Personal Lists featuring...

The Eagle Has Landed 1976


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Date: 2014-08-23


Movies with spy plot in any form (dramas, action, adventure, comedies, war, crime, mystery, conspiracy theories, political thrillers, science fiction, e.t.c.).

Definition: A Spy movie shows the espionage activities of government agents seeking to uncover or maintain secrets from each other and for one country or for the benefit of another. Offering a combination of exciting escapism, technological thrills, and exotic locales, and combine the action and science fiction genres. They may also involve elements of political thrillers.

Essential / Must-see / Genre-defying: espionage movies:

North By Northwest (1959)
Notorious (1946)
The Conversation (1974)
Mission: Impossible (1996)
Casino Royale (2006)


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


The horror and the heroism of war has long been a staple of cinema and the background for many different story genres, from anti-war comedies such as M*A*S*H to the heroic feats of combat troops and fighter pilots played by the likes of John Wayne and other screen favorites. Here are the 101 most memorable war films ever produced.


Todo el mejor cine de la historia
