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The Family Plan 2023

Terrible poop on every level. The action sequences are impressively bad. I disagree with those saying this was fun to watch. I found it boring and all the characters annoyed the hell out of me. Could not make it to the end…

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This is a John Wick's slow brother, Don Bick kinda disney movie.

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Forget about mind-blowing twists and life changing themes. 'The Family Plan' is all about unadulterated fun where you grab a bucket of pop corn kick your legs up and prepare to be blown away by the action sequences and the over the top family drama with a dash of humour.

If Mission: Impossible and Spy Kids were one movie.. this is it. The plot is not a game changing, industry revolutionizing piece of art but it's one of which takes you on a rollercoaster ride. The cast, led by Mark Wahlberg was great, sure the family tropes were cringey and it wasn't one of the best performances of the year. Although filled with cliches the action sequences keeps you invested and grinning throughout the runtime.

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My wife and I really enjoyed it. It was just a fun surface level action drama to pass time. Nothing deep and groundbreaking, but definitely not the worst either.

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I did not expect this to be as funny or entertaining as it was. I thought this was going to be a copy of The Spy Next Door, but it proved me wrong. It was very alike but had its own very different ideas. The cgi, stunt work, and dialogue were all decent, nothing eye rolling. The plot and characters kept me invested (just dont think too much, or you'll clock every plot hole). I would have called this a perfect family movie if it didn't have those adult scenes. Also, the actor that plays Kyle is actually called Van. I laughed so hard when the credits rolled.

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It was about what I expected. A silly family comedy/action film. Some of the edits in the action sequences were super annoying. Way too many cuts. It almost reminded me of the Catwoman basketball scene. The baby was a bit annoying too, especially toward the end.

The funniest part of the movie, once the family learns of Dad's assassin past, they get their passports and new names. The son makes a joke about his new name 'Van'. Watching the credits I realized the actors name is actually Van.

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this was awesome, great fun comedy and action the baby was ccol lol.:ok_hand:

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Just what you expect of it. A fun movie to watch, predictable? Yes. Still good? Yes! Mark keeps being a great actor, love his acting in roles like this not a typical family movie but still family friendly. Just a fun movie that you watch 1 time when you just wanna lay down and watch a movie in peace!

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Feel good and very funny! Good job!

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This is like... a remake of the 2015 Vacation, seriously. The poster, the entire road trip, the kids not getting along, the campus scene with mom being hot.... Except, then there's tons more chemistry here between pretty much everyone, a heavy dose of RED injected everywhere, and Ciarán Hinds and Maggie Q practically stealing the entire move (does she always do that??). With some predictable and sappy family PR at the end. It's certainly fun, just sit back and enjoy the action and have a few laughs.

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Fun, entertaining and got to see Michelle. I had lower expectation, but it was fun.

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I had lower expectations going into this movie but even as predictable as any "I am a former assassin turned family man" movie, it was still fun, action packed and wholesome all at the same time. Definitely worth a watch.

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Don't expect a new plot or a new ending. Just enjoy the journey of the movie, it's fun and relaxing to watch.
No brainer but worth passing your time.

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Watchable but even among comedy movies I would place this one as sub par.

You can certainly tell action scenes are not the focus because they tend to be bland, ilogical and unengaging.

Plot pretty bland as well, but you knew that coming in. The characters are the only thing that is decent and make it watchable

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Nice and easy movie to watch. Good fun all the way. Very enjoyable. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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This felt as derivative as I expected Mr. Nobody (2021) to feel. More roadtrip than I anticipated. There are a few good jokes one of which made me spit out my drink in Act III. I still don't know Valorant but I think they did a mostly decent job of video games in a movie. The boy child is insanely cheesy with his finger guns and the movie acts like this is a special signature move and not something every dad does at breakfast.

The reveal is handled poorly like a man revealing he's a gambler at night. Rather than that the family is in literal life or death danger from a group of people who know exactly who they are and what they look like. I don't understand why writers don't get this. A BIG threat doesn't get usurped by a minor threat. You can't get upset at your husband cheating on you if you're literally about to drown.

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smth to throw on when your bored

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Predictable but there are a handful of fun moments in this derivative comedy.

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The Family Plan is a pretty fair action comedy film that has a family road trip with Mark Wahlberg having a secret life before them. The fight in the grocery store in which Dan has to fend off an assassin while the little one is in a carrier strapped to his chest! I could not stop laughing all the way through, I would highly recommend everyone has to watch this!

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Film is funny and entertaining, sadly predictable and easy to figure out the next sequence.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Family movie, nothing special but ok to watch

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predicable but funny and enjoyable

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This was very wonderful movies. Mark Wahlberg did a very good job acting in this movie.

It was wonderful to see a good family movie that DOES NOT the gay crap, woke BS or trans nasty in it. It was not not to have cussing in it also.

I recommend watching this very good movie!!

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Action and fun all together

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Shout by Luigi :wink:
BlockedParent2024-01-12T13:50:07Z— updated 2024-01-16T14:11:34Z

the shameless iphone promotion in the after-credits scene :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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At face value, this should have been fun, the type of fun you can confidently play during a night in when all you want is to be entertained. Unfortunately even though this hit all the expected beats, I felt every minute of the runtime. Maybe it was just too formulaic. But at least I got to see Michelle Monaghan and Maggie Q.

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Corny but fun. It's a family "action" movie. With the kids, probably a 7 or 8. Just for adults, eh. 6 or 7. Good but not a must see.

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It's fine, had some decent moments. A dog in the movie would have made it so much better though.

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I really tried to like this but it was baaad. Thought I was going to give it a 7/10, but they got to Vegas and it got so much worse.


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Pretty dumb and conventional adventure thriller movie

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Was very nice and funny

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Looking forward to a sequal.

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Oh my God I really enjoyed this movie this is definitely worth watching with the family

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This is a pretty formulaic former-spy-who-turns-into-a-family-man-who-has-to-fight-one-last-time-for-his-life-and-family.
And it's a lot of fun.
Baby Max was an utter delight.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Offensively unoriginal, predictable and full of plot holes. This movie has already been done dozen of times. Leave your suspension of disbelief outside when you come in to watch this.

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It Does What It Exactly Says On The Tin
A typical movie in which one of the parents or family members are living a double live and their past comes back to bite them in the arse.
Very simple plot, dodge cgi at times and as someone who knows a lot about the competitive gaming/streaming space I found those scenes really cringe and inaccurate.
Despite all those problems, i still enjoyed it and was thoroughly entertained. Mark Wahlberg was really good in the part.

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The movie is very stereotypical and predictable in basically every aspect, but still fun to watch. Mark is in a good shape, as always.

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A good one. This should have been shown in theaters.

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Enjoyable during the holidays but with plot-holes and cliches. Nothing to write home about.

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this was so much fun to watch. beautifully shot and great hdr grade. hilarious.

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For me action movies are not my thing, but I have to say this was entertaining. Had some funny moments. We have seen this kind of movie before nothing special. Is this a MUST WATCH? Well, you are bored on Christmas day, then this is the movie to keep you entertained.

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