating them in case the audience missed it the first time. When the film does work however, it is in reworking the very effective creepy moments that made the original stand out from the glut of similarly themed Japanese horror films that followed Ringu. But for those familiar with the genre, all these moments do is serve to remind how pointless the film is. For viewers who simply can't abide subtitles, this is worth a watch despite the script. For everyone else, check out the far better Ju-On (2002)!

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